Matsuki Dada - Hachioji

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsuki Dada

住所 :

15-10 Matsugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0362, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 192-0362
Webサイト :

15-10 Matsugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0362, Japan
gonnzaress1 on Google

祝日の14時ごろ。まさかの店主さんワンオペで大変そう。 入店から15分ほどで着丼も、「ごめんね」と。 いい店主にうまいラーメン、良き店です。
Around 14:00 on public holidays. It seems to be difficult with one operation by the owner. About 15 minutes after entering the store, I said "I'm sorry" for the bowl. A good shop owner, good ramen, and a good shop.
うなぎいぬ on Google

二郎系は苦手ですが、少ない量を注文できるので挑戦しました。 極太のGAKIガキ大将ラーメンともちがう、少し平たく太い面、おいしいです。野菜とにんにく、チャーシュー1枚で注文。スープはにんにくをひたひたした後に味わったのでよくわかりませんが、しょっぱすぎず、濃すぎず?好みにアレンジする仕様なのでしょうか。 学生のようにガッツリ食べる人にはありがたいでしょうね。
I'm not good at Jiro, but I tried it because I can order a small quantity. Unlike the thick GAKI kid general ramen, it has a slightly flat and thick surface and is delicious. Order with vegetables, garlic and 1 char siu. I'm not sure because the soup was tasted after dipping the garlic, but isn't it too salty or too thick? Is it a specification that can be arranged to your liking? I would be grateful to those who eat hard like students.
たか坊 on Google

ラーメン松木田田 その①画像は小(250g)やさいとあぶら増し。仕事中に立ち寄りの為、ニンニクは抜きです。別の日に小ぶた、豚5枚の脂と野菜ましの極太めんまで、コール!わりとサッパリとした、お味で食べやすいのと金額!お財布に優しいく、大食いのワタクシには満足度高めないお店です。駐車場は店舗裏側にあり!無料で3台程駐車可能です。
Ramen Matsuki Dada (1) The image is small (250g) and is easy and oily. I don't have garlic because I stop by during work. On another day, call up to a small lid, 5 pork fat and extra-thick vegetables! It's relatively refreshing, tasteful and easy to eat, and the price! It's a shop that is kind to your wallet and doesn't increase your satisfaction with gluttony. The parking lot is behind the store! About 3 cars can be parked for free.
はっしー on Google

(Translated by Google) It will be deleted immediately in Tabelog! salesperson? Store manager? Anyway, my attitude is too bad and I feel sick! Is it just me who feels like the taste is going down because of the customer service even though it is delicious normally? I haven't eaten out in Corona at last, but I thought it would be vacant after 14:00 on weekdays, but when I came to the store, I entered because it was rattle, but it was full at once. It may be far from the station, so I recommend a car! 3 units? There is a parking lot! It's my first time to come, so everyone is 750 yen with 2 small (250g) pigs! This kind of store has rules such as call timing, so read it properly and tell it to the thread! It is a rule to sit at the counter and put a meal ticket! Aiya-It may be a rule that the person in front of the table is messed up, but this is too terrible! There were various things here, but for the time being, from the taste! Garlic and caramel call! First of all, one bite slurping! Hmmm, isn't it an ordinary Jiro system! It's delicious as usual! Yasai is all about bean sprouts (laughs) The noodles nearby are punchy and delicious (´> ∀ ∀<`)ゝ ツレははお腹いっぱいなったみたいですが私はまだ食べれたかなー ここで色々あったことについて!私はニンニク、からめをコールしましたがニンニクが聞こえなかったらしく入ってません。「すみませんニンニク入ってないのですが」と聞くと「言われなきゃいれませんよ」と凄い剣幕。いや言いましたけどと私。その後めちゃくちゃふてくされた顔でニンニクINです?接客業なめてんですかね?二郎系のコールって勘違いしてる店が多すぎる! 店側は技術を使い料理を提供、客はお金を払って食べる。あくまで対等な立場のはずなんで客だからといって文句言う訳ではありません!あくまで対等!店側が偉そうにするな! ちなみに食べログでは何回直しても消されました。食べログの意義って?
テル栗須 on Google

