Kanagawa Women's Clinic - Yokohama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kanagawa Women's Clinic

住所 :

ビル View Sight横浜 4F 1 Chome-20-7 Nishikanagawa, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 221-0822
Webサイト : http://kwc.main.jp/

ビル View Sight横浜 4F 1 Chome-20-7 Nishikanagawa, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0822, Japan
Masako Maggie on Google

I went twice. When I went there for the first time, to be honest, the doctor's impression was cold and I didn't have a good impression, but when I visited him for the second time in another case, I found out that he said things very clearly and clearly, and I was clear. It's better to be told, so I thought I'd keep going for a while. Perhaps doctors are busy, so I think it's best to answer questions as pinpointly as possible.
Lucero Sato on Google

お母さんが更年期で悩んでいるのに先生の態度がすごく嫌でした。 バカにされてるようで嫌でした! 嫌な気持ちになる上で待ち時間も長いのでオススメしません。 Se supone que uno va a buscar ayuda y solucion pero esa doctora solo te da estres. Mi mamá esta sufriendo de la menopausia y le faltan hormonas. Y por falta de hormonas sufre del colesterol y la doctora nos dice que no le recomienda a mi mamá aplicarse hormonas porque es arriesgado, cuando en realidad necesita hormonas porque le falta y tambien para ayudar a su colesterol.
I hated the teacher's attitude even though my mother was worried about menopause. I didn't like being ridiculed! I don't recommend it because it makes me feel uncomfortable and the waiting time is long. Se supone que uno va a buscar ayuda y solucion pero esa doctora solo te da estres. Mi mamá esta sufriendo de la menopausia y le faltan hormonas. Y por falta de hormonas sufre del colesterol y la doctora nos dice que no le recomienda a mi mamá aplicarse hormonas porque es arriesgado, cuando en realidad necesita hormonas porque le falta y tambien para ayudar a su
yumiko inagaki on Google

妊娠中通っていました。 大変信頼を得ている先生なのか、いつも混んでいます。 患者さんに付き添いの男性などはほとんどいませんでしたが、たまに混雑しすぎて待合室のソファが足りず立つ人が出るくらいです。 受付対応はスムーズで優しく、看護師さんはフレンドリーで相談しやすく、先生はテキパキわかりやすく話してくれます。 28週頃から羊水が少ない傾向で、「心配しすぎかもしれないがすぐに大きな病院に行くように」と紹介状をすぐ手配してくれたことには感謝しています。おかげで大事にならず無事出産できました。 また妊娠したらお世話になりたいです。
I went there during pregnancy. It ’s always crowded whether it ’s a teacher who has gained a lot of trust. There were few men who attended the patient, but there were occasional people who were too crowded to stand up on the sofa in the waiting room. The reception is smooth and gentle, nurses are friendly and easy to consult, and teachers speak intelligibly. I am grateful for the fact that the amniotic fluid has been low since around 28 weeks and that I immediately arranged a letter of introduction saying "I may be worried too much but go to a big hospital right away." Thanks to that, I was able to give birth safely without being important. I would like to be taken care of again if I become pregnant.
1 “‪むーらん‬” 2 on Google

子宮頸癌の再検査で受診しました。 子宮頸癌についてはしっかり見ていただき、それは感謝しています。 ただ、排卵障害がわかり妊娠希望をするなら早めにと言われ、結婚を予定していたので治療を相談したのですが、ピルを処方され基礎体温を測るように言われて放置されました。その基礎体温表を持って行くとこれをわたしに見せてどうするの?と言われ転院を決めました。 毎回わたしはあなたの以前を知らないのでわたしに言われても困ると嫌味を言われました。 転院後、ピルを飲んでも意味がない病気だということがわかり、その病院で治療をして無事妊娠もできました。転院して本当によかったです。 患者の好き嫌いがあるのでしょうか?それとも病気によるのでしょうか?子宮頸癌に関しては丁寧すぎるくらい診ていただけたので事例になりそうなのには親身になるんだと思います。ですが、毎回検診はすごい痛かったです。ほかの病院ではそういうこともなかったので本当相性最悪でした。
I had a re-examination for cervical cancer. Thank you for taking a closer look at cervical cancer. However, I was told to get pregnant early if I knew that I had an ovulation disorder, and I was planning to get married, so I consulted for treatment, but I was prescribed a pill and was told to measure my basal body temperature and was left alone. What do you do when you bring the basal body temperature table and show it to me? I was told that I decided to transfer to another hospital. Every time I didn't know you before, I was sarcastic that I wouldn't mind being told. After I was transferred to another hospital, I found that taking pills was a meaningless illness, so I was treated at the hospital and was able to get pregnant safely. I'm really glad I was transferred. Is there a patient's likes and dislikes? Or is it due to illness? As for cervical cancer, I was able to see it too carefully, so I think it will be kind to me even though it seems to be a case. However, every examination was very painful. At other hospitals, that wasn't the case, so it was the worst match.
やゆよ on Google

