
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 松若

住所 :

Kyobashi, Chuo City, 〒104-0031 Tokyo,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Kyobashi, Chuo City, 〒104-0031 Tokyo,Japan
鴨下かず on Google

The chicken cutlet and pork soup were delicious.
TK jam on Google

京橋のサラリーマンに愛される名店 ランチで利用、2Fに通されたが店内はコンパクトで狭いが機能的。気さくなおばちゃんがホールを担当。しっかりサクサクの上げが印象的なとんかつ店。
A famous store loved by office workers in Kyobashi Used for lunch, but passed through the 2nd floor, but the inside of the store is compact and small but functional. A friendly aunt is in charge of the hall. A pork cutlet shop with an impressive crispy rise.
みくひろ(みっくん) on Google

ようやくランチで頂戴しました。 久しぶりに見る、キレイなキツネ色の衣。 食べごたえありました。 次はチキンカツも楽しみです。
I finally had it for lunch. A beautiful fox-colored garment that I haven't seen in a long time. It was delicious. I'm looking forward to chicken katsu next time.
まさ佐藤 on Google

早さと安さとおばちゃんの元気の良さを兼ね備えたお店です。メチャクチャ美味しいわけではないですが、提供の早さコスパを考えると十二分に美味しいです(  ̄▽ ̄) とんかつが豚汁付で900円と安く食べられます。フライは他にもコロッケ、チキンカツ、串カツがあり、何を食べても旨いですが、私はハンバーグフライと串カツがお勧めです。フライの組み合わせがカスタムできて早見表が置いてあります。 1階がカウンターのみ、2階がテーブル席になっています。支払いは現金のみです。 緊急事態宣言中は無理せず休みになるようです。復活したら、また伺いたいですね?
It is a shop that combines speed, cheapness, and the energy of an aunt. It's not messy, but it's more than delicious considering the speed of provision and cost performance ( ̄ ▽  ̄) You can eat tonkatsu with pork soup at a low price of 900 yen. There are other fried chicken, chicken cutlet, and kushikatsu, and it's good to eat anything, but I recommend hamburger steak and kushikatsu. You can customize the combination of fly and there is a quick reference table. There are only counters on the 1st floor and table seats on the 2nd floor. Payment is cash only. It seems that you can take a rest without overdoing it during the state of emergency. I would like to visit again when it comes back ?
松村香東士 on Google

45年振りの松若カツコロ(上カツコロが私の定番) 豚汁(これ絶品)も相変わらず美味しゅうございました。 「いつもと違う人は言って頂戴ねぇ~!」 大勢いる常連さんの注文全部覚えてる姐さんもご健在(^^)v 良心的な個人経営の飲食店が次々閉店していく昨今 無くなって欲しくないお店の一つです。
Matsuwaka Katsukoro for the first time in 45 years (Upper Katsukoro is my standard) The pork soup (this is excellent) was still delicious. "Please tell me who is different from usual!" 姐 who remembers all the orders of many regulars is still alive (^^) v Nowadays, conscientious privately run restaurants are closing one after another It's one of the shops I don't want to lose.
ht on Google

Omucolo = omelet + croquette. I went to this store in Kyobashi for nearly 20 years. This area seems to have had a Kyobashi daikon riverbank greenery market (!) in this area (Kyobashi) since 4th year of Kanbun (1664). Until the market was moved to Tsukiji in 1935, a vegetable section was set up on the Kyobashi River, which has good water transportation, and it flourished as a green market that supported the kitchen of the common people. Even today, the name "Kyobashi daikon riverside street" still remains. It is also the birthplace of Edo Kabuki (with a stone monument). I didn't call it “Matsuwaka” by the name of the store (laughs), and I always talked about it at “Omukoro's store”. Anyway, the fluffy omelet is characteristic. And croquette, pork cutlet, chicken cutlet etc. are combined with toppings. Personally, I always say "om chicken". The fried food is also crispy and delicious. When you eat it with fried omelet and fried food, it melts in your mouth. Correspondence of veteran beautiful sisters (?) is old-fashioned and comfortable.
Aya F on Google

おばちゃんたちが切り盛りする、揚げ物のお店。 具沢山の豚汁、漬物?がおいしかった。 私はハンバーグカツ、という、その名もズバリな、ハンバーグを揚げたものを食べたのですが、 ミンチカツとも全然違い、ハンバーグのふわふわした感じが残っていてとてもおいしかったです。 (2021.03.26)
A fried food shop run by aunts. A lot of pork soup and pickles? Was delicious. I ate hamburger cutlet, which is also known as fried hamburger steak. It was completely different from minced meat cutlet, and the fluffy hamburger steak remained and it was very delicious. (2021.03.26)
jun mi on Google

ここの店は、親父から教えてもらって前の店舗から通い始めて、16年くらい。 ほぼ私のオーダーは、上カツ。1000円。 一枚の豚肉を揚げて、切って出してくれる豚カツが逸品。 個人的にはここの漬物が大好きで、カツランチと上カツでは漬物が違う。上カツは、きゅうりと細切れにしてあるキャベツをご飯の上にかけて食べるのが定番なのだが、私は別々に食べて最後の方にご飯にかけて食べるのが好き。 夏にはさっぱり食べて欲しいとのことで、おろし大根も言えばつけてくれる。 豚汁もコツコツと煮て作ったもので、冬には暖まる。 いつまでも続けて欲しい隠れた名店です。
It's been about 16 years since my father taught me how to go to this store from the previous store. Almost my order is top cutlet. 1000 yen. The pork cutlet that fries a piece of pork and cuts it out is a gem. Personally, I love the pickles here, and the pickles are different between cutlet lunch and cutlet. It is standard to eat upper cutlet with cucumber and shredded cabbage on top of rice, but I like to eat it separately and sprinkle it on rice towards the end. He said he wants you to eat it refreshingly in the summer, and he also puts grated radish on it. Butajiru is also made by boiling it steadily and warms up in winter. It is a hidden store that I want you to continue forever.

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