Menya Takeichi - Kawasaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Menya Takeichi

住所 :

アトレ川崎 7F 26-1 Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 210-0007
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10:30PM
Sunday 11AM–10:30PM
Monday 11AM–10:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–10:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–10:30PM
Thursday 11AM–10:30PM
Friday 11AM–10:30PM

アトレ川崎 7F 26-1 Ekimae Honcho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 210-0007, Japan
園田隼人 on Google

When I ordered the pork chamayo bowl on the menu, there was less seaweed compared to the photo, so I lamented that the ideal and the reality were different. When I told the clerk that the reality was hard, I asked him to approach the ideal.
BAKU-T on Google

なんか味変わった? 3ヶ月ぶりくらいに来ましたが ・スープにトロみがなくサラサラしている ・鰹出汁が効きすぎて鶏の旨味が感じられない 以上の2点が今までの武一と変わっているように感じました。 美味しくないわけでは無いのですが、期待していたいつものラーメンとは違っていたのでこの評価です。
Did something change the taste? I came here for the first time in 3 months ・ The soup is smooth and smooth. ・ The bonito broth is too effective and you can't feel the taste of chicken. I felt that the above two points were different from Takeichi. It's not that it's not delicious, but it's different from the usual ramen I expected, so it's this evaluation.
Hi de on Google

安い!生ビール290円だったかな?飲み放題もすごく安いです。居酒屋で、自慢のラーメン出しますよ的な感じでしょか、焼き鳥も多々あり飲み屋としての利用もグーです。コロナ対策的にはちょっとテーブル間が狭い気もしました。気にしすぎかもですが。ラーメンはコッテリ、鳥ポタージュみたいで美味しかったです。 ただ、レシートをよく見たら同じイートインなのに内税と外税の登録で一覧になっていて、計算したら合ってるんだけど何か変なレシートだなあと思いました。安いものを安く見せるため?
cheap! Was it 290 yen for draft beer? All-you-can-drink is also very cheap. It's like serving ramen that you're proud of at an izakaya, and there are many yakitori, so it's also good to use as a bar. As a measure against corona, I felt that the space between the tables was a little narrow. You may care too much. The ramen was delicious like a cotteri and a bird potage. However, when I looked closely at the receipt, it was the same eat-in, but it was listed by registering tax included and tax excluded, and when I calculated it, it was correct, but I thought it was a strange receipt. To make cheap things look cheap?
まさ佐藤 on Google

鰹の醤油らーめんとセットの唐揚げとミニ丼のマヨチャーシューをオーダー。 メニュー通りあっさりと食べやすい鰹ベースにガラが感じられて、中直麺との相性も良くバランスが良かったです。チャーシューも炙りと蒸し鶏の2種類入っていてらーめんに合っていてボリュームもあり、あっさりすぎないらーめんでした。 唐揚もカリカリうす衣の片栗粉タイプで美味しかったです。 2回目行ったので追加です。 黄金鳥そばの特製を注文。こちらもこってりではなく、塩とバランスの取れたスープが良いですね。トッピングはたまご、シナチク柚子香る叉焼、つくね団子のどれとも合っていましたね。麺は歯切れが良いタイプでした。
I ordered fried bonito soy sauce ramen and set fried chicken and mayonnaise pork on a mini bowl. As the menu says, the bonito base is easy to eat, and you can feel the bonito base, which goes well with the medium-sized noodles and is well-balanced. There are two types of char siu, roasted and steamed chicken, which goes well with the ramen and has a large volume, so it wasn't too light. The fried chicken was also delicious with the potato starch type of crispy batter. I went there for the second time, so it's an addition. I ordered a special product of Golden Bird Soba. I like the soup that is well-balanced with salt, not thick. The toppings went well with eggs, savory roasted pork with yuzu citrus, and tsukune dumplings. The noodles were a crisp type.
りゅっころ on Google

濃厚醤油鶏そば+からあげと小丼セット。家内は冷やし坦々麺をいただきました。 濃厚醤油鶏そばは麺に絡みやすいくらいの濃厚でありながら鶏なのでスルスル食べてしまえる印象。焼豚ではなくここも鶏肉なので濃厚なのにさっぱりと。 冷やし坦々麺はめちゃくちゃミルキー。女性受けはいいかも。辛さは正直全然なく喉に少しツンとくるくらい。個人的にはミルキーさをもう少し抑えてもっと辛くしてほしい。
Rich soy sauce chicken soba + karaage and small bowl set. My wife had chilled dandan noodles. The rich soy sauce chicken soba is so rich that it is easy to get entangled with the noodles, but because it is a chicken, it gives the impression that you can eat it. It's not grilled pork but chicken here, so it's rich but refreshing. The chilled dandan noodles are insanely milky. It may be good for women. To be honest, the spiciness is a little tingling in my throat. Personally, I want you to suppress the milkiness a little more and make it more spicy.
保次郎 on Google

