
2.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact 東建コーポレーション広島支店

住所 :

Misasamachi, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0003 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.token-hiroshima.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Misasamachi, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0003 Hiroshima,Japan
hiro t on Google

たにー on Google

平日いつかけても、定休日か休みの自動音声 ホントにやってるんでしょうか? 来客時の駐車場も明らかに空きがあるのに、嘘つかれてコインパーキングに止めてもらうしかない 自社製の物件は保証人になってくれる人いるのに、毎月3000円の保証料払う方法しかない 今後引っ越す時は契約したくないと思いました。
Automatic voice on regular holidays or holidays, even on weekdays Are you really doing it? Even though the parking lot at the time of the visitor is obviously vacant, there is no choice but to lie and stop at coin parking There is a person who can be a guarantor for the property made in-house, but there is only a way to pay a guarantee fee of 3000 yen every month. I didn't want to sign a contract when I moved in the future.
chaby’n (chaby'n) on Google

移転前にここで物件を探したが内覧時と入居後では言っている事が全く違う。 以前住んでいた物件で騒音に悩まされていたと相談し紹介された物件だが、入居初日から今日に至るまで上階の足音、車の音、おまけに近隣で井戸端会議しているおばちゃんの声まで筒抜け。 そもそも内覧時にはコンクリート造でよっぽどでない限り音が響くことはありません。音が響くとすれば騒音の主はよっぽどの入居者ですと説明を受けたが、入居初日から上記の通りです。 電話で数回相談もしましたが改善されず。 しかも部屋の位置的に音は響きます、上の住人とは断定できないなどと言われる始末。 車の騒音等はどうしようもありませんが他の入居者の迷惑行為は改善させるべきでは? 少し前にどうやら上階の入居者が退去しましたが、そこから次の入居者が入るまでは静かになりました。 とは言え今は新しい入居者のガンガン響く足音に毎日ストレスを抱えていますが。 また相談したところで無駄なので直接言いに行くべきか迷っていますが、入居者が変わっても相変わらずなので無駄骨に終わるでしょう。 建物の造りが悪いのか、はたまた2連続で「よっぽど」の入居者なのか、、 時間がない中での物件探しだったのでしょうがなかった面もありますがプロとして仕事として正確な情報は伝えて欲しかったですね 不動産の人間への不信感がより一層強まりました。 現在は自分で情報をかき集め家の構造から勉強して物件を血眼で探しているので見つかり次第速攻で引っ越すのがベストな選択ですね
I searched for a property here before moving, but what I said at the time of preview and after moving in is completely different. The property was introduced after consulting with the property that I used to live in and was suffering from noise, but from the first day of moving in to the present day, the footsteps of the upper floors, the sound of cars, and the voice of an aunt who is having a well-end meeting in the neighborhood are missing. .. In the first place, there is no sound at the time of preview unless it is made of concrete and is very rugged. I was told that if the sound resonates, the main noise is the resident, but from the first day of occupancy, it is as above. I consulted on the phone several times, but it didn't improve. Moreover, the sound echoes in the position of the room, and it is said that it cannot be determined as the upper resident. There is nothing we can do about the noise of the car, but should we improve the nuisance of other residents? Apparently, the resident on the upper floor moved out a while ago, but it became quiet until the next resident entered. However, I'm now stressed every day by the screaming footsteps of new residents. Also, when I consulted, it was useless, so I was wondering if I should go directly to say it, but even if the resident changes, it will still be useless. Is the building badly built, or is it a resident of "Yoppodo" for the second time in a row? Perhaps I was looking for a property in a short time, but there are some aspects that I did not have, but as a professional I wanted you to convey accurate information as a job. The distrust of real estate people has become even stronger. Currently, I'm looking for a property with a bloody eye by collecting information by myself and studying from the structure of the house, so it's best to move quickly as soon as I find it.

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