Kuraoka Clinic - Arakawa City

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kuraoka Clinic

住所 :

クリスタルビル 2F 4 Chome-21-12 Nishinippori, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 116-0013
Webサイト : http://www.kuraoka-clinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM

クリスタルビル 2F 4 Chome-21-12 Nishinippori, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0013, Japan
kazuhiro nakanishi on Google

Hello! I was seriously ill at this clinic. It took 10 years, but it is recovering steadily. I still trust as a family doctor. As a reliable teacher, he has a vast understanding of books and clinical experience. Accurate financial advice. There are people who have various problems. When I think about it now, I wasn't a quarantine-containment teacher, but said, "If I hadn't come to our clinic, I would have been hospitalized for the rest of my life." A teacher who mainly thinks about going to the hospital. A teacher without rip-offs. Various people are visiting the hospital. If you are worried, please come and visit us.
沢庵和尚 on Google

The fee is a legitimate medical fee. It feels high because the price of psychotherapy is special. Even when I saw the notification from the insurance association, it was less than other doctors. At times of congestion, there are cases of 3-minute consultation, divided into severe and mild cases. However, the teacher said that he had been trained to detect the patient's condition in 5 minutes. I will never neglect it. Also, during the mild or acute exacerbation period, taking medicine seems to be the first choice, and it seems that the calm state shifts to full-scale psychotherapy. The teacher said that words were powerless in front of emotions. Therefore, when in a calm state, the teacher will be close to the patient, carefully select the words, listen carefully, and correct the patient's thoughts that are causing anxiety and suffering. The true essence of psychotherapy is demonstrated. At that stage, the power of the teacher will be demonstrated. I think it is important to spend a long time with doctors and to be aware of each other's relationships of trust.
黒須健二 on Google

母の死をきっかけに不眠と動悸が続きこちらで診てもらいました。不安な気持ちを解消するにはどうすれば良いのか?と質問したところこちらの先生は 「何かに夢中になれば、不安な事を考える機会も減っていく」 とおっしゃていましたが、その通りでした。 試しに受けた針や整体などは不安な気持ちの解消には全く役に立ちませんでした。 趣味で始めた自転車での遠出が今では楽しみで次はどこへ行こうか?とプランを練っていると自然と不眠も解消されていきました。
Insomnia and palpitation continued after my mother's death, and I was examined here. How can I get rid of my anxiety? When I asked, this teacher "If you get absorbed in something, you will have less chance to think about anxiety." You said that, but that was true. The needles and manipulative treatments I received did not help at all to relieve my anxiety. I'm looking forward to going out on a bicycle, which I started as a hobby, and where should I go next? When I made a plan, my sleeplessness naturally disappeared.
わたげわたげ on Google

お金儲け主義で流れ作業。おすすめしません。 まず、初診でどういったことで受信したか、最近の様子などを事前に記入した問診票に沿ってざっくり聞かれます。5~10分ほど話して、処方する薬を決めます。 次からは「お薬前回と同じでいいですか?」で終わります。3分もかかりません。死にたいと考える理由や悩みを話しても「あぁ〜、そうなんですね、まぁ仕方ないですよね。お薬は前回と同じでいいですか?」 薬をのむだけで、心の病は治るのでしょうか?医者としての存在意義を疑います。 また、私の診療中に他の患者からクリニックへ電話がかかってきたことがありました。患者さんもヒートアップしているのか、院長もキツい口調で「それは分かりません。来てくれれば診察します」といったことを繰り返し伝えていました。10分か15分ほど電話が終わるのを待っていましたが、待たせたことへの謝罪はありませんでした。 初めて来院する前に電話でカウンセリングの有無を訪ね、あると言っていたに関わらず殆ど流れ作業でした。予約がいらないところはいいのですが、やはりこうした欠点がありますね。正直お金と時間の無駄です。おすすめしません。 追記です。他の方の口コミですが… >ひどい口コミを多数見かけますが、この人達は病気です。どうやら精神病の重症患者のようです。 酷い口コミを書く人全てが重症患者と決めつけてはいけません。私もいい口コミを信じて行きましたが、実態は上記の通りです。 >10分ほど診療時間に遅れて、嫌味を言われました。 基本予約制ではない病院です。私も予約しようと思いましたが、電話口で「診療時間内ならいつお越し下さっても大丈夫です」と言われました。 >土曜は混むので椅子に座れない その通りです。土曜は混むので、平日夜がおすすめです。
Assembly line work with a money-making principle. Not recommended. First of all, you will be asked roughly what you received at the first visit, along with the questionnaire that you filled out in advance, such as the recent situation. Talk for 5-10 minutes to decide which medicine to prescribe. From the next, it will end with "Is it the same as the last medicine?" It takes less than 3 minutes. Even if I talk about the reasons why I want to die and my worries, "Oh, that's right, it can't be helped. Is the medicine the same as last time?" Can a mental illness be cured just by taking medicine? I doubt the significance of existence as a doctor. Also, during my medical examination, another patient called the clinic. Perhaps the patient was heating up, and the director repeatedly said in a tight tone, "I don't know. I'll see you if you come." I waited 10 or 15 minutes for the call to finish, but I didn't apologize for making it wait. Before coming to the hospital for the first time, I called to ask if there was counseling, and despite saying that it was, it was almost an assembly line. It's nice that you don't need a reservation, but it still has these drawbacks. To be honest, it's a waste of money and time. Not recommended. P.S. Other people's reviews ... > I see a lot of terrible reviews, but these people are ill. Apparently it seems to be a seriously ill patient with mental illness. Don't assume that everyone who writes terrible reviews is a critically ill patient. I also believed in good reviews, but the reality is as above. > About 10 minutes late for consultation, I was told that I didn't like it. It is a hospital that does not require a basic reservation. I thought I would make a reservation, but I was told by phone that "it is okay to come anytime during the consultation hours." > I can't sit in a chair because it's crowded on Saturday That's right. Weekday nights are recommended as it is crowded on Saturdays.
還暦オヤジ on Google

