Lazy Daisy Bakery - Bunkyo City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lazy Daisy Bakery

住所 :

2 Chome-5-17 Yushima, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan

Postal code : 113-0034
Webサイト :

2 Chome-5-17 Yushima, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan
Hiro mi on Google

イギリス国旗が目に入って立ち寄ったお店。お洒落な外観だったので雑貨屋かと思いきや、イギリスのお菓子のお店だった。 店内に入るとふんわりとスパイスの香り。たぶんスパイスケーキの香りだったのだろう。ディスプレイもとっても可愛らしく、店主のこだわりが感じられた。全部が可愛いので、後で撮った写真をポストカードみたいにして部屋に飾ろうと思う。 ラインナップはスコーン、ショートブレッド、季節の果物を使ったケーキ、ジャムなど。店主が仕事で何度もイギリス各地を訪れて、実際に食べて美味しかったものを試行錯誤して作っているとのこと。 今の時期はルバーブを使ったケーキがあり、イギリス文学に触れて育った私にはとてつもなく嬉しかった。 スコーンは卵不使用のカントリースコーン。甘いお菓子のようなものではなく、ジャムやクリームを塗ったり、食事として出される素朴なもの。きちんと作られているので、ボロボロ食べこぼれることはない。皆がgentlemanとladyになれる。 ショートブレッドも同様で、歯応えがありつつもカロ○ーメイトもどきのようなもさもさ感は一切ない。 ケーキは今回はプラムのスパイスケーキとルバーブのケーキをチョイス。紅茶に合うスッキリとした甘さと香りが最高だ。 小さなキッチンで作られたこれらのお菓子には、女性店主のこだわりと思い入れが詰まっている。 お値段はやや高め。その分、材料や手間は惜しんでいない。 特に物語が好きな女性は、イギリス領カナダの少女やロンドンの駅に来た熊や話す熊のぬいぐるみにまた会いたくなるかもしれない。それぐらいにお店もお菓子も正しくイギリスだと私は感じた。 ちなみにクロテッドクリームは売っていない。やはり牛乳も違うし、作るのに2日かかるので難しいとのこと。
A shop with a British flag in the eye. I thought it was a general store because it was a fashionable appearance, it was a British sweets shop. The smell of soft and spice when entering the store. It was probably the smell of spice cake. The display was also very cute, and the shopkeeper's attention was felt. Since everything is cute, I will decorate the room with photos I took later as postcards. The lineup includes scones, shortbreads, cakes with seasonal fruits, and jams. The shopkeeper has visited many parts of England many times at work, and is trying to make something that they ate and tasted. There is a cake using rhubarb at this time, and I was extremely happy for me who grew up touching English literature. Scones are egg-free country scones. It's not like sweets, it's a simple thing that you can use as jam or cream, or as a meal. Because it is made properly, there is no possibility of spilling food. Everyone can be a gentleman and a lady. The same is true for shortbreads, and while there is a crunchy feeling, there is no sense of fancy like Caro ○-Mate. This time I chose plum spice cake and rhubarb cake. The sweetness and smell that makes the tea fit is the best. These sweets made in a small kitchen are packed with the feelings and feelings of a female shopkeeper. The price is slightly higher. For that, materials and labor are not spared. Women who particularly like stories may want to see British Canadian girls and bears and talking bears who came to London stations again. That's why I felt that the shops and the cakes were right in the UK. By the way, clotted cream is not sold. After all milk is different and it takes 2 days to make, so it's difficult.
yo u on Google

Since we are serving customers one by one, we will wait a long time. I went around 12:30 on weekdays and lined up for about 20 to 30 minutes. Some of them are sold out, which shows how popular they are. Is the price a little expensive?
U “しろうさ” S on Google

It's not bad, but it's a taste that you can make at home. The size is also small. For that reason, the price is too high for one 500 yen or more. Since the inside of the store is small, only one person can enter the store now because of the corona. Even so, despite the fact that there are several people lined up outside, I was amazed at the attitude of not paying attention to the customers who seemed to be regulars and the customers who were talking and waiting. I wonder if that regular customer is ...
chie chifan on Google

初めての来店だと店員さんに伝えたら、このケーキをオススメしてもらいました。 ◎ヴィクトリアスポンジ ◎レモンドリズルケーキ。 イギリスお菓子のお店。行列でした。 「グレーテルのかまど」に出てたお店みたいです。ケーキもクッキーも美味しいです。合成保存料、合成保湿剤など一切使用していないそう。
When I told the clerk that it was my first time to visit the store, I asked him to recommend this cake. ◎ Victoria sponge ◎ Lemon drizzle cake. British sweets shop. It was a procession. It looks like a shop that appeared in "Gretel's Kamado". The cakes and cookies are delicious. No synthetic preservatives or synthetic moisturizers are used.
chi_sabrina on Google

If you like British sweets, this is the shop you'll want to visit at least once. The cakes are delicious and the shops are cute!
める on Google

スコーン販売のみの雨の日曜日。 12時前に現地到着。 商品が買えたのは12時45分。 スコーンはプレーン4個、レーズン2個。 合計6個購入で、2200円。 ひとつ300円とちょっと。 スコーンの味は素朴で本場イギリス風。 店員さんは親切でとてもよい。 場所や待ち時間、値段を考えたら、次回は百貨店催事のときに、なにかケーキが買えたら嬉しいかな。
Rainy Sunday for scone sales only. Arrived at the site before 12:00. I was able to buy the product at 12:45. 4 scones and 2 raisins. Buy 6 in total for 2200 yen. One is a little 300 yen. The taste of scones is simple and authentic British style. The clerk is kind and very nice. Considering the location, waiting time, and price, I'd be happy if I could buy some cake at the next department store event.
yu ko on Google

Homely cakes are lined up in the cute shop, and you will be thrilled. In addition to Victoria sponge and seed cake, I bought spicy and fig chocolate cake. They are all delicious. The menu seems to change depending on the season, so I will visit again. It's a popular shop, so it can't be helped to line up. I went 30 minutes before the opening at 12 o'clock, but there are already customers ...
西田和弘 on Google

グレーテルのかまどで紹介されたシードケーキが食べてみたくてお訪ねしました。イギリスで出会ったシードケーキに感動して、海外雑貨のバイヤーから転身して始めたお店なのだとか。 小さなお店で一人ずつ店内に入り購入するようになってます。到着したときには運良く数名の方が待つだけでしたが、あっという間に後ろには長蛇の列が。日により異なるようですが、6種類ほどのケーキがカットされて陳列されてます。せっかくなのでシードケーキのほかその日のケーキをすべて買って帰りました。 お一人で製造されているので、7〜8月の営業日は金曜日と土曜日だけで精一杯とのこと。 確認されてから行かれたほうがいいですよ。遅くなると売り切れもあるので、早めに行くことをおすすめします。 シードケーキは爽やかなな風味とほどよい甘さのケーキでした。他のケーキもどれも美味しかったです。
I visited the seed cake introduced in Gretel's Kamado because I wanted to try it. I heard that the shop was impressed by the seed cake that I met in England, and started as a buyer of overseas miscellaneous goods. At a small store, each person goes into the store and purchases. Fortunately, only a few people waited when we arrived, but in a blink of an eye there was a long line behind us. It seems that it varies from day to day, but about 6 kinds of cakes are cut and displayed. I bought all the cakes of the day besides the seed cake because it was a big deal. Since it is manufactured by one person, it is said that the business days from July to August are only Friday and Saturday. You should go after being confirmed. If it is late, it may be sold out, so it is recommended to go early. The seed cake was a cake with a refreshing flavor and moderate sweetness. All the other cakes were delicious.

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