Appro - Osaka

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Appro

住所 :

2 Chome-2-8 Tamadenishi, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0045, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 557-0045
Webサイト :

2 Chome-2-8 Tamadenishi, Nishinari Ward, Osaka, 557-0045, Japan
南隼人 on Google

It's close to my house, so I'll use it first. The customer service attitude of the clerk is good
タイガードラゴン on Google

ほとんどの食品が手に入るのでこの店で食材を買っています。 ただ駐車場設備がないので車での来店は不可です。徒歩、自転車の中高年のお客様メインですね。 最初にここに訪れた時のレジのパートさんの対応良く私にとってはとても好印象だったので買い物はここがメインですね。
Most of the food is available, so I buy the ingredients at this store. However, it is not possible to come by car because there is no parking facility. It is mainly for middle-aged and older customers on foot and bicycles. The cashier's response when I first visited here was very good for me, so shopping is the main thing here.
ちびはる on Google

10時半頃、イトウという若い方がレジ担当でしたが、 御年寄に対して接客が最低です。 今は、レジにビニールのカーテンが 吊るされてて聞こえにくいのわかってるはずです。 イトウさんは、何を言ってるのか 分からない声のボリュームで値段を言いましたが、 御年寄が何度も値段を聞いていたら、 腹立ったのか、偉そうにいやこれ見て? みたいな態度で接してなんなんですか? 見てて胸が痛かったです。 私のおばあちゃんも毎日行くので、 あなたの接客が気になります。
Around 10:30, a young person named Ito was in charge of the cash register, Customer service is the lowest for the elderly. Now there is a vinyl curtain at the cash register You know it's hung and hard to hear. What is Mr. Ito saying? I said the price with a volume of voice I do not understand, If the elderly asked the price many times, Did you get angry? What do you do with such an attitude? I had a pain in my chest when I saw it. My grandma goes every day, so I'm curious about your customer service.
虎稔 on Google

I wonder if the clerk wrote the illustration of the daily lunch box, which is very good.
ほりおT on Google

I went to buy one here, but I was surprised that the same one was about 100 yen more expensive than Tamade.
K H on Google

最近は、ずっとこのお店で買い物してます。ゆっくりのんびんり出来る雰囲気が 個人的には合ってて好きです(^_^)
Recently, I've been shopping at this store all the time. An atmosphere where you can relax slowly I personally like it (^ _ ^)
デジコ on Google

スーパー玉出より高いが、肉の質が良く、弁当総菜が割引時間になっても おなか壊さない品質です。
It's higher than Super Tamade, but the quality of the meat is good, and even if the lunch box delicatessen is at a discount time It is a quality that does not break your stomach.
Storm fly on Google

Not a huge supermarket, but it's a decent size for picking up some things.

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