Fujimaki Dermatology and Urology Clinic - Fuchu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujimaki Dermatology and Urology Clinic

住所 :

中野ビル 1 Chome-23-9 Miyamachi, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 183-0023
Webサイト : https://www.city.fuchu.tokyo.jp/shisetu/ichiran/sinai-hinyoukika.html

中野ビル 1 Chome-23-9 Miyamachi, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0023, Japan
みみ on Google

受付の女性は凄い感じのいい方でしたが、医院長がクソです。症状を説明してもそれは分からないですねー、の一点張り。今使ってる薬が分からないなら無理ですねと。分からないからきているのに!下の口コミにもありましたが。医者なのに分からないってなんですか?暇だったのに食い気味にきて患者をなんだと思ってるのかと思いました。ずっと通院してる病院が住んでるところから遠いので受診したのに ならその病院で処方してもらってる薬教えて貰わないとダメだねー と言われました。同じ症状の人は何人もいるのに観る事さえしませんでした。色々ありますが一言で言うと本当にクソです。いい口コミをしてる人の理由が本当にわかりません。皆さま行かない方がいいです。二度と行きません。星一つも付けたくないくらいです。自分の言うことが全て正しいという言い方が腹たちます。こちらの話は一切聞きません。
The woman at the reception was a wonderful feeling, but the clinic president is shit. Ne is not it know also describes the symptoms, of persistently. It is impossible if the medicine you are using now do not know the. Though it has do not know! There was also reviews below. What is not know to the doctor of the? I thought what you think it's what the patient come to eat feeling to was free. It was told Ne useless unless Morawa tell me medicine that ask them to prescribe Nara in the hospital to have a medical examination so far from where the hospital is live that much is attending. People of the same symptoms did not even be seen to have any person. There are many is really fucking In a nutshell. Person of the reason for the good review I do not know really. You should not go everyone. You do not go again. I do not want to add any stars. Yourself of the words will be set belly that it is all right to say. I will not listen to anything here.
risu shima on Google

患者の状態をしっかり話を聞いたうえで、判り易く(上から目線な感じは一切なく)丁寧に穏やかに説明してくれます。 すぐ判る事と、試行錯誤せねば判らない事、そのあたりもちゃんと濁さず説明が有りました(原因のはっきりしないアレルギー系で受診の為)。 近頃はPCの画面しか見ずに “本当にこの医者はこちらの状態を判って対処してくれるのか”と不安しか残らないお医者さんが多い中、親身に対処してもらえる安心感があります。
After listening carefully to the patient's condition, he/she will explain in a gentle and easy-to-understand manner (there is no need to look at it from above). There were explanations that I could understand immediately, things that I would not understand without trial and error, and that there was no turbidity properly (because I had an allergic system whose cause is unclear). Recently, there are many doctors who only look at the PC screen and ask, "Is this doctor really aware of the condition?
あやぱんまん on Google

木曜日、いつも行っている皮膚科が休みのため初めて受診しました。子供が毛虫にやられ、顔から肩にかけてぼこぼこ。的確な判断と丁寧な説明で、次の日にはほとんど腫れがひきました。 若干古びた内装で、昭和感たっぷりな感じですが、受付も先生も対応良いです。たまたまかもしれませんが、見ず知らずの来院している方々も気さくに話しかけてくれる優しい方ばかりでした。 その中の一人が『ここは先生の腕がいいから、すぐに治るよ』と言っていましたが、本当でした!次回からはこちらに通います
On Thursday, my regular dermatologist visited me for the first time on holiday. A child is attacked by a caterpillar, and it is bumpy from face to shoulder. With good judgment and careful explanation, the next day almost swollen. The decor is a little old, and it feels like Showa, but both the reception and the teacher are good. It may happen, but the strangers who visited the hospital were all friendly people who were friendly. One of them said, “This is my teacher's skill, so I ’ll be cured soon.” It was true! I will go here from the next time
山下肇 on Google

受付の方は親切ですが、肝心の診察が全く意味のないものでした。 本当に医師免許もってるのか怪しいくらいです。 患部を見せてもろくに診断せず他病院へたらい回しにされます。 他の病院の話してる時間が8割くらいじゃないでしょうか。 私は二度と行きません。
The receptionist was kind, but the essential examination was completely meaningless. I wonder if I really have a doctor's license. Even if I show the affected area, I will not be diagnosed and will be sent to another hospital. I think about 80% of the time I'm talking at other hospitals. I will never go again.
Stinglay on Google

It is an old hospital that the old hospital looked like this, but the inside of the hospital is clean. The teacher is a grandpa who does not wear a white coat, but he seems to have a lot of knowledge and the medical treatment and explanation are accurate. I'm glad that it's free (laughs) I specialize in dermatology and urology, so I recommend it especially if you have a disease around the genital area. Many urology clinics are not good at skin systems, such as stones and dialysis.
薮田奈々 on Google

原因を知りたかったのに、「わたしにはわかりません」正直診察料はらいたくなかったです。 気さくな先生だとは思うのですが何のための医者なのかって感じでした。 薬も事前に他で持ってた効かないって言ったやつの名前が違うやつを出されて、いい加減だなと思いました。 患者がいないのも納得。 薬もらだけなら患者がいないからいいと思いますが、小さい時から皮膚科に通ってる側としては当たり前の事を言って、原因を全然考えなくて今時いるんだなと思いました。 二度といかないです。
I wanted to know the cause, but "I don't know." Honestly, I didn't want to pay the medical examination fee. I think he is a friendly teacher, but I was wondering what he was for. I was given a different name for the medicine that I had in advance and said it didn't work, so I thought it was sloppy. I am convinced that there are no patients. I think it's okay if I only get medicine because there are no patients, but as a person who has been attending dermatology since I was little, I said something natural, and I thought that I am now without thinking about the cause at all. I will never go again.
Akira997s on Google

日曜日の午前中にも関わらず開院しているということで行きました。駅から歩いて数分ですぐ見つけました。さほど混まず、常に入れ替わりで3,4人待っていますがクチコミで低評価の方のレビュー見てから行きましたが待たされたという感じはしませんでした。 ただ受付のおばさんは説明が足りないかな。手際があまり良くないのか、のんびりしている感じはしました。昔の医院っていう印象です。先生も白衣ではなくワイシャツ姿で、どの人が先生か最初分からず?割と古い日本人の価値観をお持ちで、仰ることはごもっともながら、受け答えとタイミング、患者さんの話を聞く姿勢があるのかないのか分からない人柄でマイナスイメージ持たれる感じがしました。 診断はスムーズでしたが、時節柄患部を触られた後に手指消毒なしでカルテ記入に戻られたのは個人的には結構気にしました。
I went there because it was open even though it was Sunday morning. I found it in a few minutes on foot from the station. It wasn't so crowded, and I was always waiting for 3 or 4 people to take turns, but I went after seeing the reviews of the low-rated people in the reviews, but I didn't feel like I was waiting. However, the aunt at the reception may not have enough explanation. I felt like I was laid back, maybe because I wasn't very good at it. It's an old clinic. The teacher is also wearing a shirt instead of a lab coat, and he doesn't know who the teacher is at first ? He has old Japanese values, and while he is right to say, he has an attitude of listening to the patient's story. I felt that I had a negative image because of my personality that I didn't know if it wasn't there. The diagnosis was smooth, but I personally was quite worried that I was able to return to the chart without disinfecting my fingers after touching the affected area.
Arisa Ine on Google

The staff are kind and the doctor puts so much effort to talk and explain to me in english. He listens very well to my concerns.

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