小林整形外科医院 京都ひざ関節医学研究所

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小林整形外科医院 京都ひざ関節医学研究所

住所 :

Kuzetakadacho, Minami Ward, 〒601-8211 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : http://www.kobayashiseikei.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Kuzetakadacho, Minami Ward, 〒601-8211 Kyoto,Japan
竹下一志 on Google

I also go to rehabilitation every day.
北川隆 on Google

Both rehabilitation and medical examination are polite
幸マリス on Google

The waiting time is too long. I think the examination is polite!
K M on Google

ここのリハビリを受けて、余計に症状が悪化した。 症状を悪化させて患者を増やしているのか?と思えるほど、リハビリ時に症状を伝えても同じ内容のリハビリの繰り返し。 沢山の時間をかけて並んで受けた診察も、無愛想で、とりあえずリハビリ継続して薬飲んで経過観察に終始。 ここに診察を受けて大きく後悔。
Rehabilitation received here, the symptoms worsened unnecessarily. Are you increasing the number of patients with worsening symptoms? Repeat rehabilitation of the same contents even if the symptoms are conveyed at the time of rehabilitation so that it seems to be. The consultation which I received in line with plenty of time was also unfriendly, for the time being, I continued rehabilitation and drunk medicine for the first time after observation. I got a consultation here and regret greatly.
myimyi8 on Google

お世話になっています。痛みがキツイ時は、注射で、楽にしてもらって います。優しい、いい先生です。 なので、多くの人で待ち時間は 長いです。
Thank you for helping. When the pain is tough is, by injection, ask them to easier is. Friendly, is a good teacher. So, the waiting time in many people It is a long time.
あああ on Google

He was a polite and good teacher, but he didn't make eye contact at all and his voice was so quiet that he sometimes didn't understand what he was saying. It was good that the receptionist and the nurses were friendly
中川清美 on Google

There are a lot of elderly people, and from about an hour before the consultation time, I couldn't see them early unless I lined up. At worst, even if I went to the consultation time, I had to wait for three hours, so I became disgusted and changed the hospital. The current plastic surgery is the best because it includes a medical examination early and the physiotherapist is kind. The bus stop is also close to the station.
Yukinori H on Google

I was sometimes taken care of when I was injured while living in Nishikyo Ward. It's been 20 years ago.

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