この倉岡先生とのお付き合いは長いです❗私の家族で先ずは、兄が小学校低学年の時、当時は厄介だったアトピーが全身に広がり「引きこもり」 成人して、そんな皮膚のただれてる兄を仕事ですから、笑顔でホステスさん達は迎えてくれますから、毎晩スナック通いでアルコール依存症、双極性躁鬱病になり、躁状態の時は荒れて警察署の「お馴染みさん」に(笑) 医療保護入院で何度も治療しましたが、退院すれば元の状態へ。 家族会など小まめに参加しましたが、時間の無駄でしかありませんでした。 医療保護入院を繰り返して行く内に(家にいたら警察沙汰ばかりで仕方なかった❗と自分を慰めてます)、58歳で有料老人ホームで、枯れ木が朽ちるように他界しました。 母親は全身性エリテマトーデスに私が小学校2年でしたから55年前に罹患。 私は信用金庫に入りましたが、バブル以前の頃1980年代前半だと言うのに、入社して直ぐに「これから日本は大規模な吸収合併劇が始まる❗もう次の勤め先探しとけ❗」などと言われて、本当にその通りに大きな信金に吸収されるまで10年勤めました。 それからと言うもの、転職を重ねるも、職場の人間関係が陰湿な感じで、転職癖を身に付けてしまいました。 どこも接待の多い職場で、毎晩深夜まで飲み歩く、ノミニケーション(笑)丸出しの職場ばかりで、すっかり肝機能を悪くしてしまいました。 その間結婚もしたのですが、今度は父が軽い脳梗塞で倒れてしまい、更には義母までが解離性大動脈瘤で入院手術。 夫婦共々介護に追われてばかり。 情けない話が、毎日根を詰めていると、私も妻も下らない事で、それこそ箸の持ち方にまで喧嘩の元になるようになり、喧嘩が絶えず離縁しました。 不安定な私の心を何とか治してもらおうと、荒川区には当時、女子医大を除けば2つしか精神神経科クリニックはありませんでしたが、片方はデイケアも行っており、兄も通っていたので倉岡クリニックさんの門を叩きました。 父も町の病院でトイレで倒れ、左半身麻痺の脳梗塞に。 母も全身性エリテマトーデスが悪化し始め、入退院を繰り返す毎日に。 両親も、兄の心の病に、すっかり振り回されてしまい、寿命を縮めて行くかのようでした❗ このままでは、我が家は自滅してしまう❗と気ばかり焦る毎日になりました。 まさにアリ地獄です。 正直、自暴自棄になりかけていた時に先生と出会った次第です。 最初先生から「貴方の気持ちの持ち方で回復して行くんですよ。薬つまり向精神病薬は、煮物に例えたら、なべぶたです。風邪薬ではないですが、患部に働きかける薬ではありません。 煮物って、そのまま火を加えたら沸騰して汁がこぼれてしまうけど、なべぶたしてれば、なかなか溢れませんよね! それと同じで、心の荒れた波を鎮める為の薬です。 貴方に差し上げるのは、そんな、なべぶたの働きをする薬です。 心の病は、その人その人によって大きな違いがあります。私は精神神経科の医学は体得していますが、患者さんと同じ辛さは味わえません❗ 私が出来るのは、患者さんを精一杯応援させてもらう事に尽きます❗」 私は生まれついての小心者ゆえか、二十歳の頃から嫌な事の連続だったように悲観していた(実際は良いことも、もちろん沢山ありました。皮肉な話、良い経験は直ぐに忘れ、嫌な経験ばかり頭に残ります❗)ので、先生から2つ私への「安定した心を保てるヒント」を提示して下さいました。 私は心理学には門外漢ですが、形入法と言う物の考え方があり、「あれやこれや、頭の中で抽象的にモヤモヤ考えてから行動するのではなく、先ずはピンと来たら、行動してみる❗着手してみる❗ そうすれば、自ずと結果が出る。そこで自省してみれば良い。 貴方の悪い面から、良い面まで見えてくる。そしたら、それを踏み台に、また行動に着手してみれば良い。 人生その繰り返しじゃないですか(笑)」と言われました❗ デール・カーネギーやナイチンゲールなど偉人に影響を与えた19世紀末の哲学者のジェームス・アレンが唱えた主張の中の大きな1つのようでした。 あのカール・マルクスも、似たような事を言ってたな!とも思い出しました。 「大昔から、偉大な人達が優れた哲学やらの理論を唱えて来た。でも、それだけでは、単なる理屈でしかない。それを実践してこそ、哲学にも意味がある。」 マルクスは、それで革命と言う事に思い至った、だなんて話です。 (誤解なさらないで下さいね。倉岡先生はマルクス主義者、共産主義者でもないように思えます。 あくまで私がジェームス・アレンとマルクスの考えに、素人なのに強引に「どこか似てるな?」と感じたまでの引用です❗) もう1つは、「どうしたら良いのか?分からなかったら、Wordでも良い。チラシの裏の面にでも良い。 思い付いた事を書き連ねてみなさい。最初は漠然とした、紋切り型な言葉ばかりだけど、やってるうちに、1つの形を成して来ます。 最初にラーメン、と書けば、おそらく次はお気に入りの店の名を書くでしょう❗次は同じラーメン屋でも何が良いのか?書くでしょう。そして今の財布の残金にまで頭が行くでしょう❗ 連想ゲームではありませんが、そうやって繰り返している内に、貴方にとって今やるべき事や、どうしたら良いのか?までが、形を成して、答えとして現れてきますよ❗ 試しにやってみて下さい。」 倉岡先生からは「とにかく、焦らず、鬱々とせずに、じっくりと❗ (ここまでのプロセスは薬の力が大になるかも知れませんね。) そして、やってみる❗行動してみる❗とにかく着手してみる❗ そこで自分ながら上出来に終わったとしたら、それが貴方にとって合っている幸せな生き方だ❗」 を診察の中で教えて下さったように思います。 倉岡先生とのお付き合いは、もう四半世紀になるのでしょうか(笑) 先生はご専門の精神医学から、それこそロックの矢沢永吉に至るまで、博識です。 今は兄はもちろん、先述した両親も、ひいては姻戚の叔父叔母も他界し、その代わりに、離縁した妻とは再婚はしないまでも、唯一無二の友人として付き合うようになりました。 離縁した妻と、また友人として付き合えるようになったのも、倉岡先生のさりげない日頃のアドバイスがあったらばこそ、かも知れません。 私の半生をほとんど見てこられた先生ゆえ、会話の中から、得るものが、その時折々にあります。精神療法と言うんだそうですね。 倉岡先生には申し訳ありませんが、先生が看板をしまわれるまで、力強い伴走者としてお付き合い願いたいと思っております❗ クリニックはビルの2階ですが、1階に薬局いずみファーマシーがあります。 こちらの男性の薬剤師さんとも初対面は同時(笑)長いお付き合いです。 腰の低い、優しい物腰の方で、丁寧に薬一つ一つ説明をして下さいますし、質問などすれば、こちらが納得するまで、穏やかな口調で説いて下さいます。 荒川区と文京区との境、あの男子エリート中高校の開成学園の隣にあります❗
