
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ロティスリー・レイ

住所 :

Minatomirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0012 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://ray-ts.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–3:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Minatomirai, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, 〒220-0012 Kanagawa,Japan
E N on Google

I went alone for a preview of the restaurant where my parents came to eat dinner, but I was surprised that they could immediately lower the dishes when they finished eating. When I was making a check at the cash register, I thought that I was not going because I was talking on the phone.
中村衛人 on Google

予約がオススメです! コース料理は絶品なので、私は特別な日に家族と利用することが多いです。
Reservation is recommended! Course meals are exquisite, so I often use them with my family on special days.
サリーC on Google

家族でランチに行きました。 個室予約したので、小さい子供が居ても安心して食事が出来ました。 お料理も美味しかったです。
I went to lunch with my family. Because I made a private room reservation, I was able to eat safely even with small children. The food was also delicious.
ビッグママ on Google

It is a fashionable restaurant that sparkles for dinner with the family. There was a large number of banquets on the day, it was quite lively, and it was out of the calculation for date customers?
yuri yama on Google

お料理が美味しく 特にgrillは絶妙の焼き加減です。 この日のコースは 山形ポークや子牛の骨付きラム サーロインステーキ等から選べました。 お肉のボリュームたっぷりで お魚の包み焼も 美味しくいただきました。 また dessertが6種盛りで 満足でした。 食後のカフェは スタッフさんが何度もお替りを聞いてくれました。 親切なスタッフさんが多く ゆっくりランチを楽しむ事が出来ました。
The food is delicious (especially grill is exquisite). The course for this day was selected from Yamagata pork, lamb with calf bone, sirloin steak, etc. The meat wrap and grilled fish was also delicious. Also, I was satisfied with 6 different desserts. The staff asked me to change the cafe after the meal. There were many kind staffs and we were able to enjoy lunch slowly.
Yukako Y on Google

ちょっと特別感のある美味しいお料理が頂けるので、お祝い事にも良いお店だと思います。 名物のロティサリーチキンはもちろん、サーモンのグリルも香ばしくてソースが凝っていて、とても美味しかったです。 前菜は6品くらいの盛り合わせで、その時によって少しずつ変わるので、飽きることなく楽しめます。 女性はもちろん男性でも満足できるようで、夫もまた行きたいと言っておりました。 千円台のワンプレートランチもやっているそうなので、気軽なランチの時でも、また伺いたいと思っています!
I think it's a good place to celebrate as you can enjoy delicious dishes with a little special feeling. Not only the famous rotisserie chicken, but also the grilled salmon was fragrant and the sauce was so delicious that it was very delicious. The appetizer is a platter of about 6 dishes and changes little by little depending on the time, so you can enjoy it without getting tired. Not only women but also men seemed to be satisfied, and my husband said that he also wanted to go again. It seems that they are also doing one-plate lunches in the 1,000 yen range, so I would like to visit again even for casual lunch!
RUI * on Google

コロナ禍前に友人に連れて行って頂きました。 この施設の飲食店で眺めが美しいランドマーク側は4店舗のみで2階のウミリアさんとロティスリーレイさんがロケーション的にもオススメです。 是非、外側のライトアップされている階段から上がって下さい。 カジュアルな雰囲気とラインナップでお肉類が豊富の割にはドリンクメニューが乏しい印象です。 また、スタッフの方のお皿を下げるタイミングが早すぎです。 多少お料理が乗っていても気になさらないようで笑いました。(友人のお皿でしたので) デートと言うより友人達と行く方が内容的には良いお店かと思います。
I had a friend take me before the corona wreck. There are only 4 restaurants on the landmark side of this facility with a beautiful view, and Umiria and Rotisserie Ray on the 2nd floor are also recommended in terms of location. Please go up from the illuminated stairs on the outside. The casual atmosphere and lineup give the impression that the drink menu is scarce despite the abundance of meat. Also, the timing of lowering the plate for the staff is too early. I laughed because it didn't bother me even if I had some food on it. (Because it was a friend's plate) I think it's better to go with friends than to date.
Marlin M on Google

Good steak and veggies. Friendly staff!

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