川崎駅直結、アトレの7階にあるラーメン店。海外にも出店しているようです。 注文は店員さんへ口頭で行います。飲みの後のシメで訪問したので、一番人気の濃厚醤油鶏そば(800円)だけを注文。今回はドリンクやつまみは頼みませんでした。 ラーメンはその名の通り濃厚な鶏スープで、ややとろみがあります。刻みたまねぎが良いアクセントになっています。ただ、スープと中細ストレートの麺との絡みがイマイチに感じられました。鶏チャーシューももう一工夫欲しいところです。 ラーメンだけなら星3つのところですが、焼き鳥やドリンクも充実(飲み放題あり)しており、居酒屋としても利用できる事から星4つとさせて頂きました。
A ramen shop on the 7th floor of Atre, directly connected to Kawasaki Station. It seems that they are also opening stores overseas. Orders are made verbally to the clerk. Since I visited after drinking, I ordered only the most popular rich soy sauce chicken soba (800 yen). I didn't ask for drinks or snacks this time. As the name suggests, ramen is a rich chicken soup that is slightly thick. The chopped onion is a good accent. However, the entanglement between the soup and the medium-thin straight noodles was not good enough. I would like another idea for chicken char siu. If it's only ramen, it's a place with 3 stars, but yakitori and drinks are also available (all you can drink), and since it can also be used as an izakaya, we decided to give it 4 stars.
ahato 1998 on Google

前書き 評価については、あくまでラーメン屋として 居酒屋としてのラインナップは 鳥貴族レベルの価格で格安飲み放題も有り 立地も駅アトレ上でコスパの良い店だと思う 近くでラーメン屋を探すなら地下の方へ 鳥白湯を探すなら距離はあるが「ようすけ」へ 行かれたほうが後悔がない様に思う ○濃厚鶏骨醤油そば 口コミの評価が高い様で注文 ·具のレベルが低すぎる スパイス系のつくねはスープと合わない 味玉は、浸けたのか?というくらい薄い メンマは全く存在感なし ·スープ自体は悪くないが ストレートの麺と全く噛み合っていない 小麦をそのまま食べてる感じ スープがぬるすぎるのも気になる 全体的に低レベル、特徴がない 先日宝町どみそ鶏白湯に感動したばかりで 余計に差が出るのかも知れない ○濃厚鶏つけ麺塩 連れが注文して、食べてみた 平打ちぢれ?麺が特徴的 醤油のドロドロスープに比べると 麺には絡みやすく、食べやすかった 具に関してはラーメン同様だが ○贅沢卵かけご飯 高給卵を使ったわけではない ただの卵かけご飯、鶏チャーシューが乗ってる ご飯もブランド米かどうかも分からず 炊き方に問題があるだけかベチャついており 何より冷飯で、私は全く美味しいと感じない そういうものなのかもしれないが ○餃子 全く特別さを感じない、冷凍餃子レベル 接客も丁寧な方でしたし 居酒屋としても悪くなさそうでしたが 正直ラーメンは食す価値ないですね 飲みの締めにぐらいならというレベルでした 昼時に結構、客の入りが良かったり 口コミ数多いのも、立地なのかなと思う 何より気になったのは、全体的にぬるい もしくは冷めてるのか? カウンター式ではなく奥まった厨房式なので 提供を遅れて放置してあるのでは? ラーメン屋激戦区の川崎でも かなり残念な出来だと感じた
Foreword As for the evaluation, as a ramen shop The lineup as an izakaya There is also a cheap all-you-can-drink at the price of Torikizoku I think the location is also a good cospa shop on the station Atre If you are looking for a ramen shop nearby, head to the basement If you are looking for Tori-shirayu, there is a distance, but go to "Yosuke" I don't think I have any regrets if I go ○ Rich chicken bone soy sauce soba Ordered with high reviews · The level of ingredients is too low Spice-based meatballs don't go well with soup Did the taste ball soak? As thin as Menma has no presence at all · The soup itself is not bad Does not mesh with straight noodles at all Feeling like eating wheat as it is I'm also worried that the soup is too slimy Overall low level, no features The other day I was just impressed by the Takaramachi Domiso chicken plain hot water It may make an extra difference ○ Rich chicken tsukemen salt My companion ordered and tried it Flat hit? Noodles are characteristic Compared to soy sauce muddy soup It was easy to get entangled with the noodles and it was easy to eat As for the ingredients, it's the same as ramen ○ Luxury egg over rice I didn't use high egg feeding Just omelet rice, chicken char siu is on board I don't know if the rice is branded rice There is only a problem with how to cook or it is sticky Above all, it ’s cold rice and I do n’t feel it ’s delicious at all. It may be that kind of thing ○ Dumplings Frozen dumpling level that does not feel special at all The customer service was also polite It didn't look bad as an izakaya, To be honest, ramen is not worth eating It was a level that was about the end of drinking It ’s pretty good at noon, and the number of customers is good. I think the location has a lot of reviews What I was most interested in was the lukewarm overall Or is it cold? It ’s not a counter type, it ’s a deep kitchen type. Isn't the offer delayed and left unattended? Even in Kawasaki, a ramen shop fierce battlefield I felt it was a disappointing result
Ambuj Pandey on Google

Lovely Ramen...and ramen is new shushi you know!!

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