噛み応えのある極太麺と醤油ダレの利いた辛めのスープ、山盛りのモヤシとオーソドックスなインスパイア系で、豚は大きさが安定しない感が無くもないが味・ボリューム共に文句なしの仕上がりです。 ただ、麺は小が一玉250gで大が1.5玉375gと、300gがベストな自分にとっては帯に短しなメニュー設定なのがちょっと残念。 駐車場は路地側に面して3台、少し離れたアパート前に4台と充分な台数で、停められない事はまず無いと思います。
With chewy extra-thick noodles, spicy soup with soy sauce, heaps of bean sprouts and orthodox inspiration, the pork has a feeling that the size is not stable, but the taste and volume are perfect. However, it's a little disappointing that the menu setting is short for me, with 250g for small noodles and 375g for large 1.5 balls, which is the best for me. There are enough parking lots, 3 cars facing the alley and 4 cars in front of the apartment a little away, so I think it is unlikely that you will not be able to park.
山口彰 on Google

2022.2.21(月)午後6時50分に訪問です。 L型カウンター席のみで約15席くらいでしょうか? 入店した時、満席で席に着くまで少しの時間ですが店内での待ちでした。 注文したのは、小(麺250g)ぶた二枚750円。 コールは、野菜増し・ニンニク少なめ。 着丼されたラーメンを見ると、やっぱり凄いボリュームです。 たかが麺250gとモヤシだと思うのですが、やっぱり圧倒されます。 ここの麺は太平麺です。極太麺ではないので食べやすく意外とペロッと食べきれます。 そして、やっぱりチャーシューは、柔らかく美味しいです。たまたまかも知れませんが、本日のチャーシューは、脂身がありませんでした。 ジロちゃん系ラーメンを食べる時は、とにかく完食が目標です("⌒∇⌒")
Visited at 6:50 pm on Monday, February 21, 2022. Is it about 15 seats only with L-shaped counter seats? When I entered the store, it was a short time until I was fully booked, but I was waiting in the store. I ordered two small (250g noodles) lids for 750 yen. Cole has more vegetables and less garlic. Looking at the bowled ramen, it's still a great volume. I think it's only 250g of noodles and moyashi, but it's overwhelming after all. The noodles here are thick flat noodles. It's not very thick noodles, so it's easy to eat and you can eat it unexpectedly. And after all, charcoal is soft and delicious. As it may happen, today's charcoal was lean. When eating Giro-chan ramen, the goal is to finish it ("⌒∇⌒")
はじめてのSECOM on Google

野猿街道二郎を目指すが、閉まっていたので田田へ! 昼の時間帯は、終わっていたので待つ事なくスムーズに入店 初めての店舗だったので、控えめに小ラーメンを注文? カウンター2名掛けへ案内されました。 座ると所々少し汚れが気になる。。。。 何待つ事数分、コールをして着弾? やっぱり二郎インスパイア系だけあり迫力有り❗️スープ入れずきちゃいました?って言われて、速攻溢れました笑 味はライトな二郎とでも言うのでしょうか?食べやすく美味しかったですね? 二郎系初めてのトライには持ってこいだと思います? 麺の量に関しては、自分は少し物足りない感じでした。大行けば良かったなぁとその場では若干の後悔もあり。 テーブルの布巾を交換してほいしなってのが、最後に思ったところです✨ みなさん、退店時にはカウンターを拭いているので、綺麗な布巾にして頂くと清潔感もあるカウンターになるかなと思いました〜
Aiming for Wild Monkey Kaido Jiro, but it was closed, so head to Tada! The daytime was over, so you can enter the store smoothly without waiting. It was my first time to order a small ramen ? I was guided to the counter for 2 people. When I sit down, I'm a little worried about dirt. .. .. .. How many minutes to wait, call and land ? After all there is only Jiro-inspired system and it is powerful ❗️ I was told that I could not put soup ?, and it was full of haste lol Is the taste light Jiro? It was easy to eat and delicious ? I think I brought it to Jiro's first try ? As for the amount of noodles, I felt a little unsatisfactory. I wish I had gone a big way, and I had some regrets on the spot. The last thing I thought was that I wanted to change the cloth on the table. Everyone wipes the counter when they leave the store, so I thought it would be a clean counter if you use a clean cloth.
Inna Kot on Google

One of my favorite places for ramen! The portion is big and it tastes sooo good, also the guy that makes it is so nice.

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