プールラヴニール 市川 フラワーレッスン 花屋

5/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact プールラヴニール 市川 フラワーレッスン 花屋

住所 :

Mama, Ichikawa, 〒272-0826 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877879
Webサイト : http://pourlavenir-f.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Mama, Ichikawa, 〒272-0826 Chiba,Japan
田中都 on Google

K Emi on Google

There are many fashionable and lovely flowers. You can also ask for gifts with confidence.
YUKO OKADA on Google

I was attracted to the wonderful display of the window, and when I entered the shop, it was full of seasonal flowers and I became a fan in an instant. He kindly taught me about flowers. I'm glad that it's cheaper than the shops near the station ♪
Chay on Google

Pour l'avenirは青山と市川でフラワーサロンを主催されている吉田寿美子先生のお教室で、こちらは先生念願の(?!)フラワーショップです。 雑誌にも多数掲載、毎年Christmasの時期には六本木ミッドタウンにも作品を展示なさっている有名な先生です。 毎日こちらのお店の前を通る、学生さん達の間では「市川真間におとぎの国が現れた!」と話題にもなっていたそう。先生がお店にいらっしゃる時は先生自らブーケを?束ねてくださる事もあります。実力のある方がブーケを束ねて下さるお店は珍しいので、大切な方への贈り物などにはピッタリです。 先生のセンスの良さについては、こちらで語らなくても作品を見れば一目瞭然です。配達やネットオーダーも出来ると思いますし、お近くの方は是非足を運んでみてください。
Pour l'avenir is a classroom of Mr. Sumiko Yoshida, who hosts flower salons in Aoyama and Ichikawa, and this is the teacher's long-sought (?!) Flower shop. He is a famous teacher who has been published in many magazines and exhibits his works in Roppongi Midtown every year during Christmas. Students who pass in front of this shop every day have been talking about "A fairyland has appeared in Mama Ichikawa!" When the teacher comes to the store, he may ? bundle the bouquet himself. It's rare to find a shop where a talented person bundles bouquets, so it's a perfect gift for someone special. You can see at a glance the goodness of the teacher's sense by looking at the work without talking here. I think that delivery and online ordering are also possible, and if you are near you, please come visit us.
藤田布美子 on Google

最近素敵なお花屋さんが市川真間駅近くにオープンしたと友達に聞き、気になり行ってみました。 まず素敵な外観が目に止まりました。いかにも高そうな雰囲気でしたが、お値段の安さに驚きました。スタッフの方は皆さん親切で、色々アドバイスして頂きました。店内は埋め尽くされる程お花の種類があり、生花の他にドライフラワーやアートフラワーも展示されてました。定期的にアレンジメントのレッスンをしているようなので、早速申し込みしてきました。後で知りましたが、よく雑誌に掲載されてる有名な先生のようなので、楽しみです。
I heard from a friend that a nice flower shop opened near Ichikawamama station recently, and I went there. First of all, the nice appearance caught my eye. The atmosphere seemed to be very expensive, but I was surprised at the low price. All the staff were kind and gave me various advice. There are so many kinds of flowers that the store is filled with flowers, and in addition to fresh flowers, dried flowers and art flowers were also exhibited. It seems that I am taking arrangement lessons on a regular basis, so I applied immediately. As I learned later, I'm looking forward to it because it looks like a famous teacher who is often published in magazines.
editer on Google

日常に馴染むハイセンスな花や鉢植えを置いてくれてます。このセンスでこの値段はすごく安いと思います。 いつも予算を伝えてお勧めの花束を作ってもらっています。
They place stylish flowers and potted plants that are familiar to us in our daily lives. I think this price is very cheap with this sense. I always tell my budget and ask them to make a recommended bouquet.

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