7-Eleven Entrée Marché Tennoji - Osaka

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About 7-Eleven Entrée Marché Tennoji

Copyright (C) SEVEN-ELEVEN JAPAN CO.,LTD. All Rights Reserved.

  • 株式会社セブン‐イレブン・ジャパン

Contact 7-Eleven Entrée Marché Tennoji

住所 :

10-45 Hidenincho, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0055, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 543-0055
Webサイト : http://www.sej.co.jp/
Description : Convenience chain offering grab-&-go bites & beverages, plus assorted newsstand items.

10-45 Hidenincho, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0055, Japan
ota yusuke on Google

A store next to Seven-Eleven in front of the central ticket gate of Tennoji. When I saw it, it looked like it was delicious ???. I will definitely buy this time!
ともともと on Google

ハゲのおっさんが声小さくて レジ案内の声が聞こえず、何度か呼んでたのかしらないけど、行ったらイラッとしてたのか 無愛想で、すごく腹が立った。 こんな最悪な気持ちにさせる人を雇っているセブンイレブンに幻滅した。 二度と顔みたくない。
The bald uncle has a small voice I couldn't hear the cashier guidance, I wonder if I called it several times, I was very angry. I was disillusioned with 7-Eleven, who hired people to make me feel so bad. I don't want to see my face again.
maupon0831 on Google

地下鉄谷町線からJR阪和線に乗り換える前にビールとソフトドリンクを買いたくて寄りました。 このセブンイレブンは駅の売店として特化しており、駅で感じるような様々なニーズに即時対応できるよう商品の品揃えや陳列に工夫が凝らされ、レジも4台ありました。 販売員の高いスキルに依存しているキオスク的な売店と比べると使い勝手は劣るけれど、駅のコンビニの中では頑張ってる方では無いかと思います。 店の外観や販売スタッフの制服などお洒落な感じ。 但し、セブンイレブンだと思うと残念に感じる部分もあるので『アントレマルシェ』の名前だけで展開した方が良いのでは?
I wanted to buy beer and soft drinks before changing from the Subway Tanimachi Line to the JR Hanwa Line. The Seven-Eleven is specialized as a station store, and the product lineup and displays were elaborately designed to immediately respond to the various needs felt at the station, and there were four cash registers. It is less convenient than a kiosk-like shop that relies on the high skills of sales personnel, but I think it may be a person who is trying hard in a station convenience store. Feeling fashionable such as the appearance of the store and uniforms of the sales staff. However, I think it is a shame to think that it is Seven-Eleven, so it is better to expand with the name "Entre Marché" alone?
はむはむ on Google

8月9日18時15分ぐらい買い物したら「袋お入れしますか?」とも聞かず勝手に袋に入れられた! もちろんお金も取られました 新人を教えてたオバサン あなたは新人を教える立場じゃないよ 一番左のケーキ側のレジでした あとスキンヘッドのオジサンイヤイヤ仕事するなら帰ったらどうでしょうか?
When I went shopping around 18:15 on August 9, I was put in the bag without asking "Do you want to put it in the bag?" Of course money was also taken Obasan who taught a newcomer You are not in a position to teach newcomers It was the leftmost cake side cash register And if you don't like skinheads, why don't you go home?
未来夢 on Google

I found a souvenir shop near Tennoji Station. There are many food shops A kind woman told me. Osaka Prefecture has many unique souvenirs!
橋本由美子 on Google

他のコンビニで見かけない商品が、売ってるから嬉しい。レジの会計をしてもらうとき、隣のレジの客のリュックなどが邪魔で自分の番のときでもすぐにいけない。後複数人で並ばれると困る。リュックなどの場合は店員さんがリュックなどの持ち主に注意してくれます。買い物もしないで私が入る前からいて、若い女が二人でスマホで店内撮影をしていた。商品を補助していた店員も知らんぷり。店内撮影を辞めて欲しい。セブンイレブンの方など以外。駅の改札が近いから待ち合わせ場所に最適ですが、入口付近で立たれると迷惑。若い女の一部がマナー悪い。スマホなどの長時間居座りは退治してください。迷惑!邪魔 コンビニに行く人の迷惑
I'm glad that the products that I don't see at other convenience stores are on sale. When I get the checkout at the cashier, the backpack of the customer at the next cashier is in the way and I can't do it right away even when it's my turn. It would be a problem if multiple people lined up later. In the case of a backpack, the clerk will pay attention to the owner of the backpack. Before I entered without shopping, two young women were taking pictures inside the store with their smartphones. The clerk who assisted the product is also unknown. I want you to stop shooting inside the store. Other than 7-Eleven. It's ideal for a meeting place because the ticket gate of the station is near, but it's annoying if you stand near the entrance. Some young women have bad manners. Please get rid of sitting for a long time such as smartphones. Annoying! Annoying people who go to convenience stores
SEI DD on Google

When I went around the aisle waiting for the checkout and tried to go to the checkout, a salaryman who came from the side passage entered sideways. The woman who was in charge of the cash register did not pay attention and was accounting as it was. If you follow the rules before commuting and then detour and line up, you will see a fool. If you are in a hurry, it's faster from the side passage.
Death lightning Gamer on Google

Good service and a good variety of food reasonably cheap and a good location

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