Clock Monsieur - Kyoto

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Clock Monsieur

住所 :

51-17 Kawashima Rokunotsubocho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8103, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 615-8103

51-17 Kawashima Rokunotsubocho, Nishikyo Ward, Kyoto, 615-8103, Japan
風見浩二 on Google

お店は階段上がって2階です。少し油っぽい重い感じがするおかずの品々。 ご主人と奥さんがいて優しい温もりを感じるお店です。
The shop is on the second floor up the stairs. Side dishes that feel a little oily and heavy. It is a shop where you can feel the gentle warmth of your husband and wife.
kあーたん on Google

何時も出勤途中で洋食屋さんのケチャップの美味しそうな匂いをかぎなから一度は訪れて見たいと思い先日行ってきました。 ハンバーグ+エビフライか、クリームコロッケか悩みましたが、どれも美味しそうでした。 お味も薄味で私好みでした。
I always wanted to visit and see the delicious smell of ketchup from a Western-style restaurant on my way to work the other day. I was worried about whether it was hamburger + fried shrimp or cream croquette, but they all looked delicious. The taste was light and I liked it.
川北枝里子 on Google

お店の入り口が暗くて入りづらいのですが… ずっと気になっていて行ってきました。 とっても美味しい洋食屋さんでした!! 幸せな気持ちになりました? 本日からしばらく、ランチ営業のみになるそうです。2022.01.27
The entrance to the shop is dark and difficult to enter ... I've been interested in it for a long time. It was a very delicious Western restaurant! !! I feel happy ? It seems that it will only be open for lunch for a while from today. 2022.01.27
思考力低下 on Google

何度か利用 道路沿いにありますが 入り口が分かりにくい お店です 駐車場は車2台停めれるかどうか… といった感じで 階段を上がり 2階で食事します いつも注文してたのは スペシャルセット 海老フライ 豚シャブ 蟹クリームコロッケ 鶏のから揚げ 煮込みミンチカツ スープ ライスが付いて1600円 何故か いつ行っても [煮込みミンチカツは煮込みハンバーグになりますが宜しいですか?] と言われてた様な… メニューを絞り 味とコスパを両立させた 夫婦二人でされてるレトロ洋食店で 良き お店です。 ごちそうさまでした。
Used several times It's located along the road, but the entrance is difficult to understand. Whether two cars can be parked in the parking lot ... Go up the stairs like this Meal on the 2nd floor I always ordered a special set Fried shrimp pork shab crab cream croquette Fried chicken stewed minced meat cutlet soup 1600 yen with rice For some reason whenever I go [Simmered minced meat cutlet becomes stewed hamburger steak, is that okay? ] It seems that he was told ... Narrowed down the menu to achieve both taste and cost performance At a retro Western restaurant that is made up of two couples It's a good shop. Thank you for the meal.
Takashi NAKAMURA on Google

フワフワのカニクリームコロッケと、熱々のハンバーグ。近くのイオンのフードコートも良いけど、こういう洋食が良いよね。 お昼の営業時間ギリギリに入店、「大丈夫ですか?」「大丈夫ですよー」と笑顔で迎えていただきました。
Fluffy crab cream croquette and hot hamburger steak. The nearby Aeon food court is good, but this kind of Western food is good. We entered the store just before lunch hours and were greeted with a smile, "Are you okay?" And "It's okay."
Ryo T on Google

I had a special lunch (1650 yen). The stewed minced meat cutlet has a moist texture, but the taste is well-stained and it was very delicious. The size of the fried shrimp was also big and I was satisfied. Comes with soup and after-dinner drinks. The entrance is difficult to understand, but I think you should put up a sign on the menu. The shop is on the 2nd floor. There are four table seats in the store, so you can't enter many at once. The parking lot seems to stop two cars in front of the shop. It is on the side heading toward Kameoka from JR Katsuragawa Station.
ケンMr. on Google

Croque monsieur near Katsura River AEON MALL, I had a teppanyaki hamburger steak at a Western restaurant, the hamburger is soft and delicious, how can I make it so soft, please wear a mask when talking in the store It was explained carefully, one thing to worry about is that the inside of the store is oily? You know, when you come to the store!
Joseph Oliver on Google

I'm not always a fan of western style Japanese food but this place is definitely a hidden gem. I'll be looking for an excuse to go shopping now that I know this is nearby the mall. Cross the big street west (if facing the mall, go right) of the mall. Stay on the south side; the south side is close to the mall. I had the special lunch set and it was worth every penny for being able to try several of the delectable fried foods they offer.

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