atelier ZÉROO - Hachioji

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact atelier ZÉROO

住所 :

15-6 Matsugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0362, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 192-0362
Webサイト :

15-6 Matsugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0362, Japan
ノモ on Google

It is said that it will relocate to Yoshida ornament. Since I had the impression that I had bought before, I visited for the second visit, for a souvenir. The chocolate parcha I bought for myself was delicious. Purple parfait is not good. Because the chocolate hall type cake keeps living, I tried buying it, but it is Pasapasa. Because the taste is good, the texture is room for improvement? There should definitely be more customers than the current location. good luck!
朝空まるまる on Google

美味しい洋菓子を食べたいときは真っ先にここに来ます。 ケーキだけでなく焼き菓子も美味しいです。値段も安く、季節毎に色々な新作を販売するがどれも美味しくていつも予定より多く購入しています。 甘さは控えめで食べやすく、初めてマカロンを美味しいと感じました。 何度購入してもシュークリームのクリームの多さに驚かされます。倍の値段を払いたいほど美味しいです。 ホールケーキは平日でも売り切れることがあるようです。事前に予約することをおすすめします。
If you want to eat delicious Western confectionery, come here first. Not only cakes but also baked goods are delicious. The price is cheap, and we sell various new products every season, but they are all delicious and I always buy more than planned. The sweetness was modest and easy to eat, and for the first time I felt the macaroons were delicious. No matter how many times you buy it, you will be amazed at the amount of cream puff. It's delicious enough to pay double the price. Whole cakes seem to sell out even on weekdays. We recommend that you make a reservation in advance.
いちご on Google

【あまおうくるりん】を購入。 大きないちご、生クリームの甘さも丁度よく さらにカスタードも入ってとっても美味しかったです! 甘い物がとても好きで、いろいろな店で購入しますが 今までで一番と言ってもいい程美味しかったです! 次回はケーキを買ってみたいです?
Purchased [Amaou Kururin]. The sweetness of the big strawberry and fresh cream is just right In addition, it was very delicious with custard! I like sweets very much and I buy them at various stores It was so delicious that it was the best ever! Next time I want to buy a cake.
akkoro on Google

南大沢にあった時からのファン プレートが素敵で❗️記念日はここと決めてます❗️
Fans from the time I was in Minami Osawa The plate is nice ❗️ Anniversary is decided here ❗️
k masa on Google

It was just the right sweetness. I will buy other products as well.
萩生田真帆 on Google

The taste is delicious, but the telephone response was poor, so I hope it will be improved.
Takashi Shimizu on Google

美味しいー。 価格も安くてーおすすめ。
It's delicious. The price is also cheap-recommended.
茶々丸 on Google

数年前に移転前の店舗で初めて買った時に味に惚れて以来、ケーキを買う時はほぼここでしか買いません。 ケーキ全般と焼き菓子もどれも好みです。 特に美味しいと思うのが「王様のチョコ」とタルト系ケーキのタルト生地。 他にも季節毎のケーキも色々な種類があって飽きません。 店員さんも感じが良いです。
Since I fell in love with the taste when I first bought it at the store before the move a few years ago, I only buy cakes here. I like cakes in general and baked goods. Especially delicious are the "King's chocolate" and the tart dough for tart cakes. There are many other types of seasonal cakes, so you won't get tired of it. The clerk also feels good.

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