Animare Animal Clinic - Amagasaki

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Animare Animal Clinic

住所 :

Misono, Amagasaki, 〒661-0984 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 661-0984
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Misono, Amagasaki, 〒661-0984 Hyogo,Japan
大渕愛 on Google

I want you to trim it ?
koma koma on Google

You can also see on Sundays and holidays! The director's examination is very polite and easy to understand!
山脇佐織 on Google

We had a medical examination and operation of Golden Hamster. I was able to leave it with peace of mind by telling me the symptoms and treatment policy in an easy-to-understand manner. I want to ask again if something happens!
gou sato on Google

A method in which the owner supports the pet and examines it. If you can't get used to it, it may be reassuring to have your pet's nails cut beforehand and thick gloves. The receptionist is kind and kind.
Cheri. on Google

JR塚口駅から線路沿いを東に行った場所にあります。 先生は説明が丁寧で親切ですが、看護士さんも明るく愛想が良いですが、うちの子はなぜか落ち着きがなくなります。
It is in the place that went east along the railroad from JR Tsukaguchi Station. The teacher is polite and helpful, but the nurse is also cheerful and amiable, but my child is uncomfortable for some reason.
Ren rinrin on Google

We are talking about the owner from the right to the left even though this is anxious. For me, I wanted professional advice on illness etc. and felt that I could not attend. The lady at the reception is kind.
Mach T on Google

こちらの院長先生はウサギを診察する時、立ったままウサギの首の後ろをつまんで宙刷りにしたまま看護士に指示を出してました。その間、うちの子は体力が落ちているのに命懸けで暴れましたが、お構い無し。結局、壁に激突して落下しました。謝罪はなく「あんた、ビックリするやないか~」とだけ。あの光景は今でもトラウマです。 さらに首の後ろをつまんだまま宙吊り状態で口の中にカメラを突っ込んだのもビックリですが、化粧&ネイルバッチリな女性看護師が「これが一番安全な持ち方なんですぅ」と諭すように言いました。どこの病院でもウサギを診察する時は暴れて落下するリスクを回避するために床に置いて診てくれますが…。 結局、腕くみして寄りかかった院長による診察ははっきりせず、今日は点滴ができないといわれ、次回の予約だけさせられました。謎です。 エキゾチックを診られるとのことですが、ウサギは例外のようです。木曜日で掛かりつけが休みだったので口コミサイトで見てこちらに行きましたが、ウサギにはお勧めできません。そして口コミサイト、アテになりません。
When I consulted a rabbit, Professor of this place pinched behind the rabbit 's neck while standing and instructed the nurse while stroking it. Meanwhile, my baby got rampant on the risk of losing her physical strength, but she did not care. Eventually, it crashed into the wall and dropped. There is no apology "only you, you will be surprised ~" That sight is still traumatic. It is surprising that he pinched the camera in his mouth while still pinching behind the neck, but a female nurse with makeup & nail patchy said "I am the safest way to hold" It was. When you consult a rabbit anywhere in the hospital you will leave it on the floor to avoid the risk of rampage and falling but .... After all, the examination by the director who leaned and leaned is not clear, today it was said that it is impossible to drip, I was made only for the next appointment. Mystery is. It is said that exotic can be examined, but rabbits seem to be exceptional. It was Thursday and it was closed, so I went to see it on the word-of-mouth website, but I can not recommend it to rabbits. And word of mouth, it will not be ate.
Y on Google

