patisserie NOCONOCO

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact patisserie NOCONOCO

住所 :

Sugao, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0015 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878988
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Sugao, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0015 Kanagawa,Japan
おいもん on Google

都内の煌びやかなケーキよりも、美味しい! 何度食べても、やっぱり美味しい! 家族揃ってバースデーケーキを数年こちらで作ってもらっています。 2021年のクリスマスケーキもレベルが高かった…シェフおすすめのノエルショコラを注文しました。切ってみると10層以上!なんと丁寧に作られているのか。ヘーゼルナッツと高カカオのショコラの豊かな風味が絶品でした。 また次のクリスマスも期待しています!
It's more delicious than the gorgeous cakes in Tokyo! No matter how many times you eat it, it's still delicious! The whole family has been making birthday cakes here for several years. The level of the 2021 Christmas cake was also high ... I ordered the chef's recommended Noel Chocolat. When you cut it, there are more than 10 layers! How carefully it is made. The rich flavor of hazelnuts and high cacao chocolate was excellent. I'm also looking forward to the next Christmas!
yoke 7724 on Google

The dough under the so-called tart pie is firm and you can eat it deliciously without fluttering. Baked sweets and lemon cakes look good as gifts this time around.
パンが大好きコッペパン on Google

ご近所のケーキ屋さんです。 お散歩がてら出掛けては色々といただいています。 もの凄くおしゃれと言うわけではないけれど、ホッとできるようなかわいいケーキです。 どんどん美味しくなってると思います!
chi momo on Google

I visited for the first time to look for a return for White Day! I'm going to give it to someone, but after seeing the cake case, I bought it for my family. Not only the appearance but also the deliciousness is very satisfying! !! Earl Gray was very delicious.
makiyan on Google

The cake was delicious as a souvenir from my family! / I entered the store for the first time to buy souvenirs, and the Halloween gift set is very cute ♪ The clerk is also smiling and attentive. The cake looks very delicious so I would like to come back to my family's birthday.
K S on Google

広くはない店内にお客さんが次々訪れていました。街の人に愛されるケーキ屋さん。そんな言葉がぴったりです。 ショートケーキは口に入れた瞬間、スポンジ固いかな?と思ったらシュワっと溶けてシフォンケーキみたいな感じ。どっしり脂肪分の高い生クリームに濃厚な味のイチゴ。 スポンジが甘く、クリームは甘さ控えめ。 この大きさで満足するボリュームでした。 モンブランはシャクシャクなメレンゲの土台、その上のクリームのバランスが良くお気に入りになりました。 バナナは濃厚なバナナのムースが美味しく、土台はビターなチョコレートの2層のスポンジ。ただ一つ残念だったのは上のバナナのゼリーがぶあつ過ぎてバナナの味がイマイチだったくらい。 他にもたくさんのケーキがあったので食べてみたいです。
Customers were visiting one after another in the store, which was not large. A cake shop loved by the people of the city. Such words are perfect. Is the shortcake sponge hard the moment you put it in your mouth? When I think about it, it melts and feels like a chiffon cake. Strawberries with a rich taste and thick cream with a high fat content. The sponge is sweet and the cream is modest. It was a satisfying volume with this size. Montblanc has become a favorite because of its crispy meringue base and the well-balanced cream on it. The banana has a delicious rich banana mousse, and the base is a two-layer sponge of bitter chocolate. The only disappointment was that the banana jelly above was too hot and the banana taste was not good. There were many other cakes, so I would like to try them.
Masakatsu Futami on Google

2022年2回目の訪問。 サバラン結構アルコール効いてます‼️ バナナのケーキ美味しいですよ。 2022年初訪問です。 小さな店舗ですが、 各種ケーキ、丁寧に作られていますね。 安価で美味しいですよ? 檸檬ケーキもオススメ‼️
Second visit in 2022. Savarin is quite alcoholic! ️ The banana cake is delicious. This is my first visit in 2022. It ’s a small store, but Various cakes are carefully made. It's cheap and delicious ? Lemon cake is also recommended! ️
Cheerup-007 on Google

近所の皆さんに愛されている小さなケーキ屋さんです。 近くを散歩で通るのですが以前からGoogle口コミで気になっておりやっと来ることが出来ました。 散歩の途中という事もあり、すぐ食べられる小さめのお菓子を3種買い、お店の外のテーブルで頂きました。 (ガス窯シュークリーム、檸檬ケーキ、ノコノコショコラの3種) (店内のイートインは2022年2月現在コロナ対応でお休み中みたいです。) 外で食べてる間も常に人が訪れて人気の高さが伺えました。 店の前の駐車場は3台分。 自転車、バイク置き場は3〜4台は置けるでしょうか。 隣にあるFitCareDEPOTの買い物のついでにこちらに寄ってスイーツを買われてる方もいらして”なるほど”と妙に納得してしまいました。 (FitCareの方が駐車場も広く停めやすいですしね...) 店名のノコノコとカメ... 絶対スーパーマ○オのオマージュですよね。 中にはサッパリわからない人もいるんだろうなぁと思いました。 私は可愛くて良いなと思います?? 今回はケーキを食べられませんでしたが次回はぜひ口コミでもオススメのケーキを食べたいです。
It is a small cake shop loved by everyone in the neighborhood. I take a walk nearby, but I've been interested in Google reviews for a long time and finally I was able to come. Since I was in the middle of a walk, I bought 3 kinds of small sweets that I could eat right away and had them at the table outside the store. (3 types of gas kiln cream puff, lemon cake, and nokonoko chocolate) (Eat-in in the store seems to be closed due to corona support as of February 2022.) People always visited while eating outside, and I could see how popular it was. The parking lot in front of the store is for 3 cars. Is it possible to store 3 or 4 bicycles and motorcycles? Some people stopped by to buy sweets while shopping for FitCare DEPOT next door, and I was strangely convinced that "I see." (FitCare has a wider parking lot and is easier to park ...) Store name Koopa Troopa and turtles ... It's definitely a homage to Super Ma * o. I wondered if some people didn't understand it. I think it's cute and nice ?? I couldn't eat the cake this time, but next time I definitely want to eat the recommended cake by word of mouth.

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