手打ち 釜あげうどん・そば 団平

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Contact 手打ち 釜あげうどん・そば 団平

住所 :

Motohamacho, Kesennuma, 〒988-0003 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://danpei.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : Miyagi

Motohamacho, Kesennuma, 〒988-0003 Miyagi,Japan
宮城拳太郎 on Google

わき道に入った所にあるお店にお邪魔しました。 あまり見かけない紅生姜のかき揚げうどんがあったので注文しました。 一口食べて少ししょっぱいかな?と思いつつ紅生姜だからこんなものかな?と思い食べ続けましたが、終盤やはり塩味がきつく感じました。 ご飯が150円でしたが、1コイン(100円)だったら頼みやすいかなと思います。また、うどん屋さんなので、おいなりさんがあれば注文したかもしれません。 お店が少しわかりにくいので、看板で分かり易くすればもっといいと思います。
I visited a shop on the side road. I ordered a kakiage udon noodle with red pickled ginger, which I rarely see. Is it a little salty after eating a bite? I think it's a red pickled ginger, so is it something like this? I continued to eat, but I felt the salty taste was too strong at the end. Rice was 150 yen, but I think it would be easier to ask for 1 coin (100 yen). Also, since it's a udon restaurant, I might have ordered it if I had an inarizushi. The shop is a little difficult to understand, so I think it would be better if the signboard makes it easier to understand.
温泉大好き on Google

店に入って一番最初に印象的だったのは、店長さんの元気の良い「いらっしゃいませ」の声。 とても雰囲気が良く落ち着きのある店内でした。 カウンターで食べましたが、アルコールがきちんと設置されていてお店の気遣いが凄く感じられました。 牛蒡天うどんをいただきましたが天婦羅はサクサクでうどんもとても美味しく、大満足でしたね。うどんの種類もかなりの数があったので、また行ってみたいお店ですね。難点があるとすれば、駐車場が少々少ないので早めに入るのが良いかもしれません。雰囲気も味も大満足出来るので是非ともオススメしたいですね。
The first thing that impressed me when I entered the store was the cheerful voice of the store manager. The atmosphere was very good and calm. I ate at the counter, but the alcohol was properly set up, and I was able to really feel the caring of the shop. I was given Umakuten Udon but the tempura was crispy and the udon was very delicious and I was very satisfied. There were quite a few types of udon noodles, so I would like to go there again. If there are difficulties, it may be better to enter early because there are a few parking lots. The atmosphere and taste are very satisfying, so I definitely recommend it.
B Ren on Google

完全なる手作りの 美味しいお店。 今回は生姜焼き定食。 個人的にはじゅうぶな量だが 正直ボリュームは無い。 お腹ペコペコで満腹感を得たいなら 7〜8分茹で時間が掛かると言われる うどんをプラスする事をオススメします。 なぜなら 他のお客さんが 美味しい 美味しいと 連呼して食べていたから。 しかし、ランチは無い。 個人的にはランチのみとかのメニューで 半うどん や 半蕎麦とか有れば良いなぁと 思いました。 次回はうどんかな。
Completely handmade A delicious shop. This time, ginger grilled set meal. Personally enough To be honest, there is no volume. If you want to feel full with a hungry stomach It is said that it takes 7-8 minutes to boil We recommend adding udon noodles. Because Other customers delicious When delicious I was calling and eating. However, there is no lunch. Personally, with a menu such as lunch only Half udon Or I wish I had half buckwheat thought. I'll have udon next time.
とととごん on Google

The variations were rich and all looked delicious, the choice was difficult, the burdock heaven udon was delicious, and it was a feast. It was the second time I was introduced to a friend, but this time I ordered Toriten Udon and Mekabu Rice. First of all, it's good that the shop is clean, and the color is beautiful with raw eggs on the mekabu. Of course, the taste was delicious, and I liked the toriten udon and the voluminous udon and the warm soup. Also I want to go. It's a udon shop, but it also has ramen, so maybe I'll order it next time. Thank you for the meal. The clerk is also kind and nice (^ o ^)
Swing Jazzme on Google

I ate seasonal raw wakame udon noodles. Raw wakame seaweed is of course crispy. The soup is certainly salty, but the umami of the soup stock and the mellow saltiness are exquisite, and I felt it was delicious even for me, who likes light taste. If this was modest, I might have drank all the soup.
佐藤友椰 on Google

お昼御飯に紅白(ゴボ天と紅生姜天)釜揚げうどんとかき揚げ丼、とり天うどんを注文しました。 うどんは、ほどよい長さでコシは柔らかなのでお年寄りにも優しいうどんです。つけだれは、濃いめ,かけは、若干濃いめでもう少し薬味が欲しいと感じました。 天ぷらは、ゴボウが薄切りなのでゴボウ感は少ないです。紅生姜は比率が良く美味しかったです。とり天は衣がしっとりしています。 かき揚げ丼は油分が多く丼下のたまっていました。
For lunch, I ordered red and white (burdock heaven and red ginger heaven) kamaage udon, kakiage bowl, and toriten udon. Udon is moderately long and soft, so it is kind to the elderly. I felt that the spices were darker and the kake was slightly darker, and I wanted a little more condiments. Tempura has less burdock feeling because the burdock is sliced. The pickled ginger had a good ratio and was delicious. Toriten has a moist batter. The kakiage bowl had a lot of oil and was piled up under the bowl.
Ryo Okishima on Google

普通に美味しかった! 明太あんかけはもう少し具を工夫した方が良いかと。ネギは白ネギも美味しいけど 小口切りの細ネギの方が合いそうだなぁ。彩りにもなるし。
It was delicious as usual! I wondered if it would be better to devise a little more ingredients for Meita Ankake. White onions are also delicious, but finely chopped green onions seem to be more suitable. It can also be colorful.
及川真紀 on Google

初訪問で期間限定の『牡蠣の天ぷらうどん』を注文?大粒の牡蠣で、提供されて直ぐはサクサクの衣、後半は味シミシミの衣で美味しく完食してきました‼️ 少し遅めのお昼時間でしたが、次々とお客さんが入店してきて『ごぼう天うどん』や『団平うどん』を頼む人が多いようでしたし、ご飯物も美味しそうだったので今度は定番商品にチャレンジしたいと思います?
I ordered "Oyster Tempura Udon" for a limited time at my first visit ? It was a large oyster, and it was served deliciously with crispy batter and the second half with taste stain batter! ️ It was a little late lunch time, but it seemed that many customers came in one after another and asked for "burdock heaven udon" and "danpei udon", and the rice seemed to be delicious, so this time I would like to challenge the standard products ?

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