
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジャンボラーメン・愛ちゃん

住所 :

Mitsui, Ichinomiya, 〒491-0827 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
街 : 区画 Aichi

Mitsui, Ichinomiya, 〒491-0827 Aichi,Japan
しじみ丸 on Google

Although it is called stamina ramen in Ichinomiya, the origin of Viet Cong Ramen, it is by far the most delicious of all Viet Cong and stamina ramen!
すーまーたん on Google

野菜たっぷり安定のおいしさです。 店主と女将さんの人柄が良く、昔ながらの町の中華屋さんです。満腹間違いなし!
It is a stable and delicious dish with plenty of vegetables. The owner and the landlady have a good personality, and it is a traditional Chinese restaurant in the town. There is no doubt that you will be full!
ヒマ中のまつ on Google

今日の在宅勤務のお昼ごはん 昔からお店の前をよく通っていて気になっていたお店 店名の印象から「大盛りのお店」と思い込んでいた 事前にメニューを確認し「スタミナラーメン」か「Aセット(チャーラー)」で迷う 12:40、お店到着 駐車場は8割ほど埋まっている ラーメンメニュー(ラーメンだけで26種) 定食・セットのメニュー う~ん「Aセットお願いします」と発声する 配膳された「Aセット」 こ~ゆ~のでいいんだよぉ!系の見慣れたラーメン 鶏ガラスープの飲み慣れたスープに 黄色い縮れ麺は「中華」を名乗る最低条件だ 食べ慣れた飽きのこない炒飯も美味しい 量はいわゆる「サービスセット」の概念より多めで満足 次回は豊富なラーメンメニューの中から選択したい
Lunch at home today A shop that I've always been interested in because I used to go in front of the shop From the impression of the store name, I thought that it was a "large store" Check the menu in advance and get lost with "stamina ramen" or "A set (charler)" Arrival at the store at 12:40 The parking lot is about 80% full Ramen menu (26 types of ramen alone) Set meal / set menu Hmmm, say "A set please" Served "A set" This is good! Familiar ramen For the familiar soup of chicken glass soup Yellow curly noodles are the minimum requirement to call yourself "Chinese" The timeless fried rice you are used to eating is also delicious The amount is more than the so-called "service set" concept and is satisfying Next time I want to choose from an abundant ramen menu
ミィ on Google

Ramen set I think it was 930. It was simple, with plenty of vegetables, and it was light and delicious. The mother of the shop is also full of energy, and it is easy to enter in a friendly manner. See you tomorrow. The fried rice was also delicious. There were a lot of signs. It's a popular shop
m on Google

メンマラーメン、チャーハン、揚げそばを食べました!奇をてらわない子供も食べれる安定の味。なので私以外にも親子連れがいました。 ご年配の夫婦で営まれてるようなので、混んでる時は提供が遅くなるので容赦してあげましょう。 器はジャンボに見えますがさほど多くないのでご安心を。量を期待するのであればジャンボで頼みましょう。
I ate Menma Ramen, Fried Rice, and Fried Soba! A stable taste that even children who are not strange can eat. So there were parents and children besides me. It seems that it is run by an elderly couple, so please forgive it as it will be delayed when it is crowded. The bowl looks like a jumbo, but don't worry, it's not so many. If you expect the amount, ask for it with jumbo.
メガだよ on Google

以前から気になってた店に初めて来た! 少し古びた感じの看板と店の佇まいもあって、なかなか入れなかったことも間違いないこと? 駐車場は10台以上駐車可能、大型乗用車頑張らないと隣り合わせになると少し乗り降りが厳しいかなぁ〜ってとこです。 店内は座敷席が3テーブル分、テーブル席が2テーブル分、掘りごたつ席が2テーブル分ある。 気になるのは、前の客の皿などが片付けてない状態になっていること。夫婦2人なので少々遅れるのはわかるが、ちょっと遅すぎに感じた。 今回の注文は餃子、炒飯、八宝菜。炒飯は胡椒の味が強めに出てるが全体的に薄めの味付け、八宝菜は味は濃いめだけど甘い。餃子は普通ってとこです。 支払いは現金、メニュー価格は税込価格です。
I came to the store I've always been interested in for the first time! There is no doubt that it was difficult to enter because of the slightly old signboard and the appearance of the store ? The parking lot can park more than 10 cars, and if you don't do your best for large passenger cars, getting on and off will be a little difficult if you are next to each other. There are 3 tatami mat seats, 2 table seats, and 2 digging seats. What is worrisome is that the dishes of the previous customer have not been cleaned up. I know it's a little late because there are two couples, but I felt it was a little too late. This time I ordered dumplings, fried rice, and eight treasures. The fried rice has a strong pepper flavor but is lightly seasoned overall, and the eight treasures have a strong but sweet taste. Dumplings are normal. Payment is in cash and menu prices are tax-included.
水貴 on Google

スペシャルラーメンを注文しました。 スープは濃厚で味付けも良く食べ応えのある美味しいスープになります。 具材は唐揚げとにんにく、モヤシ、ニラ、ひき肉を甘辛く炒めていて、炒め方も絶妙で野菜のエグミもなくシャキシャキ感が絶妙でした、唐揚げもスープとの相性も良かったです。 麺は昔ながらのたまご麺で美味しかったです。 ちゃんとしたお店なのでまた機会がありましたら伺いたくなります。
I ordered a special ramen. The soup is rich and well seasoned, making it a delicious soup that is satisfying to eat. The ingredients were fried chicken, garlic, bean sprouts, garlic chives, and minced meat, which were fried sweet and spicy. The noodles were old-fashioned egg noodles and were delicious. It's a decent shop, so if you have another chance, you'll want to visit.
SHIN N on Google

お昼時、店内はガテン系の方々でいっぱいです。相席覚悟で入店。 店内、4人掛けテーブルが2卓と、掘りごたつ式の小上がり4人掛けテーブルが2卓。 小上がり座敷4人掛けテーブル2卓です。 Aセット(ラーメン、チャーハン)をオーダー。 老夫婦で切り盛りされているみたいです。 提供まで多少の時間がかかります。 ラーメンのコーン?がいいです。チャーハンはしっとり系ですが、紅しょうがといただくと美味しいです。 とにかく、大将、女将さんの元気な声がいいですね。地元のお客様に愛されている感じがしました。店内、力士やらプロ野球選手、プロゴルファーなどのサイン色紙がかなり貼られておりました。 駐車場の車幅区画線がかなり狭いので大きな車で行かれる際はご注意を。 ご馳走さまでした。
At noon, the store is full of Gaten people. Entered the store with the preparedness to share a seat. Inside the store, there are 2 tables for 4 people and 2 tables for 4 people with a digging-type small rise. It is a small raised tatami room for 4 people and 2 tables. I ordered A set (ramen, fried rice). It seems that it is being cut by an old couple. It will take some time to serve. I like ramen corn ?. Fried rice is moist, but it is delicious with pickled ginger. Anyway, I like the cheerful voices of the general and the landlady. I felt loved by local customers. Inside the store, autographs of wrestlers, professional baseball players, professional golfers, etc. were affixed. Please be careful when you go by a big car because the width division line of the parking lot is quite narrow. It was a feast.

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