恵比寿カラオケ生バンド Live Bar BippAra(ビッパラ)

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 恵比寿カラオケ生バンド Live Bar BippAra(ビッパラ)

住所 :

Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, 〒150-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.bippara.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8PM–5AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8PM–5AM
Tuesday 8PM–5AM
Wednesday 8PM–5AM
Thursday 8PM–5AM
Friday 8PM–5AM
街 : Tokyo

Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, 〒150-0022 Tokyo,Japan
渡邊裕砥 on Google

カラオケと生バンドのコラボで歌い出しがスムーズで、生オケ初めての方も歌いやすいです。 何より、お客さんとの一体感でトッテモ気持ちよく歌えて、プチミュージシャンになった気分が味わえます。最高の接客に最高の歌で気持ちいい時間が過ぎせるお店に感謝です。
The collaboration between karaoke and a live band makes it easy to start singing, and even those who are new to live orchestra can easily sing. Above all, you can sing comfortably with Tottemo with a sense of unity with the customer, and you can enjoy the feeling of becoming a petite musician. I am grateful to the store where I can pass a pleasant time with the best songs to the best customer service.
R M on Google

It will be exciting because it will play whatever you ask for in live music! Of course, the price is a little high, but it's not as much as I expected, and the clerk's response is very polite!
Dado Rock on Google

生バンドで歌えるなんて本当に普通のカラオケとは違います。 スタッフの方も丁寧なサービスしてくれます。 いつもと違うデートならここです。
Being able to sing in a live band is really different from ordinary karaoke. The staff will also provide a polite service. If you have a different date than usual, this is the place.
じゅりあんぐ(じゅりあんぐ。) on Google

もともとは生バンドカラオケバーだったみたいですが、昼間はカフェアンドバーをやってるみたい。 茶の木村園監修のかき氷がとてもおいしい。チョコミントしか食べてないですが、氷もサラサラで、やさしいミントとまろやかなチョコのかき氷でした。定番メニューなのもありがたい。 茶の木村園はとても有名ですが、ここはまだあまり知られてないらしく、私が行ったときはめちゃくちゃ空いてました。接客も良くサービスの梅昆布茶がほんとにおいしくてかき氷屋なのにとてもゆっくりできました。お茶は程よい塩気とぬるさでかき氷のあとにぴったりでした。 そういえば、入ってすぐお水かお茶くれたらもっと良かったなあと思います?
Originally it was a live band karaoke bar, but it seems to be a cafe and bar during the day. The shaved ice supervised by Tea Tree Village is very delicious. I only ate chocolate mint, but the ice was smooth, with mint and mild chocolate shaved ice. I am thankful for the classic menu. The tea tree village garden is very famous, but it seems that it is not yet well known, and when I went there it was very vacant. The customer service was good and the service plum kelp tea was really delicious and it was a shaved ice store. The tea was perfect after shaved ice with moderate saltiness and lukewarmness. Speaking of which, I think it would have been better if you gave me water or tea as soon as I entered.
なつき on Google

生バンドでカラオケ歌えるというコンセプト、最高でした♪ スタッフの方々の対応も誠実だし、人柄の良さも伝わってきて◎! 一度行くと病みつきになること必至です!
The concept of singing karaoke in a live band was the best ♪ The staff are sincere in their response, and the goodness of their personality is also conveyed! Once you go, you will be addicted to it!
セキコー on Google

生バンドカラオケ 最高に楽しかったです 生のバンドサウンドを感じながら歌えるのは感動モノ、カラオケ機併用なのでイメージより歌いやすかったです 二次会会場の下見だったけど、気付いたら2時間も遊んでましたww パーティなら必ず盛り上がるし、1人でも店員さんが親切でノリも良いから十分楽しめます
Live band karaoke was the most fun It was easier to sing than I imagined because it was a moving thing and a karaoke machine was used together to sing while feeling the live band sound. It was a preview of the second party venue, but when I noticed it, I was playing for 2 hours ww If it's a party, it will definitely be exciting, and even one person can enjoy it enough because the clerk is kind and nice.
Necromine on Google

Great place to sing open karaoke with a live band to accompany you!
Haruki Torii (The open air) on Google

You, everybody who loves singing, can sing on stage WITH LIVE BAND PERFORMANCE ! You can’t leave a mike. They say they can play any song in their DAM Karaoke system, including Foreign songs, Anime or Oldies.

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