Doce Espiga - Chiyoda City

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Doce Espiga

住所 :

3 Chome-2-5 Kanda Ogawamachi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0052, Japan

Postal code : 101-0052
Webサイト :

3 Chome-2-5 Kanda Ogawamachi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0052, Japan
Aya F on Google

ポルトガルスイーツのお店。 見たことないお菓子がたくさんで、お店の方にいろいろ聞いてしまったのだけど、とっても丁寧に対応してくださいました。 見た目は華やかではないけれど、どれもやさしい甘さでおいしかった・・・ ナッツとはちみつのケーキ(だったかな?)、アーモンドとチーズのタルト(とっても好きだった)、カスタードの焼きタルトっぽいやつ(シナモンが上にめっちゃかかってるの、なんか大人な味) また食べたいです。 (2021.09.10)
Portuguese sweets shop. There were a lot of sweets I hadn't seen before, and I asked the shop staff a lot, but they responded very politely. It doesn't look gorgeous, but it's all delicious with its gentle sweetness ... Nuts and honey cake (was it?), Almond and cheese tart (I really liked it), custard baked tart-like one (cinnamon on top, something mature) I want to eat again. (2021.09.10)
D D on Google

全部美味しくて感激!! ポルトガル菓子がこんなに美味しいなんて知らなかった。 移住してもいいくらい(笑) 特にお気に入りが"リス川のそよ風" どのお菓子も名前から味の想像のつかないが、丁寧に説明してくださいます。 何度も説明して面倒くさいだろうが、本当に本当にご丁寧に親切な接客でした!
Everything is delicious and inspiring! !! I didn't know that Portuguese sweets were so delicious. You can move (laughs) Especially my favorite is "Breeze of the Squirrel River" I can't imagine the taste of any sweet from the name, but please explain it carefully. It would be a hassle to explain many times, but it was really really polite and kind customer service!
coco vanilla on Google

エッグタルトの予約をしに訪問 2ヶ月後だから11月下旬かな?と手帳を開こうとしたら最短で12月6日との事でした~予約待ち日数が段々と長くなってきました せっかく訪問したので以下のお菓子を購入 *天国のベーコン *栗のエコノミュス 栗のエコノミュス 栗なので季節限定かなと思いチョイス 和栗の入った甘食のようなお菓子との事でした 確かにその通り 甘さ控えめで朝ごはんに食べてもいい感じです でもそれほど好みではなかったかな 天国のベーコン わりと定番のメニューみたいですが初購入 ほんのりスパイス卵感しっかり、しっとり美味しい めちゃ好み!エッグタルトの次に好きかも
Visit to make a reservation for egg tarts It's two months later, so maybe late November? When I tried to open the notebook, it was December 6th at the earliest. The number of days waiting for reservations has been getting longer and longer. Since I visited so much, I bought the following sweets * Heaven bacon * Chestnut economy Chestnut economy It ’s chestnut, so I think it ’s seasonal. It was a sweet like sweets with Japanese chestnuts That's right The sweetness is modest and it feels good to eat for breakfast. But I didn't like it so much Bacon in heaven It seems to be a standard menu, but I bought it for the first time Slightly spicy egg feeling, moist and delicious I really like it! Maybe you like it next to egg tarts
a k on Google

靖国通りヴィクトリア本店の路地を入った所にあるポルトガル菓子の店 午後一に行ったら、お手軽菓子5.いちぢくのチーズ.サンドでした 名前だけだと何やら?、聞くと丁寧に説明してくれます。初めから説明しちゃうと分からなくなっちゃうからだそう 今回は3種類購入 この中では、リス川が良かった リス川のそよ風は日本の羊羹だと 卵黄、砂糖、アーモンドパウダーかな?甘め、ねっとり美味しい ゼジンブラは中にチョコレートが入ってスパイシーと スパイシーはシナモンかな?ザクザク食感 カバッカスはボーロみたいと説明してくれました 冷蔵する、してはダメなどもきちんと言ってくれます エッグタルトが人気で月初に店で直接予約みたいです 2022/3から少し値上げするそうです
A Portuguese confectionery store located in the alley of the Victoria main store on Yasukuni Dori When I went there in the afternoon, it was a simple snack 5. Fig cheese. Sandwich What if it's just the name? , When you hear it, it will explain it politely. It seems that if you explain from the beginning, you will not understand This time I bought 3 types Among them, the Lis River was good The breeze of the Lis River is Japanese yokan Egg yolk, sugar, almond powder? Sweet and soggy and delicious Zejinbra is spicy with chocolate inside Is spicy cinnamon? Crunchy texture Kabacus explained that he was like a bolo Refrigerate, and even if it doesn't work, it will tell you properly. Egg tarts are popular and it seems to be booked directly at the store at the beginning of the month It seems that the price will be raised a little from 2022/3
tako on Google

こんな細っこい道にあるオランダ菓子の名店。 エッグタルトが有名で、何ヶ月先も予約待ち、この日は予約停止すらしていた。 ショーケースのお菓子を。 おいしかったのは、リス川という黄色いお菓子。 説明も丁寧。なんて好感が持てるお店。 ぜひ、いつかエッグタルトを食べてみたい。
A famous Dutch confectionery store on such a narrow road. Egg tarts are famous, and they waited for reservations many months in advance, and even canceled reservations on that day. Showcase sweets. What was delicious was the yellow candy called the Squirrel River. The explanation is also polite. What a nice shop. I definitely want to eat egg tarts someday.
이나원 on Google

fabulous original Portugal candies and desserts made by Portuguese
Iga Day on Google

Quality Portuguese sweets are available here? Better be early because they sell out pretty quickly, especially the egg tart which is my favorite.
Ryoko on Google

This is the best authentic Portuguese sweet shop I had ever been. Especially,their Pastel de nata(egg tart)is so popular that you need to make a reservation and wait about 2 month. I am so amazed how good it is!! Their flaky pie crust and delicate cream are absolutely perfect match. All the other sweets are also very unique and tasty. I love them all!! :))

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