炭火鶏焼屋 たまい

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 炭火鶏焼屋 たまい

住所 :

Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0001 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.tamai-group.com/sumibi.htm
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, 〒213-0001 Kanagawa,Japan
翼の向こうに(MTSUCHIY) on Google

黄金つくねを始め焼き鳥はどれも美味しい。 また行きたいです。
All yakitori, including the golden tsukune, are delicious. I want to go again.
Kazuhide Takahashi on Google

毎年、冬になると(だいたい12月から)外席はレギュラーメニューのドリンクが半額になるのでお得です。 これと定番の焼き鳥五本セットを頼めばかなりお得に飲めます(^-^)
Every year in winter (from about December), outside seats are discounted because regular menu drinks are half priced. If you order this and a standard set of five yakitori, you can drink it at a great deal (^-^)
アクセル全開 on Google

定番のつくねがバカウマてした。 他に手羽先、レバー、皮を注文しましたがやっぱりヤキトンの方がいいな。 焼き鳥が美味いとの口コミでしたが、他グループ店より美味しいのは間違いないです。
The classic Tsukuyane was a bakuma. I ordered chicken wings, levers and skins, but Yakiton is better. The yakitori was a great review, but it's definitely more delicious than other group stores.
二階堂旬 on Google

前にお世話になりました! お酒に合うタレの味だったり、あっさり塩味などコスパも良くオススメです! たまたま通りかかってついクチコミ書いちゃいました! ほんとオススメです!
Thank you for your help before! Cospa is also highly recommended, such as the taste of sauce that goes well with sake and the light salty taste! I happened to pass by and wrote a review! I really recommend it!
Azusa Shikimi on Google

持ち帰りの焼き鳥セットがコスパ最高です。付属の柚子胡椒も良い。 電話すれば作っておいてくれますし、他のたまいと間違えてないか大体確認してくれます。 お店は1人でも行けるくらい気軽な感じです。反対側は飲み屋密集地なので、ガヤガヤしすぎない方が好みな人はこちらをお勧めします。
Cospa is the best yakitori set to take home. The included yuzu pepper is also good. If you call, they will make it for you, and they will generally check to make sure you haven't mistaken it for other purposes. The shop is so casual that even one person can go there. The other side is a densely populated area, so we recommend this if you prefer not to be overly frustrated.
yoko sh (yokosh) on Google

この辺りを網羅しているたまい。 俺が行ったのここじゃないんだが、MAPに出てこないからさ。 ひとりだったから店外近くの立ち飲みスペースで。 いろいろサービスしていただきました。 この低温調理した鶏レバー刺、超美味かったです。 最近、本当はいけないのに平気でレバー刺しを出すもつ焼き屋や焼肉屋が多くて、取り締まって欲しいと思っていたところ。 感動したね、この低温調理のレバー。 また鶏白レバーなのが嬉しいね。 他の串焼きも美味かったです。 しかし、昔から知ってますが、溝の口のこの辺りは楽しいねぇ。 前日は大井町で飲んだが、すっかり街全体が落ち着いてたよ。 だが溝の口は変わらず活気あるせんべろっぷりで良かった。 また行きます。
It's a tame that covers this area. It's not here I went, but it doesn't appear on the MAP. Because I was alone, in the standing drinking space near the outside of the store. We had various services. This low temperature cooked chicken liver sashimi was super delicious. Recently, there are many yakiniku restaurants and yakiniku restaurants that are willing to put out liver sashimi even though they shouldn't be true, and I wanted them to crack down. I was impressed with this low temperature cooking liver. I'm also happy that it's a chicken white liver. The other skewers were also delicious. However, as I've known for a long time, this area around Mizonokuchi is fun. I drank in Oimachi the day before, but the whole city was completely calm. However, Mizonokuchi was still lively and good. I will go again.
Kuber Sodari on Google

I liked the taste of food there. It was served with sauce that added the taste to the meat items. It was great experience having food on open
Ali Emre Kepenek on Google

It was a very nice experience. There is a counter outside where you can sit, but that was full when we visited. Due to Covid-19, the inside of the restaurant was empty, so we had our own private yakitori experience. We sat upstairs, where we ate and watched TV (that was placed on top of a fridge). I could enjoy many kinds of delicious foods. The food portions are quite big! The atmosphere is something from the Shōwa era. The walls are yellowish due to smoke and I'm sure some posters on the walls are there for decades. But that all adds to the charm, in my opinion. The employees matched the restaurant and were very kind. I definitely recommend you to visit this place! ほんとに美味しかったです。ありがとうございました!

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