Koganei Taishoken - Koganei

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koganei Taishoken

住所 :

2 Chome-16-12 Nukuiminamicho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 184-0014
Webサイト : https://koganei-taishoken-group.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

2 Chome-16-12 Nukuiminamicho, Koganei, Tokyo 184-0014, Japan
RYO SAK on Google

Wonton was hard and I didn't like it. The taste is too tasty or strong, or it may be just right when you are exhausted and hungry, but it was a taste and amount that you can not have in normal physical condition.
RYO .A on Google

★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ ☆『人生の試練に打ち勝て!』☆ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ 店内の壁面には額に大切に入れられた東池袋本店の創業者である故、山岸一雄さんの、とっても厳しくも有りつつ、その言葉の奥底にはとっても『山岸さんらしい』本当に温かみのある胸を打つような大変有り難いお言葉に正直涙が止まらない。 こちらの山岸さんの文言には胸を打たれました。 メディアでの山岸さんしか私は知らないだけに、あんなに優しそうなイメージが強いのに、こんなにも厳しく有りつつも温かいお言葉を発する衝撃には今でも思い出しては涙が止まりません? それと、その書いてある色紙の隣には山岸さんと恐らく東池袋店第2代目店主の飯野さんと思われる男性が写っている懐かしいお写真も額に入れられて壁に飾られています? 念の為、スタッフさんに聞いてみたら山岸さんと一緒に写られている方はコチラの小金井大勝軒店主さんでは無くて具体的に誰なのかは、固有名詞でしっかり聞けませんでした(笑)が、どうやら二代目東池袋大勝軒店主の飯野さんらしいと思われます。 つまりは初代店主と二代目店主のお二方のツーショットのお写真と思われます。 とっても貴重なお写真です! どこのラーメン屋さんでもスタッフの昼休み休憩を考慮すると昼の部は14時くらいにて一旦終了して夕方は大概18時くらいから第二部営業スタートって感じですが、こちらは11〜21時迄通しで営業されています。(緊急事態宣言時は除く) なので15時ぐらいの遅い昼ごはんの場合にも大変重宝します!それに店舗前には2箇所の駐車場が有ります。車移動中心の私には助かります。 こちらは、本店(東池袋)の流れを汲む大勝軒なのかなぁ? ベーシックな中華そば720円を頼みました。 とても食べやすく且つ美味しく頂けました。 同じ大勝軒でも私には苦手な節系の匂いがかなりキツめの保谷大勝軒や永福町系みたいな強めなクセは感じられませんでしたので良かったです。 確かにこちらでも鰹節素材をスープのダシに使用されているのは分かりますが非常にマイルドな風味付けとしてセッティングされています。 スープは、ほのかな甘みを感じられる私好みの仕上がり。本当にナチュラルな味付けで抜群にバランスが良いスープなんですよね。 巷にたま〜に有る過度な塩味キツめのラーメン屋さんwとかでは全く有りません。 麺はストレートな中太でモチモチ感が溢れ麺量もボリュームが有り、とても旨い! 2021/4/25㈰あらためて来訪。 今日は特製つけ麺あつもり(950円)を食べに来ました。 『熱盛り』は熱々のつけ汁に熱々の麺で食します。熱々のラーメンを食べるのと同じ醍醐味が有りながらも、いわゆる『つけ麺』のスタンダードベーシックな『酸味』と『甘味』の有るつけ汁は、病みつきになる自分好みのいわゆる『ザ・つけ麺』としてリピートしちゃいます。 因みに『つけ麺』の麺量を聞いたら普通盛りで350㌘も有ります。大盛りではなんと700㌘!?!との事です。 私には350㌘で大満足です(笑) 私は食べるのが比較的遅いので『熱盛りつけ麺』を注文時に必ず『麺硬め』と頼みます。コレにより食べ進むのが遅い私でも麺同士がくっつきにくくなるので助かります。 そうそう、こちらでは『つけ麺ファン』には嬉しい『割りスープ』を締めで頂けます! 麺を食べ終えた後の儀式?(笑)じゃ有りませんが、その余韻を更に楽しめるので『つけ麺ファン』にはたまりません!(笑)? コレは厨房横のカウンターにポットで3〜4個程置いて有ります。なので、このポットを自分の席まで持って行き各自お好みの量をタレに注ぎ足して自分好みの濃さに仕上げたら締めを楽しむ前にポットを返却すれば良いのです。 つけ麺提供の他社店によく有るような、割りスープを店の人に入れてもらうオペレーションのタイプによく有るケースで『ケチケチしないで、もっと割りスープ入れてくれよー!コレじゃまだしょっぱいのに〜?』って現象は避けられるので、このシステムは大変重宝します。アイデアですね〜。 これで、故山岸さんが造り上げた『甘味』『酸味』『旨味』の絶品スープをまんべんなく堪能して締めくくる事が出来ます(笑) 今日は訪問15時過ぎでしたが座敷以外は、ほぼ満席に近い大盛況。 なるほど、この時間でこんなに来客数があるならば夜の営業時間終了まで通しで営業せざるを得ませんね?(笑) 今日も満腹満足!ごちそうさまでした!