毎月通い始めて11年でした。 今まで大した病気もなく、医師からは毎年定期健診は異常なしとの結果を頂いていたので、比較的健康な犬だと思っていました。 ただ、数ヶ月前から喉の奥に何かが引っかかってるような咳をする回数が少し増えてきたので(毎月トリミングに預けてる時でもこの症状は病院でも出てたようで、受付の女性の方達も共感されていました。) 改めて、この咳の原因を詳しく調べてほしいとお願いしたところ(1週間前にワクチンを打つ為に心音など体のチェックはしてもらっていましたが特に何の指摘もありませんでした、、)、11年間で初めてレントゲンを撮り『他の犬のチワワの心臓の大きさと比べ少し心臓が大きいと言われ、心臓にも雑音が聞こえる』(もう一度言います、1週間前に聴診器当ててました。)とのことで、気管支拡張の薬と強めの心臓の薬を処方され、医師に言われた通り薬を服用させると嘔吐、失神。 これまで仰向けでお腹を上にして人間みたいにくつろいで寝てた犬がその日から座って目をつむって寝るようになるぐらい一気に体調が悪化。 異変を感じすぐ病院に電話し、そして、翌日縋る思いで再診に訪れると特に診察もなく、強めの薬から軽めの薬のみの変更だけで診察は終わりました。 この時もただただ医師を信じ言われるがまま、その軽めの薬を服用させるとまたも嘔吐、そして歩行もふらつき始めました。 またもや異常と思い、翌日再度病院へ行きましたがレントゲン撮影やエコー等一切なく点滴治療だけで終わり、『一旦、心臓の薬を止めてみましょう。』と言われました。 翌日、また病院に行き、そこで2回目のレントゲンをようやく撮ってもらった結果、『数日前より心臓はさらに大きくなり肺に水がたくさん溜まっています。 犬が嫌がっているのを無理矢理口を開けて、心臓の薬を飲ませたせいで心臓の周りの血管がおかしくなり心不全を起こしている。肺水腫にもなっていて、このままだと危ない。』 と医師から告げられて、耳を疑いました。 特に救急的な治療もされず、一旦帰宅しましたが、その日の夜から腹式呼吸をしてとても苦しそうでしたので、急遽またアニマーレへ行きました。 そこで、病院にある酸素室に入れてもらうと少し呼吸が楽そうでしたので、とりあえずその日はそのまま入院させてもらうことにしましたが、ここの病院は入院している子が居ても就業時刻がくるとスタッフが全員帰宅してしまう病院でした。 こちらが入院させる前に確認すれば良かったですが、病院側も誰も監視できる人間が居なくなることを伝えて頂きたかったし、もし、夜誰も居ないのであれば、他の夜間救急を紹介して頂きたかった。 そして、その翌日朝10時過ぎに愛犬が亡くなってるとの一報を病院から受けました。 ろくに診察もせず、ギリギリまで病気の特定もできなかったくせに最後の最後に『無理矢理薬を飲ませたから、、』なんて、よく言えましたね。 こんな医師を信じてしまっていたことを一生後悔します。
It was 11 years since I started to go every month. There was no serious illness so far, and the doctor gave me the result that there was no abnormality in the regular medical checkup every year, so I thought it was a relatively healthy dog. However, since the frequency of coughing that something is stuck in the back of the throat has been slightly increased from several months ago (It seems that this symptom appeared in the hospital even when I put on trimming every month, and the woman at the reception desk The people were also sympathetic.) Once again, I asked you to investigate the cause of this cough in detail (I was asked to check my body, such as heart sound, in order to give a vaccine a week ago, but there was no indication in particular,), 11 The radiograph for the first time in a year "It is said that the heart is a little bigger than the size of the heart of the other dog Chihuahua, and the heart sounds like noise" (again, I gave a stethoscope a week ago). And, I was prescribed medicine for bronchodilation and medicine for heart and let me take medicine as my doctor told me vomiting and fainting. The condition of the dog worsens so quickly that the dog who has been lying relaxed and sleeps like a human on the stomach up to now can sit and stare at her eyes from that day. I felt strange and immediately called the hospital, and when I visited the hospital again for the next day, there was no medical examination, and the medical examination ended with only a change from the strong medicine to the light medicine. At this time, just as the doctor was told, taking the light medicine and vomiting again and walking began to wander. Once again I thought I was abnormal and went to the hospital again the next day, but there was no X-ray, no echo, etc., and I ended up with only drip treatment, and let's stop the medicine for the heart. "They said. The next day, I went to the hospital again, and I got my second X-ray taken there, "Because the heart gets bigger than a few days ago, and there is a lot of water in the lungs. The patient is forced to open the mouth that the dog does not like it and causes blood vessels around the heart to go wrong, causing heart failure due to drinking the medicine of the heart. It is also a pulmonary edema, and it is dangerous if this is left. " The doctor told me that I doubted my ears. I did not receive emergency treatment in particular, and I returned home once, but I felt abdominal pain from the night of that day and it was very painful, so I suddenly went to Animare again. Therefore, I had a little breathing when I got in the oxygen room in the hospital, so I decided to stay in the hospital as it was for the time being, but even if there is a hospitalized child at this hospital, work time It was a hospital where all the staff returned home when it came. I wish I had confirmed this before being admitted to the hospital, but I wanted to let the hospital know that there would be nobody who could be monitored by anyone, and if there was no one at night, I would have another night ambulance I wanted to introduce it. Then, the next day, I received a report from the hospital that my dog ​​died at 10:00 am. At the end of the last round, I didn't have a medical examination, and I could not identify the disease until the very last minute. I regret that I have believed in such a doctor for a lifetime.

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