Fuji-no-yu - Fuchu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fuji-no-yu

住所 :

2 Chome-27-20 Asahicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 183-0003
Webサイト : https://spa-tokyo.net/z-t-fuji-fu/index.html

2 Chome-27-20 Asahicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0003, Japan
kw on Google

もう知ってる限り40年は続いている。 とは言えリニューアルはしているので綺麗です。 銭湯が始まる16時はお風呂を楽しみにしているおじいちゃん、おばあちゃんが並んでいることも。 番頭さんも気さくで良いです。 井戸水だそうです。 お湯は熱めで出てきた時はポッカポッカ 地元に愛されていると思います。
As far as I know, it has been going on for 40 years. However, it is beautiful because it has been renewed. At 16:00 when the public bath starts, grandpas and grandmas who are looking forward to the bath may be lined up. The clerk is also friendly. It's well water. When the hot water comes out hot, it's pokkapokka I think it is loved by the locals.
Wam飛田給校 on Google

THE銭湯。 水風呂が冷たすぎず入りやすいのは良かったです。
THE public bath. It was good that the water bath was not too cold and easy to enter.
bozzo mori on Google

本日の銭湯、多磨『藤の湯』。マンション一階にある007の私邸ジャグジーみたいなデザインの銭湯。規模やカタチは閉口だけど、地下135mから汲み上げた水風呂はこんな夏場でもひんやり。軟水が馴染むわ。湯舟もジャグジーよろしく強力なジェット併設でグイグイ!独り占め!古い体重計があったので創業を聞いたら昭和一桁と。15年程前まで宮造りだったのよ…と。その頃伺いたかったわ。 #photobybozzo
Today's public bath, Tama "Fujinoyu". A public bathhouse designed on the first floor of the condominium that looks like a private jacuzzi 007. The scale and shape are closed, but the water bath pumped from 135 m underground is cool even in such a summer. The soft water will adapt. The bathtub is also a jacuzzi. Monopolize! There was an old scale, so when I heard about its founding, it was the 1st digit of Showa. It was a shrine structure until about 15 years ago... I wanted to ask you at that time. #photobybozzo
Takashi M on Google

2022/01/07 に利用させていただきました 雪が残る寒い日でしたがとてもあたたまりました。 ロビーには自販機とテレビありくつろげました。 また利用したいです。 アメニティーは備え付けがないため持ち込みか購入となります
We used it on 2022/01/07 It was a cold day with snow, but it was very warm. There was a vending machine and a TV in the lobby, so I could relax. I still want to use it. Amenity is not provided, so you will have to bring it in or purchase it.
銭湯甲斐 on Google

60余年の歴史があるそうです。 カウンター式の番台で、こじんまりした造りの風呂となっています。浴槽は、大がひとつと水風呂の二槽です。 大きな浴槽には、ジェットが二種類と寝湯が有り、41度程度です。 シャンプーやボディーソープは持って行きましょう。 飲み物の自販機は、番台の奥にありました。
It has a history of more than 60 years. It is a counter-type number, and it is a small bath. There are two bathtubs, one large and one cold bath. The large bathtub has two types of jets and a sleeping bath, which is about 41 degrees Celsius. Bring shampoo and body soap. The drink vending machine was in the back of the watch stand.
そもさんY on Google

It is a beautiful public bath that is quite modernized because the public bath near the Tama station was originally a business hotel and the public bath has been changed to a public bath. The ingredients are displayed in front of the store because the bath is boiled using well water. There are only two baths, a narrow bath with a jacuzzi and a large bath with only the indoor bath. There is no sauna. Since it is a public bath, the basics are all brought in. Originally the facilities of the business hotel are diverted, but the public bath is not so big and the lounge is not so large, so meeting outside may be better. The parking lot has about 3 spaces beside the store, but there are bicycles and so on, so there are some timing factors to be able to park. Please note that there is only a vending machine inside and milk is not sold.
おーちラーメン on Google

初めて、利用しました。富士山の壁画は無いけど、the銭湯で、かなり良い風呂です。 なにせ、きれいです。 一人暮らしでシャワーだけど、たまには足を伸ばして風呂に入りたいと思ったら、最適な所でした。 お風呂セットは、何も無いので、タオル.石鹸は、持っていくと良いです。手ぶらセットがありますが、少し足りないので。 次行く時は、タオルを持ってゆっくりいきたいです。
I used it for the first time. There is no mural painting of Mt. Fuji, but the public bath is a pretty good bath. After all, it's beautiful. I live alone and take a shower, but if I sometimes want to stretch my legs and take a bath, it was the best place. There is nothing in the bath set, so it's a good idea to bring a towel and soap. There is an empty-handed set, but it's a little short. When I go next time, I want to take a towel and go slowly.
大石佳昭 on Google

免許の更新で近くに来たので来ました やや小さめの銭湯です。 評価点としてはA 確かに綺麗な方ですが断トツ感では無いです。 と…シビアな感じですが綺麗目なので来る事はあると思います。 リラックスして入れる感じの暗めの湯で真水タイプの銭湯。 設備ほやや古めただ汚い感はないのでいいですね。 バイクだと止められるスペースが有るのもいい。 個人的には設備が良くても汚い感あると行きたくない人なので 又来るかもしれないと言うだけでそこそこの評価だったりします。
I came because I came near by renewing my license It is a slightly smaller public bath. As an evaluation point, A It's a beautiful person, but it doesn't feel like a tough one. And ... It's a severe feeling, but I think it may come because it has beautiful eyes. A fresh water type public bath with a dark water that makes you feel relaxed. The equipment is a little old, but it doesn't feel dirty, so it's good. It's nice to have a space that can be stopped on a motorcycle. Personally, I don't want to go if the equipment is good but it feels dirty. Just saying that it may come again is a decent evaluation.

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