あい動物病院 - Amagasaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あい動物病院

住所 :

Minamimukonoso, Amagasaki, 〒661-0033 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 661-0033
Webサイト : https://www.ai-animal-hospital.com/
街 : Hyogo

Minamimukonoso, Amagasaki, 〒661-0033 Hyogo,Japan
A K on Google

引越してきて、どこの動物病院に行けば良いか分からず近くにあったので愛猫のワクチン接種の為に訪問。 手作り食の話を永遠にされ(手作りが良いのは分かりますが)、私達のことも愛猫のことも全否定されるかのような発言。 挙句、この子(愛猫)が毛皮で売ってても、こんな毛艶の悪い毛皮は買いたくない。だとか食事で十分な栄養素が摂れていないから全身痛がっている。 など散々なことを言われ、更にはワクチン接種の際にも暴れてもいない愛猫をネットに押し込み猛獣用みたいな手袋で押さえ込まれ大変、嫌な気分になりました。 しかし本当に毛艶も栄養素も悪いならと心配になり別の動物病院に連れて行ったところ、とても綺麗で健康ですと言われました。 二度と行きたくもありませんし周りにも勧めません。
I moved and didn't know where to go to the veterinary clinic, so I visited there to vaccinate my cat. The story of homemade food is forever (although I understand that handmade food is good), and it seems that we and our cats are totally denied. After all, even if this child (my cat) sells fur, I don't want to buy such dull fur. I have a general pain because I don't get enough nutrients in my diet. I was told a lot of things, and even when I was vaccinated, I pushed my cat, which had not been violent, into the net and was pressed down with gloves like a beast, which made me feel very unpleasant. However, I was worried that my hair and nutrients were really bad, so I took him to another veterinary clinic and was told that he was very beautiful and healthy. I don't want to go there again and I don't recommend it to anyone around me.
mk “33” on Google

他の病院とは違って、信頼出来る先生だと思ってます いつもいろんな話を教えて頂き、自分自身の成長になりました
Unlike other hospitals, I think he is a reliable teacher I was always told various stories and it became my own growth
35 pcoli on Google

It was good to start going to school ... The proposed homemade food has entered its 8th year. However, because of that, there are many prescriptions for vitamins. It was a large dog, so it wasn't stupid. When I had a terrible otorrhea, I was told that I was allergic, and even though I changed the ingredients, had my ears washed, and increased the amount of vitamins, I couldn't get rid of it. Apparently funny otorrhea. In the end, I went to another hospital with which I was affiliated, and immediately tested and took it, and managed to recover. I was angry when I thought that the treatment at this hospital for about a month was completely meaningless. I haven't been to it since this incident, but another hospital told me that I should give arinamin to my homemade diet, and what were those few vitamins? I feel like
Ya N on Google

15歳の高齢犬に2週間持続の抗生剤を3回打つように指示されましたが、一回目の注射翌日から毎朝5時に起きてさわぐようになりいきなりボケてしまって、二回めの注射に連れていくといきなり肛門に指をいれての診察で犬は痛さで半狂乱状態で診察後に鎮痛剤の注射と内服薬の処方で3万円越えの会計。手術でもしたのかっての価格! もらった内服薬を飲ませるごとに体調悪化で、他の医院に相談にいくとその処置にあきれ顔でした。前立腺肥大の検査は肛門に指を入れなくてもできるということです。 状態はどんどん悪くなり一年後に愛犬は死んでしまいましたが、高齢犬に辛い診察をさせてしまったことときつい薬を与えてしまったことが一生悔やまれます。
A 15-year-old dog was instructed to hit antibiotics lasting 2 weeks 3 times, but I got up at 5 o'clock every morning from the day after the first injection, and suddenly got out of focus, the second injection When he was taken to the hospital, the dog suddenly went into the anus, and the dog was in pain. After the examination, he was charged with over 30 thousand yen for the injection of painkillers and prescriptions for internal use. Price as if you had surgery! Every time I took the medication I got, I got sick, and when I went to another clinic, I was very happy with the treatment. This means that you can test for enlarged prostate without putting your finger in the anus. The condition was getting worse and his dog died a year later, but he was regretted that he had given a medicine to him when he gave a hard examination to an old dog.
jacolla jacolla on Google

A few years ago, she was treated for dermatitis and pruritus in Shiba Inu, who was advised by an acquaintance. Although the veterinarian's explanation was polite, I remember why veterinarians strongly recommend prescription foods such as Hills because there are a lot of behind-the-scenes facts of the industry such as being able to get an incentive. What is the treatment of the heart? ? It was a good content. Despite the emphasis on reducing symptoms and improving symptoms with homemade food on the official site of the clinic, long-term administration of antibiotics and testing after examination. It is strongly recommended to formulate various vitamin supplements, as some of them are written. This is a funny hospital. I felt that there was grounds for homemade food only, and I made it based on Dr. Suzaki's work and gave it as a reference, although neither long-term administration of antibiotics nor supplement administration was given, but the symptoms disappeared. I would like to evaluate places that did not recommend the industry's leading prescription food, so two stars.
Aれいか on Google

犬のアトピーでしばらく通院しました。 もう行きたくない理由 ・食物アレルギーかアトピーかのが診断できなかった→どうしても食べ物のせいで痒みが起こることにしたい感じだった。 ・診察より写真を撮っている時間の方が長い→何枚も撮るのでフラッシュが犬の負担になるのではと気になった。犬の向きを変えるよう指示される看護師さんが先生にビクビクしているように感じた。 ・口輪をかけられた→これが一番びっくりした。人を噛んだことなんてないとても大人しい犬なので。動物の扱いに慣れているとはとても思えなかった。
I went to the hospital for a while with my dog ​​atopy. Why you don't want to go anymore ・ I couldn't diagnose whether it was food allergy or atopy → I felt like I wanted to make itching because of food. ・ It takes longer to take pictures than to see a doctor. → I was worried that the flash would be a burden to the dog because I would take many pictures. The nurse, who was instructed to turn the dog, felt nervous to the teacher. ・ Mouth was put on → This was the most surprising. It's a very quiet dog that has never bitten a person. I didn't think I was used to handling animals.
yukie on Google

うちのワンコはアレルギーがあり犬用のフードかダメでした。 そのため先生の方針とあってワンコも元気になりとても信頼できます。 看護師さんもとても感じが良くて気持ちよく診察を受けさせてもらってます。
My dog ​​was allergic and couldn't eat dog food. Therefore, according to the teacher's policy, the dog will be well and can be trusted very much. The nurses are also very pleasant and I feel comfortable receiving medical examinations.
白木久美子 on Google

お薬に頼らない治療を目指す獣医さんです。 ワンちゃんやネコちゃんの体に負担をかけない治療…です。 2月で17歳を迎えました。長生き出来ているのも、先生のおかげです。 休診日やお正月にも治療が必要であれば、対処して下さいます。感謝しかない…?
A veterinarian who aims for treatment that does not rely on medicine. It is a treatment that does not burden the body of dogs and cats. I turned 17 in February. Thanks to the teacher, I have been able to live long. If you need treatment on holidays or during the New Year, please take action. Only thanks ... ?

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