まきのはら皮膚科 - Nagoya

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact まきのはら皮膚科

住所 :

Makinohara, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0072 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 465-0072
Webサイト : https://makinohara-hifuka.net/
街 : Aichi

Makinohara, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0072 Aichi,Japan
浅野美香 on Google

The teacher is friendly and listens for troubles. I feel good that everyone in the staff is also nervous. I have only medical staff who will be patient. It is a good impression.
ひにぴち on Google

I went because I was worried that a cyst was formed on my face. I had an operation immediately on that day. I am satisfied with the clean excision without any scars.
on Google

The teacher is kind and easy to talk to, so you can go there with confidence. Both the nurse and the receptionist are friendly and kind.
リアワカ on Google

It's always crowded and I've been waiting for about an hour and a half. I went to Atopy, a longtime child, for about half a year. If you apply the same medicine every time, it will be a little better. Teacher, the first time I saw the child's skin symptoms, but from the next time I will talk verbally, show a recent photo, tell the child to put it on my back, etc. They don't listen to you just by typing. Even if I show it, it seems, but I just glance at it. It is a mystery why it is so popular and crowded. I hate it because my kids don't take it seriously. I haven't gone anymore. The reception and the reception of the nurses are good.
サクサク on Google

I had a medical examination at atopy. It was my first visit, but I was told to lie down on the bed and wait for a while, and after waiting for a while, the teacher came and said, "Ah, itching." It seems to be troublesome without permission (although the absorption rate differs depending on the part of the body), and this one is laid down and only the neck is directed toward the teacher to talk to the teacher, and the neck hurts especially with atopy. I wasn't talking about it, I was talking to the teacher's voice, I didn't know what I was talking about, and without asking a question, I went to the next patient and ended my examination. rice field. After researching various things and rereading the hospital's homepage many times, I finally found a hospital that I could feel at ease with! There is also the fact that I am bad because I inflated my delusion without permission. I think it can't be helped because it was quite crowded, but since it is an individual opinion, the evaluation will be ✩1.
I. N (Izcy) on Google

オープン当初から家族で通わせていただいております。先生は一見、ひょうひょうとされていて口数は少なめで言葉も短いので誤解されることもあるかもしれませんが、大事なことはわかりやすい言葉でしっかりと伝えてくださいます。 いわゆる医者独特の圧のある偉そうな感じが全くなく、かといってどんなに混んでいてもイライラせず急がず診てくれるので、長く通うことが多い皮膚科においては患者としても変な気を使わずに信頼して通っています。 私自身小さい頃から皮膚が弱くあちこち通いましたが、難しいであろうアトピーの診察もいわゆる通り一辺倒ではなく、先生自身もアトピーには悩まされた経験からか、その時々の細かいニュアンスやこちらの変化も拾ってくださるのがとてもありがたいです。 看護師さんもバタバタした雰囲気を出さずにいつも暖かく見守ってくださり、皆さん丁寧で優しい方ばかりで癒されます。
I have been attending with my family since the opening. At first glance, the teacher may be misunderstood because he is humorous, has a small number of words, and has short words, but please convey the important things firmly in easy-to-understand words. There is no pressure and bossy feeling peculiar to so-called doctors, but no matter how crowded it is, it will not be frustrating and will not hurry to see you, so in dermatology who often go for a long time, it feels strange as a patient. I trust it without using it. Since I was little, my skin was weak and I went around here and there, but the examination of atopy, which would be difficult, was not all about as it is, and the teacher himself was suffering from atopy. I am very grateful that you also picked it up. The nurses always watch over me warmly without creating a fluttering atmosphere, and everyone is healed by polite and kind people.
小野寺夢津美 on Google

症状説明はとても分かりやすく、取っても保育園とかでまた移るから取らない方が良いなど かかりつけの皮膚科よりも分かりやすく説明して貰えて新しい知識も得ました。 それと反面、先生の声が小さくボソボソと話してるので聞き取れない部分もあり、もう少し声が大きければ大満足で星5です
The explanation of symptoms is very easy to understand, and even if you take it, it is better not to take it because it will move to the nursery center again. I got new knowledge by explaining it in an easy-to-understand manner than my dermatologist. On the other hand, the teacher's voice is small and I'm talking to him, so there are some parts that I can't hear.
3 on Google

皮膚科粉瘤疑いで伺いました。 終始ボソボソと話し感じも悪く、診断もあいまいでした。結局どうするべきなのか納得のいく説明や治療をうけることが出来ませんでした。 おそらく手術部位が顔のセンシティブな部位でもあり治療したくなかったのだと思います。 自院での治療を拒否し、自費診療(今回の治療に関して五万円。通常保険診療では五千円ほど)しか行っていない病院をすすめられました。 2時間以上の待ち時間が無駄でした。 いろんな病院のホームページを調べて、安心出来そうな病院を見つけた!と自分が勝手に思い込んでいたのも悪かったのかもしれません。 病院のスタッフの方は感じが良かったです。 あくまで個人の意見なので評価は✩1とさせて頂きます。
I was suspected of having a dermatological cyst. I had a bad feeling talking to him from beginning to end, and the diagnosis was ambiguous. In the end, I couldn't get a convincing explanation or treatment about what to do. Perhaps the surgical site was also a sensitive area of ​​the face and I didn't want to treat it. I refused treatment at my own hospital and was recommended to a hospital that only provided self-financed medical treatment (50,000 yen for this treatment, about 5,000 yen for regular insurance medical treatment). Waiting for more than 2 hours was wasted. I searched the homepages of various hospitals and found a hospital that I could feel at ease with! It may have been bad that I thought that I was selfish. The hospital staff felt good. Since it is an individual opinion, the evaluation will be ✩1.

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