Kyobashi Senbikiya Main shop - Chuo City

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kyobashi Senbikiya Main shop

住所 :

1 Chome-1-9 Kyobashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 104-0031
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

1 Chome-1-9 Kyobashi, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan
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販売店舗奥の喫茶室の日替わりのモーニング、ランチはかなりお得。添えてある果物はさすがのおいしさ。季節限定のパフェ、ケーキも美味しい。サンドイッチのパンも美味しく、ランチにカレーやパスタのメニューもあるがいつもお食事系サンドイッチ+フルーツサンドを頼んでしまう。 立地がとても良いのにエンピツビルのせいか入り口があまり目立たない。そのせいか、ランチは近隣のお勤めと思われる方々、ほぼ女性で混雑する(予約も可)が、それ以外の時間帯はゆったりお茶(フルーツティーもある)やスイーツが楽しめる。 近くの大丸東京にも喫茶室があるが、こちらの方がテーブル、椅子等よりカジュアルな雰囲気。2FはBIWAWAというレストランになっていて、1Fとは別メニューのコース料理を提供しているようだが、1Fの喫茶室が満席の際には、1Fのランチセットを頼めますよと2Fに案内いただいたこともあるので臨機応変にやり方をかえているのかもしれない。 千疋屋はこちらの京橋千疋屋、銀座千疋屋、千疋屋総本店と大元から分かれた会社組織になっているが、喫茶室メニュー、ケーキのラインナップ、店舗などを見ての個人的な印象では、こちらの京橋千疋屋が一番質実剛健、基本に忠実、良い意味でレトロな昔ながらのやり方を守っているという印象。
The daily morning and lunch in the coffee shop at the back of the store is a great deal. The attached fruits are truly delicious. Seasonal parfaits and cakes are also delicious. The sandwich bread is also delicious, and although there are curry and pasta menus for lunch, I always order a meal sandwich + fruit sandwich. The location is very good, but the entrance is not so noticeable probably because of the pencil building. Probably because of that, lunch is crowded with people who seem to work in the neighborhood, mostly women (reservations are possible), but at other times you can enjoy relaxing tea (including fruit tea) and sweets. There is also a coffee shop in nearby Daimaru Tokyo, but this one has a more casual atmosphere than tables and chairs. The 2nd floor is a restaurant called BIWAWA, and it seems that it offers a course meal that is different from the 1st floor, but when the coffee shop on the 1st floor is full, you can ask for a lunch set on the 1st floor. Since I have had it, I may be changing the method flexibly. Sembikiya is a separate company organization from Kyobashi Senbikiya, Ginza Senbikiya, and Senbiya Sohonten, but the personal impression of the cafe menu, cake lineup, and stores is , The impression that this Kyobashi Sembikiya is the most straightforward, faithful to the basics, and in a good way keeps the retro old-fashioned way.
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It seems that Sembikiya, a long-established Japanese fruit shop, has various things such as warming up and head family like Ryogetsudo. ️Especially Melon sorbet was the most delicious sorbet in my life! ️ Even the best restaurants in the Ginza area probably won't have such a delicious ice dessert ⁉️ Not only is it delicious, but it's hard to melt, which is the long-established store of Sembikiya. ️ It's a pity that we can't ask for this sherbet! ️ Not to mention melon for souvenirs, this melon sorbet is highly recommended! ️?✌
Keiko K on Google

My recent favorite is Loquat on the 2nd floor of Kyobashi Sembikiya. The lunch salad is satisfying and the pasta is delicious. The dessert fruit cocktail is truly Sembikiya! I think it's nice to be able to choose juice as a drink.
千駄ヶ谷丸蔵 on Google

2022年2月店内利用です。 バナナオムレット食べたいなと思い利用しました。 ただ、京橋千疋屋さんのメニューでは無かったらしく「チョコバナナパフェ(1400円少々)」を頂きました。残念、、 ただ、バナナは完熟で食感が残るギリギリの塩梅で、間違いなく自分の中のチョコバナナパフェNo1更新しました。 チョコアイスや生クリームもクオリティ高く、底の方にもバナナがあったので税込1400円少々で食べられるとはむしろ割安感すら感じました。 座席間隔も広くて落ち着いた空間でした。
It will be used in the store in February 2022. I used it because I wanted to eat a banana omelet. However, it seems that it was not on the menu of Kyobashi Sembikiya, so I got a "chocolate banana parfait (1400 yen a little)". disappointing,, However, the banana is a ripe and last-minute salted plum, and I definitely updated the chocolate banana parfait No. 1 in myself. The chocolate ice cream and fresh cream were also of high quality, and there was a banana on the bottom, so I felt that it was rather cheap to eat for a little 1,400 yen including tax. It was a calm space with wide seating intervals.
狂犬 on Google

ケーキをテイクアウトさせて頂きました。 店員さんの対応も良く、コロナ対策もしっかりしてて良かったです。 本題のケーキですが、甘さ控えめで大人のケーキって印象、値段は少し高めな気がしますが、美味しかったです。 フルーツ店の割にはいちごがあまり甘くなく残念でした。 今度は店内で頂きたいです。
I took out the cake. It was good that the clerk responded well and that the measures against corona were solid. Although it is the main subject of the cake, the sweetness is modest and the impression is that it is an adult cake, and the price is a little high, but it was delicious. It was a pity that the strawberries were not so sweet for the fruit shop. I would like you to have it in the store this time.
M優美 on Google

一階の奥に広い軽食、喫茶スペースが!ずっと二階だけが飲食スペースだと思っていた。メニューがそれぞれ違うのねー?今回は一階です。さらに、ランチメニューと通常メニューがあった。連れは、ランチメニューでスープ、カレー、サンドイッチ、デザート、飲み物がセットになっているものにしてみた。男性だけど満足感が凄い✨この値段で全部美味しいから嬉しかったみたい。 私は、フルーツカレーの単品ハーフと飲み物とサラダのセット。甘いのかと思ったらピリッと辛くて美味しかった?
The first floor of the back in broad snacks, Tea Room space! Only much second floor had thought it was food and beverage space. The difference between Ne menu each ? this is the first floor. In addition, there was a lunch menu and the normal menu. Take is, soup at lunch menu, curry, sandwiches, desserts, drinks were tried to anything that could be set. ✨ satisfaction is amazing but it is men like I was happy because the delicious all at this price. I, single item of fruit curry half and drinks and a set of salad. Was delicious and spicy and tangy I thought how sweet ?
ぴょんちゃん on Google

値段→いちごのパフェ、サーモンのサンドイッチ、飲み物2杯、バナナ単品一本で5000円くらい 味→サンドイッチは普通でしたが、苺パフェはとても美味しかったです! 雰囲気→席数はそんなにないですが、他の店舗より空いてる印象。店員さんは忙しくしていましたが、子連れにも優しく、お店で販売しているバナナを購入したら、カットしてくれました。
Price → Strawberry parfait, salmon sandwich, 2 drinks, 1 banana for about 5,000 yen Taste → The sandwich was normal, but the strawberry parfait was very delicious! Atmosphere → There aren't many seats, but the impression is that they are more vacant than other stores. The clerk was busy, but he was kind to families with children, and when he bought the bananas sold at the store, he cut them.
William Kuan on Google

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