Minoagatanushi Shrine - Yao

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Minoagatanushi Shrine

住所 :

1 Chome-71 Kaminoshimachominami, Yao, Osaka 581-0846, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 581-0846
Webサイト : https://www.osaka-jinjacho.jp/funai_jinja/dai6shibu/yao-city/t105.html

1 Chome-71 Kaminoshimachominami, Yao, Osaka 581-0846, Japan
安田カズキ on Google

There is a parking lot. There are also ponds and trees, so it may be a good place to stop for a walk.
庄達哉 on Google

A quiet shrine.
おかべちとし on Google

Wandering in the morning! Recently I'm approaching a shrine! A temple! ? Maybe it's because of my age ? No, it's different ? It was a refreshing morning ?
noboru okamoto on Google

Uenoshima Shrine, commonly known as Kaminoshima Shrine. In the first year of Reiwa, the western approach was renewed, and the torii gate was renewed. The shrine's forest is also a shrine full of trees.
ただポン90 on Google

御野縣主神社 旧大和川堤防跡が残っています。 境内の森はサギのコロニーになっています。 フンに注意。
Minoagatanushi Shrine The remains of the former Yamato River embankment remain. The forest in the precincts is a heron colony. Watch out for shit.
pillow block on Google

地元では地元では「上之島神社」と呼ぶと聞きました 保全樹林の中にある旧大和川の堤防 現存するのはここだけなんだとか、実に興味深い 御朱印もいただきました
I heard that the locals call it "Uenoshima Shrine". Former Yamato River embankment in a conservation forest It ’s really interesting that it ’s the only one that still exists. I also received a red stamp
バッシーS on Google

There are several parking lots for worshipers on the north side. There is a passage in the precincts that enters not only from the east side but also from the west side (behind the shrine). However, it is narrow.
Saisai Sai on Google

パワースポット:☆☆☆☆☆ (薄暗さはあるが、知る人ぞ知る疫病に効果のあるパワースポット) 立地:☆☆☆ (住宅街の裏地にあり目立たないが、立地は良い) 駐車場 (無いと思うので、近隣のパーキングに停める) 歴史 (『古事記』によれば、第十代崇神(すじん)天皇の時、わが国初めての疫病が流行し人民が多く亡くなった。 ある時、天皇の夢枕に大物主大神(おおものぬしのおおかみ)が現れ「意富多々泥古 (日本書紀では大田田根子(おおたたねこ))という人に自分を祭らせれば、祟りも収まり、国も平安になるであろう」と神託を述べました。 崇神天皇はその人物を捜し出し、意富多々泥古命に三輪山(みわやま)の神を祭らせ、伊迦賀色許男命に天の八十びらかを作らせて、天神地祇を定め祭らせて、疫病を乗り切ったと言われています。 意富多多泥古(大田田根子)の出身地である美努村一族を祀ったのが実はこの御野縣主神社。数千年経った今コロナウィルスという未曾有の疫病にこの神社が鍵となるかもしれない。
Power spot: ☆☆☆☆☆ (Although it is dim, it is a power spot that is effective against plagues known to those in the know) Location: ☆☆☆ (It is inconspicuous in the lining of a residential area, but the location is good) parking (I don't think it's there, so park at a nearby parking lot) history (According to "Kojiki", when the tenth Emperor Sujin, Japan's first epidemic broke out and many people died. At one point, the big lord Oomiwa appeared on the emperor's dream pillow and said, "Omononushi no Okami" (In the Nihon Shoki, if you let a person named Neko Ota (Otaneko) worship you, the tatari will be settled and the country will be peaceful, "said the oracle. Emperor Sujin sought out the person, made the god of Mt. Miwa worship the god of Mt. It is said that he survived the plague by letting him celebrate. It is actually this Minoagatanushi Shrine that enshrines the Mitsutsumura clan, the birthplace of Itomi Tata Mukko (Otada Neko). Thousands of years later, this shrine may be the key to the unprecedented plague of coronavirus.

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