I've had a long relationship with Professor Kuraoka ❗ First of all, when my brother was in the lower grades of elementary school, atopy, which was a problem at the time, spread throughout his entire body. As an adult, my older brother with sore skin is a job, so the hostesses greet me with a smile, so every night I go to snacks to have alcoholism, bipolar manic depression, and when I am in a manic state I am rough and police station To "Familiar" (laughs) I was treated many times in hospital for medical protection, but when I was discharged I returned to my original condition. I participated in family meetings and other small meetings, but it was just a waste of time. While repeating hospitalization for medical protection (I am comforting myself when I was at home because I couldn't help the police because I was at home), at the age of 58, I passed away like a dead tree in a pay nursing home. My mother had systemic lupus erythematosus 55 years ago because I was in 2nd grade. I entered the Shinkin Bank, but it was said that it was in the first half of the 1980s before the bubble, but immediately after joining the company, he said, ``A large-scale absorption and merger play will begin in Japan ❗ Looking for the next place to work ❗'' etc. I was told that I worked for 10 years until it was really absorbed by the big credit. After that, even though I changed jobs, I felt that the relationships in the workplace were insidious and I had acquired a habit of changing jobs. Everywhere I work, there are lots of entertainment, and every night I drink every night until midnight, and all of the workplaces are full of nomination (laughs). During that time, I got married, but this time my father fell down due to a mild cerebral infarction, and even my mother-in-law was hospitalized for a dissecting aortic aneurysm. My husband and I have been chased by nursing care. When the pitiful story was rooted every day, neither me nor my wife came down, which led to the quarrel even with how to hold the chopsticks, and the quarrel constantly divorced. At the time, there were only two neuropsychiatric clinics in Arakawa Ward, except for a female medical school, in order to cure my unstable heart. One of them had day care, and my brother attended. So I hit the gate of Kuraoka Clinic. My father also fell down in a toilet at a hospital in the town and suffered a cerebral infarction with left hemiplegia. My mother's systemic lupus erythematosus began to worsen, and she was hospitalized every day. It seemed that my parents were totally swayed by my brother's mental illness, and my life had shortened.❗ If this situation continues, my home will become self-defeating ❗, and it will be a day of impatience. It's ant hell. To be honest, I met my teacher when I was almost desperate. At first, the teacher said, "I will recover depending on how you have feelings. A drug, that is, a psychotropic drug, is like a stewed dish, a pot lid. It is not a cold remedy, but it is not a drug that works on the affected area. Simmered food will boil and spill the juice if you add heat as it is, but if it's a pot, it won't overflow easily! Similarly, it is a medicine for calming the rough waves of the heart. I will give you a medicine that acts as a pot lid. Mental illness varies greatly from person to person. I know medicine in neuropsychiatry, but I can't experience the same hotness as patients ❗ All I can do is to support the patient ❗.'' I was pessimistic because I was a nymph since I was born, and I was pessimistic as if I had been unpleasant since I was 20 years old. (In fact, there were many good things. My unpleasant experience will remain in my mind❗), so my teacher gave me two "tips to keep a stable mind". Although I am a non-professional person in psychology, there is a way of thinking that is called kyatiri, "I don't act after thinking abstractly in my head and abstractly, but when I come with a pin first, Try to act ❗ Start ❗ Then, the result will come out. So you can try self-reflection. From your bad side to the good side. You can then use it as a stepping stone and start taking action. Isn't that life repeated?" (laughs) ❗ It seemed to be one of the big claims in late 19th-century philosopher James Allen's claims that influenced great men such as Dale Carnegie and Nightingale. That Karl Marx was saying something similar! I also remembered. "From ancient times, great people have been advocating excellent philosophy and theories. But that alone is just rationale. If you practice it, philosophy has meaning." It's a story Marx has come to think of as a revolution. (Don't get me wrong. It seems that Professor Kuraoka is neither a Marxist nor a Communist. It's a quote to the point that I felt like, "Isn't it similar to James Allen's and Marx's idea, even though I'm an amateur?" The other is, "If you don't know what to do, you can use Word. It can be on the back of the leaflet. Write down what you have come up with. At first, the words are vague and concise, but as they are done, they form one. If you write ramen first, then probably the name of your favorite store will be written next ❗ What's better next ramen shop? I will write. And you'll be wondering about the balance of your current wallet❗ It's not an associative game, but in the process of repeating it, what should you do now and what should you do? Will form and appear as answers ❗ Please try it. " Professor Kuraoka said, "Anyway, don't be impatient, don't be gloomy, carefully ❗ (The process up to this point may be more powerful than drugs.) Then try it ❗ act ❗ just start ❗ If you ended up doing it yourself, that's a happy way of life that suits you ❗.'' I think you taught me during the examination. Is the relationship with Professor Kuraoka already about a quarter century (laughs)? The teacher is very knowledgeable, from his specialty psychiatry to that of Eikichi Yazawa of Rock. Now, not only my brother, but also the parents I mentioned earlier, and eventually my uncle's aunt's aunt, have passed away, and instead, I have been dating as my one and only friend, even if I do not remarry my separated wife. It may be because of Kuraoka-sensei's casual advice that I became able to associate with my separated wife as a friend again. Since I am a teacher who has seen most of my half-life, there are occasional gains from conversations. It's called psychotherapy. I'm sorry to Mr. Kuraoka, but I would like to have a strong companion until the teacher closes the signboard ❗ The clinic is on the second floor of the building, but there is a pharmacy Izumi Pharmacy on the first floor. I met a male pharmacist here for the first time at the same time (laughs). The person with a low back and gentle demeanor will carefully explain each medicine, and if you have any questions, please speak in a gentle tone until you are satisfied. It is located on the border between Arakawa and Bunkyo, next to Kaisei Gakuen of the Men's Elite Middle School ❗
umi suki on Google

