Koho - 港区 Minato City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koho

住所 :

3 Chome-8-7 Roppongi, 港区 Minato City, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 106-0032
Webサイト : http://www.koho-roppongi.com/

3 Chome-8-7 Roppongi, 港区 Minato City, Tokyo 106-0032, Japan
Kate on Google

At the girls' association. The quantity of each item is moderate, and you can enjoy it until the end.
チューチュー丸 on Google

色々な食材、色々な調理法。最後まで楽しめてどの料理も最高。特に北京ダック、フカヒレ、春巻き、オマール海老のエビチリ、大根もちは最高でした^ ^
Various ingredients, various cooking methods. You can enjoy it till the end and every dish is the best. Especially Peking duck, shark fin, spring rolls, lobster shrimp chili and radish cake were the best ^ ^
D Silbering on Google

素晴らしい中華。 少量を20皿以上提供するという、難しいオペレーションを完璧にこなす若いスタッフに感動。 味も素晴らしく、おそらく現在東京でもトップクラスの店。 このクオリティを維持して欲しい。
Great Chinese food. Impressed by the young staff who perfectly handle the difficult operation of providing 20 or more dishes in small quantities. It tastes great and is probably one of the best restaurants in Tokyo right now. I want you to maintain this quality.
J ub on Google

料理は申し分なし。ペアリングのどリンクなしで予約したのに、わざわざつれの前で「ドリンクはどうしますか」と聞いてくる。雰囲気壊さないためオーダーして、これで+1万2千円。 途中、トリュフはオプションですとまた聞いてくる。値段もいわないが、とりあえず頼むしかない。ドリンク追加で金を稼ぐ、キャバクラみたいなとこ。 ディナー中はずっと男の店員が、つれの女性に笑顔で喋りかける。最後は、ライン付きの名刺を渡して、いつでも連絡してくださいとのこと。六本木の店ってそんなものかと思って帰宅しました。
The food is perfect. I made a reservation without a pairing throat link, but in front of me, I was asked "What would you like to drink?" I ordered it so as not to destroy the atmosphere, and this is +12,000 yen. Along the way, I'm asked again that truffles are an option. I don't say the price, but I have to ask for it. It's like a cabaret club where you can make money by adding drinks. Throughout the dinner, a male clerk talks to the woman with a smile. At the end, please hand over the business card with the line and contact us at any time. I thought that the Roppongi store was like that and went home.
野菜マン on Google

六本木の裏通りというか、知らないとわからない立地に位置するこのお店。最近のオープンとのこと。まずカウンターだけの中華ということで、興味津々。コースも一つで基本的に飲み物はお任せで頼んで欲しいとこと。まずはお店の言うがままに、、、。 中華と言えば大皿料理。ここは20種類以上小皿で食べれる、少量で色んなものを食べたいという私のニーズにぴったりなお店。ドリンクのペアリングもワインだけにとどまらずビールまで出てくる。じつに面白いお店。そして、お水もペアリングで色んな種類でてくる拘りよう。参りました。この料理をすべて仕込むのもりたいへんそうだなーなんて思って食べてました。まだ、オペレーションなどは進化するんだろうなというお店です。今後が楽しみというか予約が取れなくなりそうですね。すべて美味しい。ただ、これが美味かったが料理が多すぎて忘れちゃった(笑) 次はメモしよう! ごちそうさまでした。 またからなずいきます!
This shop is located on the back street of Roppongi, or in a location that you wouldn't know unless you knew it. It's a recent opening. First of all, I am curious because it is Chinese food only at the counter. There is only one course, and basically I want you to ask for drinks. First of all, as the shop says ... Speaking of Chinese food, it is a platter. This is a restaurant that is perfect for my needs, where you can eat more than 20 kinds of small plates and eat various things in small quantities. Drink pairing is not limited to wine, but beer. A really interesting shop. And let's stick to the fact that various types of water come with pairing. I give up. I thought it would be very difficult to prepare all of this dish, so I ate it. It is a shop where operations will continue to evolve. I'm looking forward to the future, or it seems that I will not be able to make reservations. Everything is delicious. However, this was delicious, but I forgot because there were too many dishes (laughs) Let's make a note next! Thank you for the meal. I will continue to do it again!
Ron Choy on Google

Good food and good pairing but my concern is about the lack of seasonal ingredients in the food - meaning the menu might not change. Fingers crossed.
Dickson Tan on Google

Be wary of making reservations here. 1) They have a policy of deducting courses based on 5 minute intervals. If you are late by 15 mins , 3 courses will be deducted from your entire course. So a 25 meal course becomes a 22 meal course. 2) No explanation for any of the dishes served. Which is a rarity for Michelin starred restaurants. 3) Only Japanese spoken here and foreigners are made to feel unwelcome and guessing what they are served. Typical racism. 4) The only time the chef spoke was to say goodbye. Do yourself a favor and eat at other establishments for the price you are paying.
Tom on Google

A great dining experience. Duck, shark fin and beef were the highlights. Wine pairing was interesting but could be enhanced. Slight downside, the rushed feeling given the current 8pm closure request but that is out of their hand.

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