Matono Women's Clinic - Yokohama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matono Women's Clinic

住所 :

白楽メディカルセンター 4F 1 Chome-6-14 Rokukakubashi, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0802, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 221-0802
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9:30AM–12:30PM
Friday 9:30AM–12:30PM

白楽メディカルセンター 4F 1 Chome-6-14 Rokukakubashi, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0802, Japan
N on Google

口コミが割と良いのでセミオープンシステムを利用しこちらで妊婦健診を受けています。 何度か健診を受けて気になったことが複数あったので口コミ投稿をいたしました。 ①的野先生の診察が雑というか流れ作業 初産で右も左も分からず心配なことも多々ある。だが、基本的に全て「良くあることだからね〜」で会話終了です。一度患者の話をしっかりヒアリングした上で本当に問題ないのであればそれで構わないと思います。ただ、こちらの状況(頻度や強度、何が心配なのか等)をまともに聞かないでその一言で終わってしまうと、親身に寄り添ってもらえてる、本当に大丈夫という感覚には私はなれませんでした。 ②4Dエコーの時間が人によって異なる 助産師さんや技師さんが最初にエコーしてくれるですが、その時間や赤ちゃんへの説明が人それぞれで当たり外れがあると感じてしまいます。丁寧に優しく説明+エコーも赤ちゃんの様子含めしっかりしてくれる方もいる反面、キビキビしてるのは良いことですがちょっと圧強めで聞くと答えてくれるけど無駄な時間は持たないという方もいる印象です。 先生含め悪い方たちではないと思います。混んでいるので多少流れ作業になってしまうのも仕方がなく理解出来ます。ただ、患者さん自身はそれぞれ別の人間でこのクリニックで固有の経験をしています。先生に関しては、例えば痛みがあった場合、それが何故引き起こされるのか、そしてなぜ問題ないと言えるのかをロジカルに説明した上でもう少し悩んでいる患者の気持ちを汲み取る努力をして欲しいとお伝えしたいです。エコーに関してはなるべく同程度の時間は録画して欲しいと思います。 混んでいますが予約すれば待ち時間もそんなに長くないため悪いクリニックだとは思いません。 ただより親身になって母子を見てくれるクリニックは他にもあると思うため、わざわざここを友人におすすめはしないかというのが現状の評価です。
Since the word of mouth is relatively good, I am using the semi-open system to undergo a maternity checkup here. I posted a review because there were several things I was interested in after undergoing medical examinations several times. (1) The medical examination by Dr. Matano is an assembly line. There are many things I'm worried about because I don't know right or left at the first birth. However, basically everything ends with "It's a common thing". I think it's okay if there is really no problem after hearing the patient's story. However, if I didn't ask about this situation (frequency, intensity, what I was worried about, etc.) and ended up with just one word, I couldn't feel that it was really okay for me to be close to me. .. ② 4D echo time varies from person to person Midwives and technicians echo first, but I feel that the time and explanations to the baby are different for each person. Polite and gentle explanation + Echo is also solid, including the baby's appearance, but on the other hand, it is good to be sharp, but if you listen with a little pressure, some people will answer, but there is also an impression that you do not have wasted time is. I don't think they are bad people including the teacher. It's so crowded that I can't help but understand that it's an assembly line. However, each patient is a different person and has a unique experience at this clinic. Regarding the teacher, for example, if there is pain, I would like to explain logically why it is caused and why it can be said that there is no problem, and then make an effort to understand the feelings of the patient who is suffering a little more. .. Regarding echo, I would like you to record for the same amount of time as possible. It's crowded, but if you make a reservation, the waiting time is not so long, so I don't think it's a bad clinic. However, I think there are other clinics where you can look at your mother and child more closely, so the current evaluation is to recommend this to your friends.
らあ on Google

アットホームで心のこもった医療を目指している、優しくて心のこもった看護師…とHPに記載があり、少し家から遠いですがここを選びました。ただ受付の看護師1名の態度が横柄で上から目線で本当に嫌な気分になりました。全然優しくないし、まず基本的な接客もできないのかと本当に残念で、不安な気持ちで来てる患者の気持ちへ寄り添えてないなと、少なからず私は感じました。 他の方は、とても優しかったです。 安心しましたし、不安な気持ちも和らぎました。 後は、このコロナ禍の中での待合の多さは多すぎではないでしょうか? 忙しすぎて、流れ作業になっているし密の状態で隣の方との距離も近い。最後は座る場所もない。 予約の取り方も見直してもいいかと思いました。 あくまでも個人の意見ですが、 私も会社で店舗スタッフを見る立場の人間です。 お忙しい中だと思いますが、お客様を大切に長くお付き合いしていく気持ちがあるのであれば、 スタッフの教育もこまめに行い確認する事も必要かと思います。 今回初めて行きましたがもう、行かないと思います。
There is a description on the website that a kind and heartfelt nurse who is aiming for homely and heartfelt medical care ... It is a little far from home, but I chose this place. However, the attitude of one nurse at the reception was arrogant and I felt really unpleasant from the top. I wasn't kind at all, and I was really disappointed that I couldn't provide basic customer service, and I felt that I couldn't get along with the feelings of the patients who came with anxiety. The others were very kind. I was relieved and my anxiety was alleviated. After that, isn't there too much waiting in this corona disaster? I'm too busy, and I'm on an assembly line, and I'm close to the neighbors in a dense state. There is no place to sit at the end. I thought it would be okay to review how to make a reservation. It ’s just an individual opinion, I am also a person who looks at store staff at the company. I think you're busy, but if you're willing to take good care of your customers for a long time, I think it is also necessary to diligently educate and confirm staff. I went there for the first time this time, but I don't think I will go anymore.
sayu tomi on Google

