biossa - Bunkyo City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact biossa

住所 :

2 Chome-10-19 Kasuga, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 112-0003
Webサイト :

2 Chome-10-19 Kasuga, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 112-0003, Japan
Saki HAYASHI on Google

I heard that only gluten-free bread using rice flour is sold, so I stopped by with interest. I personally love it because of its chewy texture! Especially chocolate bread shaped like a small loaf of bread. As it was written in the shop description, it was eaten like a little chocolate cake, and the dough was kneaded with something like chocolate chips. The sweetness is modest. If you like sweets, you should add chocolate sauce. After warming it in the microwave for 10 seconds and toasting it, the surface was crispy and the inside was chewy.
みる on Google

ずっと気になってたけど初めて購入しました。豆乳クリームパン@180円と薬膳カレーパン@280円を購入。 2つとも電子レンジで30秒ほど温めました。 薬膳カレーパンは薬膳の独特な香りがするのかな、、、と恐る恐る食べましたが全くクセは無く。普通に美味しいキーマカレーでした。パンは周りがカリッとしていて中がモチモチ。初めての食感でした。 クリームパンも外がカリカリで中がもっちり。豆乳のクセも無くてとても美味しい。 これでグルテンフリーというのは信じられません。もっとパサパサしているのかと思ってましたのですごく意外でした!
I've been worried about it for a long time, but I bought it for the first time. I bought soy milk cream bun @ 180 yen and medicinal curry bread @ 280 yen. Both were heated in the microwave for about 30 seconds. I wondered if the medicinal curry bread had a unique scent of medicinal food, but I ate it terrifyingly, but there was no habit at all. It was an ordinary delicious keema curry. The bread is crispy around and chewy inside. It was the first texture. The cream bun is crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. There is no peculiarity of soy milk and it is very delicious. I can't believe it's gluten-free. I was wondering if it was more dry, so I was very surprised!
Akira (Gauche) on Google

オンラインストアから購入しています。お取り寄せで様々なグルテンフリーパンを食べてきましたが、こちらのお店のパンは格別美味しいです! 1番のおすすめは食パンです。米粉の独特のもっちり感、焼いた時のカリッとした硬さはもちろんありますが、それでも小麦のパンの食感に近いように思います(米粉食パンはややお餅風なのが多いので、こちらの食パンを初めて食べた時は感激しました) 小麦のパンが食べれないけど恋しい方には是非召し上がってみて欲しいです。今は蜂蜜をかけて食べるのにハマってます(笑) 塩バターロールも表面のカリッとした食感とバターの風味が香ばしくジューシーで満足感が高いのでおすすめです。
I am purchasing from an online store. I have eaten various gluten-free breads by order, but the breads in this shop are exceptionally delicious! The first recommendation is bread. Of course, it has the unique chewy texture of rice flour and the crispy hardness when baked, but it still seems to be close to the texture of wheat bread (rice flour bread is often a little mochi-like, so here I was impressed when I ate bread for the first time) If you can't eat wheat bread but miss it, please try it. Now I'm addicted to sprinkling honey on it (laughs) Salt butter rolls are also recommended because they have a crispy texture on the surface and a savory butter flavor that is juicy and highly satisfying.
宮林麻紀 on Google

米粉を使用したグルテンフリーのパンを販売しています。 店内はこじんまりとしていて、種類も多くないので選びやすいです。 シンプルな米粉の食パンをはじめ、ベーグルや薬膳キーマカレーや豆乳を使用したクリームパン等が販売されています。 イートインスペースはないので、食パン、紫芋ベーグル、フレンチトースト、薬膳キーマカレー、豆乳クリームパン、からウィンナーハーブを購入。テイクアウトして家で軽く温めて食べました。ベーグルにはクリームチーズとブルーベリージャムをサンドして食べてみました。とても合います。 米粉を使用しているのでどのパンもモチモチで食べごたえ、満足感もあり美味しかったです。お値段はお高めですが、グルテンフリーと言う事で体に優しいパンです。 パンが食べたくなったら、又伺いたいと思います。
We sell gluten-free bread made from rice flour. The inside of the store is small and there are not many types, so it is easy to choose. In addition to simple rice flour bread, bagels, medicinal keema curry, and cream buns using soy milk are on sale. There is no eat-in space, so I bought Wiener herbs from bread, purple potato bagels, French toast, medicinal keema curry, and soy milk cream buns. I took it out and warmed it lightly at home and ate it. I sandwiched cream cheese and blueberry jam on the bagels and ate them. It fits very well. Since rice flour is used, all the breads were chewy and chewy, and they were satisfying and delicious. Although the price is high, it is a gluten-free bread that is kind to the body. If you want to eat bread, I would like to come back again.
髪工房NAO on Google

妻が小麦粉アレルギーなのでそれはそれは色々なお店で米粉のパンを買ってきましたが、こちらのパンが今ままでで1番美味しく感じました。 車で1時間程掛かりますが、これからは定番になりそうです。
My wife is allergic to wheat flour, so I bought rice flour bread at various shops, but I felt that this bread was the most delicious as it is. It takes about an hour by car, but it seems to become a standard from now on.
益子貴寛 on Google

春日通り沿いにあるグルテンフリーベーカリー専門店。一応、最寄り駅は茗荷谷だけど、徒歩10分くらいはかかるかな。 小麦粉不使用の米粉パンで、 ・薬膳キーマカレーパン ・ガーリックバゲット ・豆乳クリームパン ・SOI Bran ・SOI食パン を購入。 どのパンも粘り気がないのにもっちりとしていて、米粉ならではの旨さ。特に、具だくさんでスパイシーな薬膳キーマカレーパンは必食。
A gluten-free bakery specialty store along Kasuga-dori. The nearest station is Myogadani, but it will take about 10 minutes on foot. Rice flour bread without flour, ・ Yakuzen Keema Curry Bread ・ Garlic baguette ・ Soy milk cream bun ・ SOI Bran ・ SOI bread Buy. All the breads are not sticky, but they are firm and have the unique taste of rice flour. Especially, the spicy medicinal keema curry bread with plenty of ingredients is a must.
Daria P on Google

Tiny shop. For it's size they have a nice variety of breads. Bread with the soy cream inside tasted very good. The bagels tasted good as for steamed bread not as for the bagel. The texture is completely off. Probably because it is gluten free. So if you are looking for a nice chewy bagel, this place might be not for you. Otherwise give it a chance.
Adrià on Google

Gluten free bakery with a great variety of delicious goods! The shop is quite popular, so I recommend going early in order to be able to choose among all the delicious options available.

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