LEXUS Garage Ogikubo - Suginami City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LEXUS Garage Ogikubo

住所 :

1 Chome-20-22 Miyamae, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0081, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 168-0081
Webサイト :

1 Chome-20-22 Miyamae, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0081, Japan
顕一郎小林 on Google

The atmosphere of the shop and the staff were polite and nice!
5 41 on Google

It was a polite response. It seems that there are Lexus certified used cars and used cars that are not certified but have a good degree.
jyun mori on Google

見積もりを依頼しましたが、客を見下した最低な対応で断られました。 書いていないことを理由に断られました。情報を載せていないことがわるいだろう。人を差別する下劣な会社です。
I asked for a quote, but it was refused due to the worst response that looked down on the customer. I was refused because I didn't write it. It would be bad not to post the information. It is a vile company that discriminates against people.
ドン117 on Google

It was kind and cozy ❗ However, Lexus was not eligible for warranty unless it was checked at the store and affiliated store in Tokyo.
come come on Google

お伺いして即決で購入決めました! 新車店と変わらない対応。いや、レクサスレディの方はそれ以上かも。 担当の方がもうちょっとサービス精神旺盛ならパーフェクトですが、素直で良い方だと思うので満足です。(若さを考慮して) 新型の予約開始されたら、レクサス荻窪にもお伺いしてみようと思います! あと2~3名の営業さんしか分かりませんが、曖昧な回答が多いので、きちんと調べて回答お願いします。
We visited and decided to purchase by prompt decision! Correspondence that is the same as a new car store. No, the Lexus lady may be more than that. If the person in charge is a little more service-minded, it's perfect, but I'm satisfied because I think he's honest and good. (In consideration of youth) When the reservation for the new model starts, I will visit Lexus Ogikubo! I only know a few more sales people, but there are many ambiguous answers, so please check them out and answer.
alone unknown on Google

一言で言うならば「買わせるのがゴールではなく、購入してからスタートする本当のおもてなし」を追及されているのがレクサスであり、特にモビリティ東京系列は素晴らしい! 買って満足する買い物・買う時だけ一生懸命なセールスマンが多い中で、レクサスは他メーカーを圧倒していると感じます。 逆にヤナセ・トヨタと同等の対応やサービスでしたら、安いですしトヨタ車買いますね。 でも、お値段以上に感じられる細かな心配り、おもてなしの数々。これらに価値を付けるなら決して高い買い物ではないと思います。 認定中古(CPO)と一般中古販売店のレクサスでは、ディーラーの対応も天と地の差がありますね。 CPOが多少高かろうと、目先の損得でその辺の中古を買うと絶対に後悔すると思います。 (認定中古はナンバー認証で入庫時に分かるため、それ以外のレクサス車はお客様とも思ってもらえないディーラーもあるんだとか。) 認定中古迷われてるなら、是非一度行ってみてください。マネージャーさんも気さくで素晴らしい方でしたし、例えCTだろうとLSだろうと最高の対応をしてくださいます。
In a nutshell, Lexus is pursuing "the goal is not to buy, but the true hospitality that starts after purchasing", and the Mobility Tokyo series is particularly wonderful! I feel that Lexus overwhelms other manufacturers while there are many salesmen who work hard only when shopping and buying. On the contrary, if the service and services are the same as those of Yanase Toyota, it is cheap and I would buy a Toyota car. However, there are a lot of small worries and hospitality that you can feel more than the price. If you add value to these, I don't think it's an expensive purchase. There is a difference between the heaven and the earth in the dealer's response between the certified used (CPO) and the general used dealer Lexus. Even if the CPO is a little high, I think you will definitely regret buying a second-hand item in that area for the immediate loss. (Since certified used cars are known at the time of warehousing by number certification, some dealers do not think that other Lexus cars are customers.) If you are wondering about certified used cars, please go there. The manager was also a friendly and wonderful person, and he will give the best response regardless of whether it is CT or LS.
LE KHOA on Google

I came to consider buying a new car on 22/01/16, but the attitude of the business operator is not very good. I don't want to sell my car. It didn't come out even with water. Even a used car store with a cheap car should not have such a minimum response. This store has a car I would like to consider, but I don't want to enter the store for the second time considering my long relationship.
株式会社石神製作所 on Google

レクサス店舗なだけに 高価格帯の車が多いのですが 実は、低価格車にも 変わらぬ愛情で納車をして頂けるお店です。 担当さんも女性スタッフさんの方も 皆さん気さくな方で スムーズに購入出来ました。 GMさんにご挨拶を頂きましたが とても穏やかな方で、 この方のお人柄が お店の雰囲気を良くしているのだ!と 納得のお店です。 もちろん、並んでる車はどれも完璧で 驚くほどのクオリティです。 納車式では真心のこもった お気遣いも感謝です。 ありがとうございました(^^) とてもお勧めなお店です。 皆さまもぜひ体感してみて下さい。
Just because it's a Lexus store There are many high-priced cars In fact, even for low-priced cars It is a shop where you can deliver your car with the same affection. Both the person in charge and the female staff Everyone is friendly I was able to purchase it smoothly. I received a greeting from GM Very calm This person's personality It makes the atmosphere of the shop better! When It is a convincing shop. Of course, all the cars in line are perfect Amazing quality. Sincere at the delivery ceremony Thank you for your concern. Thank you (^^) This is a highly recommended shop. Please come and experience it.

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