本当に素敵な先生です。 毎回3Dエコーをしっかりとしていただき、沢山写真ももらえます。 白黒のエコーではなんだかよくわからないのですが、3Dエコーはカラーでとても記念になります。 妊婦検診も、キチンと予約して時間通りに行けば待ち時間もなくみてもらえて良かったです。 先生がフレンドリーで優しくて私にはとても良かったです。ありがとうございました。 予約は人気なの、早めにした方がいいと思います。 紹介先であるけいゆう病院で出産でしたが、先生もけいゆう病院でご勤務される事があると聞いていました。 けいゆう病院で退院前に部屋で過ごしていると、的野先生が当直明けにご挨拶に来てくださいました。 退院後、乳腺炎など何かあったら、お世話になりたいと思える、素敵な先生でした。
A really nice teacher. You will get a lot of pictures by getting a solid 3D echo every time. I'm not sure about black and white echoes, but 3D echoes are very commemorative in color. I'm glad that I could see the maternity examination without waiting if I made a reservation with Chitin and went on time. The teacher was friendly and kind and was very good to me. Thank you very much. Reservation is popular, so I think it's better to make it early. I gave birth at Keiyu Hospital, which I was introduced to, but I heard that my teacher may also work at Keiyu Hospital. When I was spending time in the room at Keiyu Hospital before leaving the hospital, Dr. Matano came to greet me on duty. He was a wonderful teacher who would like to take care of him if he had mastitis after he was discharged.
o0 xxx on Google

平日の午前中ですが若い方から妊婦さんまで多くの患者さんが来院されてました。 それ程良いクリニックなのかなと感じました。 初診予約無しで来院し、待ち時間長くなるかと思いましたが早めに呼ばれ助かりました。 (検査の場合は予約が必要みたいです) 担当して下さった看護師さんも良い方で安心しました。 横浜に越してきたばかりで婦人科を探していた為、良いクリニックを見つけられて良かったです。 今後悩みがある場合はこちらのクリニックさんでお世話になろうと思います。
Although it was a weekday morning, many patients, from young people to pregnant women, visited the hospital. I felt that it was such a good clinic. I came to the hospital without making an appointment for the first visit, and I thought it would take a long time to wait, but I was called early and was saved. (It seems that a reservation is required for inspection) The nurse who was in charge was also a good person and I was relieved. I've just moved to Yokohama and was looking for a gynecologist, so I'm glad I found a good clinic. If you have any problems in the future, I will take care of you at this clinic.
K on Google

4Dエコーの撮影のみで来院しました。普段妊婦健診で通院している病院は2Dのみであり、せっかくなら4Dエコーも見たいと思い予約しました。 人気のクリニックなのか予約は希望の時間など含めると半月〜1ヶ月以上先まで見た方がいいです。 但しその分対応は満足でした。 駅から近く、コロナ禍では珍しく家族の来院も受け入れていました。普段の通院先では家族の付き添いは出来ないため夫も同伴でエコーを見られたため夫も満足していました。 助産師or技師or医師の誰かがエコーを対応してくれて、私は助産師の方だったと思いますが物腰が柔らかく、エコーのベッドはふかふかの毛布・電気毛布が敷かれており体の向きや体調も気を遣ってくださりました。 エコーも1人の持ち時間20分以内で患者が望む内容に沿って診てくれます(性別判断や体の異常がないか確認する方を優先、4Dで顔を映す方を優先など)。 4Dエコーもあらゆる角度から、時間を置いて見てくださったり、体の向きを変えたりなどして対応してくださったので満足出来ました。費用も横浜市内の4Dエコーを行うクリニックの中では良心的な価格であり、対応を含めるとかなり破格でした。エコー写真も何枚もいただき、500円追加でUSBに20分間のエコー映像を移していただいたため一生の思い出です。エコー映像はMacと相性が悪いのでWindowsの方がいいみたいです。
I came to the hospital only by taking a 4D echo. The only hospital I usually go to for pregnant women's medical examinations is 2D, so I made a reservation because I wanted to see 4D echo. Whether it is a popular clinic or not, it is better to make a reservation from half a month to a month or more ahead, including the desired time. However, I was satisfied with the response. It was close to the station, and it was unusual for Corona to accept family visits. My husband was also satisfied because I could see the echo with my husband because I could not accompany my family at the usual hospital visit. Someone from a midwife, a technician, or a doctor responded to Echo, and I think I was a midwife, but my demeanor was soft, and Echo's bed was covered with a fluffy blanket / electric blanket, and the orientation of my body. He also took care of his physical condition. Echo will also diagnose according to the patient's wishes within 20 minutes of one person's time (priority is given to those who judge gender and check for physical abnormalities, priority is given to those who show their faces in 4D, etc.). I was satisfied with the 4D echo because he responded by looking at it from all angles at a later time and turning his body. The cost was also a reasonable price among the clinics that perform 4D echo in Yokohama city, and it was quite exceptional including the correspondence. I received a lot of echo pictures and transferred the echo image for 20 minutes to USB for an additional 500 yen, which is a memory of my life. Echo image is not compatible with Mac, so it seems that Windows is better.
begerson16 on Google

..!.. so bad clinic No doctor(nothuman) .!.
Ping Pong on Google

The doctor was so kind and explained everything so cleared and so well even in English, I felt really comfortable going here Highly recommend!
Kaydia Salmon on Google

Very professional and friendly. One of the best health care experiences I ever had. They went above and beyond the language barrier. Job well done! どもありがとうございました?。 Tip: Make your appointments online, use Google browser so that you can view the site in your own language. Trust me it removes a lot of unnecessary stress. I got an appointment within 2 days but you can walk in without one. The clinic is on the 4th floor of the Hakuraku Medical Clinic. Just a minute away from the West exit of the Hauraku station (easy to find).

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