Kurara - Kamo District

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurara

住所 :

319-1 Matsuzaki, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3611, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 410-3611
Webサイト : http://www.wwq.jp/kurara/

319-1 Matsuzaki, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3611, Japan
永田文子 on Google

Many high-quality accessories that do not seem to be handmade are decorated in fashion. And the price is also cheap! I want all of them.
Hidemi A on Google

Saury sushi is delicious. A set of small bowls is 500 yen! cheap! There aren't many types of menus, but the price is just like the material cost. It is a historic building with handmade miscellaneous goods and special silk products for sale, creating a fun atmosphere. The energetic and kind staff are volunteers. There are also rice crackers, yokan, and seaweed sold near the cash register. It was reasonably priced and all were delicious! I like the yokan, which has a solid taste but is not too sweet!
ゆっけ on Google

お母さん達が作るさんまの押し寿司は絶品中の絶品。 しかもたったの500円。 松崎に行ったら絶対立ち寄るべきお店。
Sanma pressed sushi made by mothers is exquisite. And only 500 yen. A shop you should definitely stop by if you go to Matsuzaki.
加藤忠宏 on Google

Izu Matsuzaki was a base for fishing for saury, and I was surprised to come in and eat saury sushi. When I got in with the locals, I had dessert for lunch. 500 yen saury sushi is too cheap.
小野寺祥平 on Google

町役場近くの川沿いに佇む小さな飲食店。 ランチメニューは日替わりしかないが、侮るなかれ。 この日のメインはさんまのメンチカツだが、揚げたてのサクサク。しかも味噌汁の出汁にはいい出汁が出るカメノテ(亀の足に似た、貝のように見える生物。実はカニやエビの仲間)を使っている。 これでワンコイン(税込み540円)だからコスパも高い。早い日には12時30分頃には売り切れになることもあるので来店はお早めに。
A small restaurant standing along the river near the town hall. The lunch menu only changes daily, but don't underestimate it. The main dish of the day was pacific saury Menchi-katsu, but it was crispy and freshly fried. Moreover, the soup stock of miso soup uses capitulum mitella (a creature that looks like a shellfish, similar to the legs of a turtle. In fact, it is a member of crabs and shrimp). This is one coin (540 yen including tax), so the cost performance is high. It may be sold out around 12:30 on an early day, so come to the store early.
Tetsu Nara on Google

サンマ寿司!ホントにとーっても美味しかったです!「ふじつぼ」の味噌汁も松崎名産の「奇跡の蕪」のお漬物も、全てのお皿が最高♪ お値段の何倍もの価値があります! それにお店のお姉さまたちも暖かい接客で、ホントに素敵な人たちで楽しいひとときでした♪ バービーもスゴイですよ♪
Sanma sushi! Really it was delicious! Miso soup of "Futtsubo" also pickles of "Miracle Wheel" of Matsuzaki specialties, all dishes are the best ♪ It is worth several times the price! Also, the sisters of the store were warm receptionists, it was a really nice guy and a good time ♪ Barbie is also amazing ♪
瀬戸川桜 on Google

コロナ禍において2021年4月現在、店内での食事は中止していて、持ち帰りのお弁当としてさんま寿しといなり寿しを販売しています。 人気のさんま寿しは訪問した日も早々に完売していたので、いなり寿し(300円)をテイクアウト。 那賀川の川辺りに座り満開を過ぎた桜を見ながら食べた。これはこれで贅沢なランチになったものの、また店内でのランチ再開を心待ちにしています。 尚、さんま寿し弁当は前日までに予約すればお取り置きも可能とのこと。
As of April 2021, Corona Sake has stopped eating in the store and sells saury sushi and inari sushi as take-out lunch boxes. The popular saury sushi was sold out early on the day I visited, so I took out Inari sushi (300 yen). I sat by the riverside of the Naga River and ate while watching the cherry blossoms that had passed the full bloom. This is a luxurious lunch, but I'm looking forward to resuming lunch in the store again. In addition, it is possible to reserve the saury sushi lunch if you make a reservation by the day before.
Robin von Hoegen on Google

Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday ¥500 Lunch (plus VAT) . Best deal in Town. Very friendly.

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