妊娠判定をして頂きたく伺ったところ、検査の前に「もうどこで産むか決めた?今日は私に何をして欲しいの?」と聞かれ、驚きました。その後の検診ではひたすら、子宮筋腫が大きいけど、どこにあるかもよく分からない。うちでは見られないから大きな病院へ行け、ということを言われました。そしてついでの様に、妊娠はしてますと言われました。 大きな病院に行ったあと、妊婦健診を別でする様に言われたので「筋腫があるから、小さいところでは見られないと言われた」と伝えたら、「この程度の子宮筋腫に対応できない婦人科はないから、どこでも大丈夫だ」とのこと。 人間的に冷たいというのは口コミでも見ていましたが、予想以上の寄り添ってくれない対応にプラスして、技術にも不信感が残りました。 先生なのか使用機材かわかりませんが、アクセスが良くても二度と利用したくないです。
When I asked him to make a pregnancy check, I was surprised when he asked me, "Did you decide where to give birth? What do you want me to do today?" Before the test. In the subsequent examinations, the uterine fibroids are big, but I'm not sure where they are. I was told that I couldn't see it at home so I could go to a big hospital. And as a side note, I was told that I was pregnant. After going to a big hospital, I was told to have a separate gynecological examination, so when I said, "I was told that I can't see it in a small place because I have fibroids," he said, "I can't handle this level of uterine fibroids." There is no gynecology department, so it's okay anywhere. " I've seen word-of-mouth communication that it's humanly cold, but in addition to the response that doesn't get close to me more than I expected, I still felt distrust in the technology. I don't know if it's a teacher or the equipment used, but I don't want to use it again even if it's accessible.
daa za on Google

他の方のレビューでも書かれてますが女性の医師の方けっこうハッキリ言う人なので好き嫌い分かれると思います。聞かれたことを理解して必要なことのみ答えられる人とかサバサバした人が好きなら向いていると思う。 私はもうここに行くことはないかな。
It's written in the reviews of other people, but I think that female doctors are quite clear, so they like it or hate it. I think it's suitable if you like people who understand what you've been asked and can answer only what you need, or people who are sloppy. I wonder if I will go here anymore.
M Y (モエ) on Google

大学生の頃からずっと通ってます。 子宮内膜症の傾向があること、PMSの傾向があることなどを相談し、毎回丁寧に診察いただいている印象です。 ピルを服用していた際も通院時には必ず血液検査をし、数値の傾向から血栓が出来やすい状態になっていないか、服薬して変わりないかなど診ていただきました。 途中で血液の凝固数値?が上がった際には、大きな病院で血栓が出来ていないか検査した方が良いと紹介状まで書いてくれました。 他のコメントのように、合う合わないはある先生だとは思いますが、疑問に対する質問や不安なことはきちんと聞いてくれますし、答えてくれます。 先生が女医さんで、場所が駅チカなど理由は幾つかあると思いますが、予約なしで行く場合は結構待ちます。 予約も取りづらいので、お時間に余裕を持っていくことをおすすめします。
I've been attending since I was a college student. I have the impression that they consult with us about their tendency to have endometriosis and PMS, and have them carefully examine each time. Even when I was taking the pill, I always had a blood test when I went to the hospital to see if it was easy for blood clots to form due to the tendency of the numerical values ​​and if it would change after taking the pill. Blood coagulation value on the way? When it went up, he even wrote a letter of introduction saying that it would be better to check for blood clots in a large hospital. Like the other comments, I think there are some teachers who don't fit, but they will ask and answer questions and concerns. I think there are several reasons why the teacher is a female doctor and the location is Chika station, but if you go without a reservation, you will have to wait a long time. It is difficult to make a reservation, so it is recommended that you have plenty of time.
Manish Choudhary on Google

5 star to this clinic. I am able to post this review because my wife doesnt speak Japanese and I accompanied her in all her visits. She has used their service since past 4 years and not even a single time we got disappointed. The nurses are as humble as you can expect, doctor treats you well with latest eco machine and equipments. Knowing that you are not native, the doctor puts all her effort to explain you with occasional English words, while also writing and giving some important notes in English with some diagram too at-times for explanation purpose. I totally respect their determination and fully recommend this place to any foreign female.

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