There are two main types of mental clinics. Do you focus on counseling or dosing to improve? This hospital is the latter. I don't think it suits people who want to spend a long time listening to their worries (= counseling). However, doctors are also human beings, so when it's not crowded, they listen to their worries and encourage them. On the other hand, if there are several people waiting, it may be a clerical examination. There are other reviews, but the station is close, the waiting time is short, and I feel that it is a well-balanced and easy-to-go hospital.
GETYOU “getyou” 824 on Google

自分に合う治療法を見つけるのは大変なものです。 書き込みを拝見すると批判する書き込みも多いですね。ここだけではなく他の病院やお店でも同じでしょう。 あなたがどのような治療を望んでいるかで変わります。書き込みを引用しますが、メンタルクリニックというのは大きく分けて2種類あります。 カウンセリングを主体とするのか投薬を中心として改善を目指すのか。 この病院は後者です。悪い評価をされる方に情報として役立ててもらえると幸いです。 私も苦しい胸を手紙に託して先生に渡し薬を処方して頂いています。 ストレス環境を改善するのも自分自身を改善しないといけないですし。そのストレスを薬が和らげてくれます。私はまだ自分で環境を変えれるとおもっているのでこの病院はあっています。 求めてるのが投薬を中心の治療じゃなかったら次はメンタル中心の病院に予約を入れてください。ご参考まで。
Is not hard to find a treatment that suits you. I am writing also often criticized for seeing the writing. Here alone it would be the same in other hospitals and shops instead. Changes in what you are hoping any such treatment. To quote the writing, but there are two main types of because mental clinic. Or aim to improve around the medication whether mainly counseling. This hospital is the latter. I hope get to serve as information for those who are a bad evaluation. I also have gotten prescribed me drugs to the teacher entrusted the painful chest in the letter. Also we are do I need to improve their own to improve the stress environment. The stress medicine for us relieve. I think this hospital has been there since the still thought to be changing the environment on their own. If you're asking is not 's treatment of heart medication following, please make a reservation to the hospital of the mental center. For reference.
yup yup on Google

問診の途中で、私のマスクを指差し 「それ、不織布ですか?ウレタンですか?」 今それ関係ありますか? 患者の話を聞いている最中にマスクが気になるってことは、 患者より自分のコロナ感染防止の優先度の方が高いんでしょうね。 換気のためとは言え、 問診する部屋のドアもすべて開いたまま、 待合室に筒抜け状態で、 相談したいことも話しづらい。 狭い待合室には空気清浄機が2台 でもドアも窓も開きっぱなし 先生の机の下にも空気清浄機 トイレも感染対策とかいって使用禁止 隣の隣のコンビニ使ってください、とのこと。 問診も機械的で、とても不愉快。
Pointing to my mask during the interview "Is it non-woven fabric or urethane?" Does it matter now? The fact that the mask is worrisome while listening to the patient Perhaps your priority is higher than the patient in preventing corona infection. For ventilation, With all the doors of the room to be interviewed open With the tube missing in the waiting room, It's hard to talk about what you want to talk about. Two air purifiers in a small waiting room But the doors and windows are still open An air purifier under the teacher's desk The use of toilets is also prohibited as an infection control measure. Please use the convenience store next door. The interview is also mechanical and very unpleasant.

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