Memorial for Revival of Japanese Oriental Medicine - Chuo City

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Contact Memorial for Revival of Japanese Oriental Medicine

住所 :

2 Chome-9-1 Nihonbashihamacho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0007, Japan

Postal code : 103-0007

2 Chome-9-1 Nihonbashihamacho, Chuo City, Tokyo 103-0007, Japan
Jane Doe on Google

Takahiro Yasui on Google

It will be remembered, but there is a stone monument only
山田万歳 on Google

He was a person from the Meiji period who restored the Chinese medicine that was driven away by Western medicine.
ルアモンタナ on Google

There are various monuments in this area, and you can learn in many ways just by walking, so lunch breaks are recommended.
eiki nakagawa on Google

和田さんは西洋医学偏重の医学界を正そうと漢方を復興しましたが、現代では医事法の改定により事実上漢方医というのがいなくなり、西洋医学の医師免許をもっていないと投薬ができません。しかし西洋医学だけ習っただけでは漢方の診断はできないはずなのですが製薬会社のエキスをパンフレットをチラ見した西洋医が処方している危険な世の中になりました。両方をまなんだ人はまず日本には稀有です。 さらに中国の漢方薬原料製造農家がやたら農薬をつかう問題も噴出してきました。よほどお好みでなければ西洋医学で新薬で治療してもらったほうが身のためです。まあ、あらたな和田さんが生まれてこないかぎり日本の漢方治療はふたたび明治にもどったといえます。中西医結合の猪越先生あたりがまた復活ののろしをあげてくれるといいのですが。
Mr. Wada has revived the herbal medicine in order to correct the medicine world of Western medicine, but in modern medicine law revision, there is no longer a traditional Chinese medicine, medicine can not be done unless you have a medical doctor's license in western medicine. However, if you learned only Western medicine, you should not be able to diagnose Kampo, but it became a dangerous world that Western medicine prescribing a pharmaceutical company 's extract broiled pamphlets prescribed. People who learned both are rare in Japan first. In addition, Chinese traditional Chinese medicine raw material manufacturing farmers have been spraying out problems of pesticide application. If you do not like it very much, it is better for you to have Western medicine treat with new medicine. Well, as long as a new Mr. Wada is not born, it can be said that Japanese herbal remedies returned to Meiji again. I wish Mr. Inokoshi of Nakanishi doctor association would also give me a breakdown of resurrection.
伊藤善久(Yoshihisa Ito) on Google

ただ石碑が建つのみ。 しかも目立たない所にあるから、 目の前を通ってもスルーしてしまう人は多いだろう。 西洋医学が盛んになり、 勢いの衰えた漢方医学の復興に尽力した、 漢方医師である和田啓十郎を顕彰・記念して建てられた碑。 『医界之鉄椎』を著した。 元々は西洋医学を学んでいたが、 短所を鋭く指摘し、改めて漢方医学の有用性を説いた。 全てがいい物などない。 古きものと新しきもの どちらも大切なんだと考えさせてくれる。 和田啓十郎は元々長野県の方だが、 1907年に浜町へ移住している。
Only a stone monument is built. And because it's in an unobtrusive place, Many people will pass through even in front of you. Western medicine has become popular Efforts were made to revive the diminished Chinese medicine, A monument built to commemorate and commemorate Wada Keijuro who is a Chinese medicine doctor. I wrote "Mt. Shitetsu". Originally I studied Western medicine, He pointed out the shortcomings sharply and reiterated the usefulness of traditional Chinese medicine. There is nothing like everything good. Both old and new things are considered important. Wada Keijiro is originally from Nagano Prefecture, I moved to Hamacho in 1907.
Seiichi Ota on Google

明治7年(1874)に明治政府は西洋医学採用を公布し、ドイツ医学を範として医事制度を確立しました。 漢方撲滅運動のさなか、復興に立ち上がったのがこの地で医師をしていた和田敬十郎です。 彼は明治43年(1910)、衣服や食事にかかる費用を倹約し「医界の鉄椎」を自社出版しました。 この書物に触発された若き医師たちが漢方復興運動を継承し、西洋・漢方の両医学が使われることになります。 発祥の地の碑はよくありますが、復興の地の碑というのは珍しいですね。
In 1874, the Meiji government promulgated the adoption of Western medicine and established a medical system based on German medicine. During the Kampo eradication campaign, it was Keijuro Wada, who was a doctor here, who stood up for recovery. In 1910, he spared the cost of clothes and meals and published in-house "Tetsushi of the medical world". The young doctors inspired by this book will inherit the Kampo reconstruction movement and both Western and Kampo medicines will be used. There are many monuments in the birthplace, but monuments in the area of ​​reconstruction are rare.
伊集院忍 on Google

漢方医学の復興とは何か? それは、明治時代に西洋医学がもてはやされて漢方医学が潰されようとしていた頃に、和田啓十郎という一人の漢方医が『医会之鉄椎』という本を自費出版したことで、漢方医学が再び見直されることになったんですね。その顕彰として建てられた石碑なのです。 いろんな分野でグローバル化が叫ばれて欧米のものを崇めてしまう傾向は、明治時代だけではなく今でもまだ同じこと。そんな我が国の将来の進歩を考える時には、この石碑を前に想いを巡らすのもいいかもしれません。
What is the Reconstruction of Kampo Medicine? It was because a Chinese medicine doctor Keijuro Wada published a book called "Iikai Tetsushi" at his own expense when Western medicine was touted and Chinese medicine was about to be destroyed in the Meiji era. It was supposed to be reviewed again. It is a stone monument that was built to honor it. The tendency to worship European and American things in various fields is being the same not only in the Meiji era but even now. It may be a good idea to think in front of this stone monument when considering such future progress of our country.

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