4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Ebisu, Shibuya City, 〒150-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87989
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Ebisu, Shibuya City, 〒150-0013 Tokyo,Japan
Erina Tabata-Yamada on Google

It is completely one-on-one and comfortable. Easy to take a consultation, comfortable massage. It's good to be able to see it a little deeper and not be visible from the outside. I was surprised at first because the door at the entrance was unreliable.
DOO KND on Google

Thank you for the other day. As usual, the finish was very satisfying! Corona measures are perfect, and you can cut with confidence. thanks you.
Tetsuya Kondoh on Google

マンツーマンの美容室ということで予約しました。とてもリラックスして髪を切っていただけました。髪型のことやスタイリングのことについても相談に乗って頂き、満足です! ありがとうございました!
I made a reservation because it is a one-on-one beauty salon. I was very relaxed and had my hair cut. I am happy to hear from you about hairstyles and styling! Thank you very much!
rina on Google

マンツーマンのプライベートサロンで、ちょっと特別な気分になれるサロンです◎ 仕上がりは、カラーはもちろん、カットも前髪までこだわってくださるので、いつも満足です♩ 接客のほどよい距離感、丁寧なカウンセリング・提案に安心してお任せできます。 落ち着いたおしゃれな雰囲気で、リラックスして過ごせるので空間もお気に入りの一つです^^
It is a one-on-one private salon where you can feel a little special! As for the finish, not only the color but also the bangs are taken care of, so I'm always satisfied ♩ You can rest assured that you will have a good sense of distance from customers, and careful counseling and suggestions. The space is also one of my favorites as it has a calm and fashionable atmosphere and you can relax and spend ^^
ACTY ACTY on Google

何度かリピートしていますが、毎回素晴らしいカットで大変満足しています。 プライベートサロンが好きなので、居心地も良いですし これからもリピートしようと思っています。 いつもありがとうございます!
I've repeated it several times, but I'm very happy with the wonderful cuts each time. I like private salons, so it's comfortable I will continue to repeat it. I am always grateful for your help!
近藤桃子 on Google

I have done the last hair color and treatment this year. The hair is really nice and shiny. Now that I go to this place, I get more and more compliments on my hair, and I am very satisfied with the finish every time. I look forward to working with you next year.
bis on Google

初来店でしたが、こちらの悩みに丁寧に応えてくださり、扱いにくい髪にも対応してくださいました。気になっていた酸熱トリートメントを受けましたが仕上がりに大満足です。 知識が豊富で、シャンプーやケアの方法なども教えて頂きました。 マンツーマンのサロンなので他人の目を気にせず居られたのが良かったです。ipadで雑誌がたくさん読めたので時間がゆっくりと過ごせました。髪型も評判が良くて自分でも気に入っています。 是非また伺わせていただきます。
It was my first visit to the store, but he politely responded to my concerns and dealt with unwieldy hair. I received the acid heat treatment that I was interested in, but I am very satisfied with the finish. He has a lot of knowledge and taught me shampoo and care methods. It's a one-on-one salon, so it was good to be able to stay without worrying about the eyes of others. I was able to spend a lot of time reading a lot of magazines on my ipad. The hairstyle has a good reputation and I like it myself. I will come back to you again.
man Roo on Google

Although it is a salon on the first floor near the station, I was able to spend a relaxing time in a hideaway atmosphere. It is a salon where the owner is alone, and you can do it one-on-one, so I think it is good for those who are not good at large beauty salons. Face shields and air purifiers were also used, and measures against corona infection were well taken. I chose this private salon because I thought it would be good for infection control, but I will continue to go to the comfort of charter. I had my hair cut and treated, and I was really surprised that my easy-to-spread hair became beautiful even after a week.

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