辛旨ラーメン ふじ本

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 辛旨ラーメン ふじ本

住所 :

Komagome, Toshima City, 〒170-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://karaumaramen.com/
街 : Tokyo

Komagome, Toshima City, 〒170-0003 Tokyo,Japan
Seijin rahmen on Google

極辛旨ラーメンを頼んだらうまく伝わっていなくて普通の旨辛ラーメンが出てきたので差額の唐辛子(辛旨の5倍)をいただきました? 辛さは北極ノーマルと同じくらいかな?? ほんのり後味甘味が感じるスープとお肉が美味い??? 曜日によって竹岡式ラーメンのお店と二毛作のようですよ~
When I ordered the extremely spicy ramen, it didn't get through well and the normal spicy ramen came out, so I got the difference in chili pepper (5 times the spiciness) ? Is it as hot as the Arctic normal? ?? The soup and meat with a slightly sweet aftertaste are delicious ??? Depending on the day of the week, it looks like a Takeoka-style ramen shop and double cropping ~
タコスケ9600 on Google

Super spicy ramen (normal) + egg. Char siu is not good enough. A moist texture. It's spicy, but it's just spicy.
帶刀憲治 on Google

駒込駅北口から2〜3分のカウンター5席の小さなお店。日曜日の夕方訪問。オーナーは同じだがスープが全く違うため辛旨と竹岡式を曜日で分けて展開しているとのこと。 辛旨ラーメン並全マシを注文。実は辛いのが苦手なのですがこのラーメンはその名の通り辛さと旨さがあるため苦労せず食べれました。スタッフさんは一人。辛旨の次は是非、竹岡式を食べてみてくださいと竹岡式の特徴を説明してくれました。千葉の醬油を使った言わば漁師のラーメンで濃い味付けが特徴とのこと。次は是非、竹岡式に挑戦したいと思います。ティッシュは各カウンター下にあり。
A small shop with 5 seats at the counter, 2 to 3 minutes from the north exit of Komagome station. Visited on Sunday evening. The owner is the same, but the soup is completely different, so the spiciness and the Takeoka style are divided according to the day of the week. Ordered all the spicy ramen. Actually, I'm not good at spicy food, but as the name suggests, this ramen has spiciness and deliciousness, so I could eat it without difficulty. There is only one staff member. He explained the characteristics of the Takeoka style, saying that he should try the Takeoka style next to the spicy taste. It is a fisherman's ramen made from Chiba soy sauce and is characterized by its strong seasoning. Next time, I would like to try the Takeoka style. Tissues are under each counter.
剛(Tsuyoshi) on Google

スープは醤油の角が取れてなく、しょっぱい。 獣臭さも感じ熱々ではない。 チャーシューはパサパサ。
The soup has no horns in the soy sauce and is salty. It feels like a beast and is not hot. The char siu is dry.
gojio gogo on Google

ラーメン肉増し。肉はチャーシューが乗ってました(今日だけ特別?) 中本の北極をイメージしたが、ラー油(ごま油)の香りが強い。麺がモチモチで美味しい。店内は狭い。
Add more ramen meat. The meat had char siu on it (is it special only today?) I imagined the North Pole of Nakamoto, but the scent of chili oil (sesame oil) is strong. The noodles are chewy and delicious. The inside of the store is small.
HAORAN EE on Google

The large portions of spicy noodles are all added, and the portion is very large, a bit unlike a Japanese restaurant. It’s just not mixed well, the more you eat, the more salty you eat, and you can’t eat it in the end.
ヒビチョフ on Google

金曜日、地下鉄内で無性にラーメン食べたくなり適当に駒込で下車して適当に歩いて見つけた店。竹岡式ラーメンと辛いラーメンの2店が一緒になった店のようです。 寒いので辛いタイプの二郎系の旨辛豚ラーメン880円を注文。 注文して退店時にお金払うタイプです。 5分ほどで着丼。事前にトッピングを聞かれて、ニンニク、アブラ、カラメが増せるようです。 辛いラーメンの味の違いはわかりませんが、ちょうど良い辛さで美味しく食べられました。豚は薄いです。 次はノーマルの竹岡式ラーメンを食べてみたい。
On Friday, I wanted to eat ramen on the subway, so I got off at Komagome and walked around. It seems that two shops, Takeoka style ramen and spicy ramen, are combined. I ordered a spicy Jiro-type spicy pork ramen for 880 yen because it's cold. It is a type that orders and pays when leaving the store. Donburi in about 5 minutes. Asked for toppings in advance, it seems that garlic, abra and caramel can be increased. I don't know the difference in the taste of spicy ramen, but it was delicious with just the right amount of spiciness. The pig is thin. Next, I would like to try normal Takeoka ramen.
津元敏行 on Google

JR山手線 駒込駅北口より徒歩3分程にある、ラーメン屋の【辛旨ラーメン ふじ本】 OPEN当時は曜日限定やった辛旨ラーメンが定番で食べれるようになりましたよ〜。 辛いのんはあんま得意ちゃうけど旨いがついとったので行ってみました 笑 辛旨ラーメン大盛りに野菜増し・ニンニク増しを注文してんけど… 出て来てビックリ!!! 二郎系ラーメンみたいになってますやん 笑 こんなボリュームたっぷりとは知らんかった。。。 まずは大量のもやしをスープにつけて減らしていくけど確かに辛いって感じではないです。 ほんでようやく麺にたどり着けたけど太麺を採用しとってめっちゃ旨いやん〜。 チャーシューも分厚くカットされとってええですね〜。 気合いで食べたけど今度からは中にしとこ 笑
A ramen shop [Spicy Ramen Fujimoto] located about a 3-minute walk from the north exit of Komagome Station on the JR Yamanote Line. At the time of OPEN, you can now eat the spicy ramen that was only available on the day of the week. I'm very good at spicy food, but it tasted good so I went there lol I ordered a large serving of spicy ramen with more vegetables and garlic ... I was surprised to come out! !! !! It looks like Jiro ramen lol I didn't know that there was such a lot of volume. .. .. First of all, I add a lot of bean sprouts to the soup and reduce it, but it certainly doesn't feel spicy. I finally got to the noodles, but it's really delicious to use thick noodles. The char siu is also thickly cut, isn't it? I ate it with a spirit, but now I'm inside lol

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