広尾 サクラの木

3.6/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 広尾 サクラの木

住所 :

Minamiazabu, Minato City, 〒106-0047 Tokyo,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Minamiazabu, Minato City, 〒106-0047 Tokyo,Japan

Shinichiro Nakahara on Google

広尾駅からの裏道、初めて通ったらデリを発見! 検索したら、どうやら隣にあったのが移転したばかりのお店らしい。。 究極の家庭料理的な、変な調味料を使っていない様子で、どれも美味しそうです。
A back road from Hiroo Station, discover the deli when you first go! When I searched, it seems that the shop next to it was just moved. .. They seem to be the ultimate home-cooked, without any weird seasonings, and they all look delicious.
a ko on Google

(Translated by Google) It's the worst. When I bought a bento, the fried chicken was half-life or almost raw. After eating a few pieces, I noticed, so when I brought the leftovers to the store, the aunt's clerk laughed at me saying, "It shouldn't be that way." When I showed it, I finally admitted, "It's raw. Maybe the meat was too big to be fried." Even an amateur can check if the meat is fried, right? I can't believe I have this level of food in the store. I'm sorry, he didn't tell me to refund. I'm dying to eat raw chicken and I'm worried about food poisoning (> _ _<) 近いから何度か利用してたけど、毎回おばさん店員の態度の悪い接客も気になっていました。 2度と利用しません。
Nao on Google

主菜・副菜とおかずの選べるお弁当屋さん。 このクオリティで基本¥600(惣菜によっては加算されるものも)は安いと思います。 主菜も、ハーフサイズで2種類ということもできます。 古民家を店舗にしていて、ホッとする雰囲気。 また利用したいです。
A bento shop where you can choose main dishes, side dishes and side dishes. I think that the basic ¥ 600 (some side dishes may be added) is cheap with this quality. You can also say that there are two types of main dishes in half size. The atmosphere is relieved because the store is an old folk house. I still want to use it.
shuichi yasaki (yazashu) on Google

美味しいお弁当屋さん。中身選べて楽しい!素材もいい。 豚の生姜焼きに副菜麻婆豆腐は素晴らしい
A delicious lunch shop. It's fun to choose the contents! The material is also good. Ginger-grilled pork and side dish mao tofu are wonderful
ヨンヨン on Google

お弁当をお昼に買いに行ったところ、厨房内に走り回る虫を発見。虫と書いたら見た目はあれですが、、誰しも苦手な存在だと思います。 松屋銀座で買う方が安心。 テイクアウトすると混ざり合ってしまうので、仕切りのある容器がいいと思います。
When I went to buy a lunch box at noon, I found an insect running around in the kitchen. If you write it as an insect, it looks like that, but I think everyone is not good at it. It is safer to buy at Matsuya Ginza. If you take it out, it will mix, so I think a container with a partition is good.
mana T on Google

ランチを買いに初めて行きました。 お弁当、ランチボックスともに700円ほどです。 お支払いは、現金だけでなく、paypayなどクレジットカードにも対応してます。
I went to buy lunch for the first time. Lunch boxes and lunch boxes are about 700 yen. Payment can be made not only by cash but also by credit card such as paypay.

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