Marumo Kitchen - Toshima City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Marumo Kitchen

住所 :

1 Chome-28-2 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-8557, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 171-8557
Webサイト :

1 Chome-28-2 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-8557, Japan
nanao2501 on Google

カウンターあり。丼とお味噌汁、小鉢と小さな甘味のセットもの。海鮮、肉となかなか種類がある。うどんとミニ丼のセットもあり。 お味噌汁が大きな器に入ってるので飲みごたえあり。 ただ味が少し薄いような? バター醤油は美味しいけど最後の方味がなく、お味噌汁も薄味でした。 野菜たっぷりだったので量は満足。 セットドリンクが200円なのに大きめのコップだったのは嬉しかった。
There is a counter. A set of rice bowl and miso soup, a small bowl and a small sweetness. There are quite a few types of seafood and meat. There is also a set of udon and mini bowl. The miso soup is in a large bowl, so it's very satisfying. Is it just a little light? The butter soy sauce was delicious, but there was no last taste, and the miso soup was also light. The amount was satisfactory because it was full of vegetables. I was happy that the set drink was 200 yen but it was a large cup.
大谷佳菜 on Google

味は普通。正直金額はもう少し安くてもっ、、て思いました。(平均1,200円くらい?) 同じ階の奥にあったよさげな和食やさんが同じくらいの金額で結構よさげだったので本当はそっちに行きたかったものの並んでた&1人は入りずらそうな雰囲気もありこちらへ。 客層は女の人2人、1人で来てる人が多かったです。 奥にベビーカーで来てる家族もいましたが居心地良さそうでした。 メインの丼を選んで、その日のお味噌汁(決まってる物)、一口サイズの黒蜜プリン?、小さい小鉢にきんぴら(日によって違う?)がセットでついてきました。 14時頃に伺いましたが、ホールは凄くバタバタしていました。 (席には並ばずすぐはいれました) 提供は作りおきできるものの為早いです。
The taste is normal. To be honest, I thought that the amount was a little cheaper. (Around 1,200 yen on average?) The good Japanese food in the back of the same floor was quite good for the same amount of money, so I really wanted to go there, but there was a line up & there was an atmosphere that it would be difficult for one person to enter here. There were many customers who came alone, two women. There was a family who came with a stroller in the back, but it looked comfortable. Choose the main bowl, miso soup (fixed thing) of the day, bite-sized black honey pudding? , Kinpira (depending on the day?) Comes as a set in a small bowl. I visited around 14:00 and the hall was very fluttering. (I didn't line up in the seat and entered immediately) The offer is quick because it can be made.
E C on Google

Miso soup is delicious and delicious. The shop is also vacant, so you can relax.
Meg In The World on Google

Fish wasn’t fresh, miso soup and side dishes weren’t my taste. I’m sorry but I left most of it.. I don’t want you think it’s a Japanese food.. would recommend somewhere else. ディスプレイは美味しそうでしたが、魚は新鮮ではなく、味噌汁や小鉢の味も美味しくなかったです。アボカドは新鮮でした。
Fish was not fresh, miso soup and side dishes were not my taste. I'm sorry but I left most of it .. I do not want you think it's a Japanese food .. would recommend somewhere else. Although the display looked good, fish is not fresh, it was not delicious taste of miso soup and a small bowl. Avocado was fresh.
a m on Google

他のレストランが割高なので、コスパは良いほうかもしれません。 お味噌汁がうすいような…?揚げはインスタント。 丼に入っているアボカドはとても新鮮で傷んでませんでした。カツオも血合いの臭みはなく、おいしかったです。 愛想のいい店員さんと、ツンケンしてる店員さん二人でホールを回してました。愛想のいい店員さんにほとんど接客していただいたので、とても美味しい昼食になりました!ありがとうございます♪
Cospa may be better as other restaurants are expensive. Miso soup is thin ...? Fried is instant. The avocado in the bowl was very fresh and undamaged. The bonito also had no bloody odor and was delicious. A friendly clerk and a clerk who is crazy were going around the hall. Most of the customers were served by the friendly clerk, so it was a very delicious lunch! Thank you ♪
imaima kemeko on Google

初めて寄りました。食事時を外して行きました。 丼ものを主に提供していてご飯の量も適度でした。 牛肉を甘辛く煮たのとアボカドとの丼おいしいかったです。
I stopped for the first time. I missed the meal. Rice was mainly provided and the amount of rice was moderate. The beef was cooked sweetly and the avocado was delicious.
乱羽ラルさん on Google

むつ湾ホタテのバター醤油ごはん 丼も豚汁も野菜たっぷりで見た目から美味しそう! 帆立の旨味とバター醤油の相性も最高でした♪ トッピングで色々な小鉢をチョイス出来るシステムと面白いですね。 気になるものがたくさんあったのですが、炙り明太子にしてみました。
Mutsu Bay Scallop Butter Soy Sauce Rice Both the bowl and the pork soup are full of vegetables and look delicious! The umami of the scallops and the butter soy sauce went great together ♪ It is interesting to have a system that allows you to choose various small bowls with toppings. There were a lot of things I was interested in, but I tried roe mentaiko.
eri nishi on Google

和食の丼物が美味しいお店です。 単品ではなく、お味噌汁と小鉢そして一口デザートがついていて女性に人気な食事。 スイーツもあるのでカフェにもいいかもしれません。 ご馳走様でした。
It is a restaurant where Japanese rice bowls are delicious. It is not a single item, but a popular meal for women with miso soup, a small bowl and a bite of dessert. There are also sweets, so it might be good for a cafe. It was a treat.

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