Lawson Tamadenaka 2-chome - Osaka

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lawson Tamadenaka 2-chome

住所 :

2 Chome-6-12 Tamadenaka, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 557-0044
Webサイト :

2 Chome-6-12 Tamadenaka, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0044, Japan
デジコ on Google

The worst, bad-looking man who curses customers. Let me quit one operation this time.
Chika (Chikalv99) on Google

お昼過ぎにいるバイトのMさんが可愛い。 他の方々も接客が丁寧。 2019年のクリスマスは変わった商品があり 遊び心が満載でした。 ただ誰がこんなに買うのかというくらい 生菓子があるのが心配。
M, a part-time job who is too late, is cute. The service is polite to other people as well. There are unusual products for Christmas 2019 It was full of playfulness. Just as to who buys this I am worried that there are fresh confections.
T on Google

新商品が全くと言っていいほど入っていない。 お昼台におにぎりが1個という粗末さ。 夜中に行くと根暗な店員がただ1人。 いらっしゃいませもありがとうございましたも言えない。本部にクレームを入れたが改善無し。家から1番近いので利用するが、行くたびに気分が暗くなる。早急に改善して欲しい。
There are no new products at all. The coarseness of one rice ball on the lunch table. When I went to the middle of the night, there was only one dark clerk. Thank you for visiting and I can't say. I made a complaint to the headquarters, but there was no improvement. I use it because it is the closest to my house, but the mood gets darker every time I go. I want you to improve immediately.
ちくわ堂ちくび丸(レーズン) on Google

どういう事情があったか知りませんが、近年、改装に伴い店員を一新して以来、店員の質が非常に悪くなっています。 特に男性の店員は見た目も不衛生な人が多く、不愛想な接客が多いです。支払用紙のスタンプを押印する時や、お釣りの受け渡し時など不必要に強く力を入れたりするのを見かけるので軽く恐怖を覚えます。 また、amazonなどの配達物をバックヤードではなくレジ裏に露出した状態で置いていたり、飲食物のコーナーなどでは頻繁に虫が死んでいたり、数えきれないくらい衛生面の不安があります。 二度と使いたくないですね。小汚い中華屋に面した路地裏みたいな店です。
I don't know what happened, but the quality of the store clerk has become very poor since the store clerk was renewed in recent years due to the renovation. In particular, many male shop assistants are unsanitary in appearance and tend to be unfriendly. I feel lightly scared because I see unnecessary force when stamping payment forms and when handing change. In addition, there are numerous uneasy hygiene concerns, such as the fact that deliveries such as amazon are left exposed in the back of the cash register rather than in the backyard, and insects frequently die in food and drink corners. I don't want to use it again. It's like a back alley facing a dirty Chinese restaurant.
masato do (マーくん) on Google

I decided to use the resident card service, but I couldn't use it because I didn't have the copy paper. Next, I went to send mail, but Hoppy was out of order and could not be used.
セイラマス on Google

店員(オーナー?)が変わってから 接客業をしてはいけないレベルで 接客対応が最悪。 立地がそこそこ良いので 客が入る店舗なのに人件費の削減のためかどの時間帯も店員が一人。 商品の補充や仕事が追いついていない ことが分かる程、店内が雑然としている。とにかく不愉快にさせられるコンビニです。
After the clerk (owner?) Changed At a level where you should not be in the hospitality business The customer service is the worst. Because the location is reasonably good Even though it is a store where customers enter, there is only one clerk at any time to reduce labor costs. Product replenishment and work are not catching up The inside of the store is so cluttered that you can see. It's a convenience store that makes you uncomfortable.
高月信一 on Google

It is crowded around 18:00 regardless of the day of the week. Most of the days when there is only one staff member at this time ... Waiting for the check-in is annoying! There are circumstances, but I think if you think about it and adjust the shift ... But when I visited around 13:00 to buy lunch, two girls were energetically working hard at the cash register. The procession is also eliminated ...
あざなはしりゅう on Google

数年前に店舗改装した後(オーナー変わり?)からのスタッフの接客対応は最低。特に20代前半の男。 一度、タバコ購入で入ったら客ゼロでレジ不在。店頭のホットスナック用のショーケースの表面の汚れか何かを必死に取っておられた。 声かけると、ちょっと待ってと言い出したので数秒待ったが、一向に来ないのでそのまま出てきたわ。これ以前も改装後はまともな対応するスタッフがいなくなったし、少し離れたらセブンイレブンあるから、もうそちらしか行かなくなった。
After remodeling the store a few years ago (change of owner?), The staff's customer service is the worst. Especially a man in his early twenties. Once you buy a cigarette, there are no customers and there is no cash register. I was desperately trying to get rid of dirt or something on the surface of the showcase for hot snacks in the store. When I called out, I said to wait for a while, so I waited for a few seconds, but it didn't come at all, so it came out as it was. Even before this, after the refurbishment, there was no decent staff, and there was a 7-Eleven a little further away, so I could only go there.

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