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ "Overcome the trials of life! ] ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ Kazuo Yamagishi, who was the founder of the Higashiikebukuro main store, was carefully placed on the wall of the store, and while it was very strict, the deep inside of the words was a really warm chest that was "like Mr. Yamagishi." Honestly, I can't stop crying at the very thankful words that I hit. I was deeply moved by Mr. Yamagishi's words. As I only know Mr. Yamagishi in the media, I have a strong image that seems to be so kind, but I still can't stop crying when I remember the shock of uttering such harsh but warm words ? Also, next to the colored paper on which it is written, a nostalgic photo of Mr. Yamagishi and a man who is probably the second owner of the Higashiikebukuro store, Mr. Iino, is framed and displayed on the wall ? Just in case, when I asked the staff, I couldn't really ask who the person in the picture with Mr. Yamagishi was, not the owner of Koganei Taishoken here (laughs). ), But it seems to be Mr. Iino, the owner of the second generation Higashi Ikebukuro Taishoken. In other words, it seems to be a two-shot photo of the first and second owners. It's a very valuable photo! Considering the staff's lunch break at any ramen shop, the daytime part ends at around 14:00 and the evening part usually starts at around 18:00, but this is from 11:00 to 21:00. It is open all the way to. (Except when an emergency is declared) So it is very useful even for late lunch around 15:00! Besides, there are two parking lots in front of the store. It helps me, who is centered on moving cars. I wonder if this is a Daishoken that follows the flow of the main store (Higashiikebukuro). I ordered a basic Chinese noodle for 720 yen. It was very easy to eat and delicious. I'm glad I didn't feel the strong habit of Hoya Daishoken and Eifukucho, which I'm not good at, even at the same Daishoken. It is true that the bonito flakes are used in the soup stock here as well, but it is set as a very mild flavor. The soup is my favorite finish with a slight sweetness. It's a really natural soup with an excellent balance. There is no such thing as an excessively salty ramen shop w in the streets. The noodles are straight, medium-thick, full of chewyness, and the amount of noodles is voluminous, which is very delicious! 2021/4/25 ㈰ Visit again. Today I came to eat the special tsukemen (950 yen). "Heat prime" is eaten with hot soup and hot noodles. Although it has the same real pleasure as eating hot ramen, the so-called "Tsukemen" standard basic "sour" and "sweet" tsukemen repeats as your favorite so-called "the tsukemen". I will. By the way, when asked about the amount of "Tsukemen" noodles, it is usually 350 tons. A whopping 700 ㌘! ?? !! It is that. I'm very happy with 350㌘ (laughs) Since I eat relatively slowly, I always ask for "hot noodles" when ordering "hot tsukemen". Even I, who is slow to eat because of this, makes it difficult for the noodles to stick to each other, which is helpful. Oh yeah, here you can finish the "wari soup" which is nice for "Tsukemen fans"! Ritual after eating noodles? (Laughs) It's not, but I can't wait to be a "Tsukemen fan" because I can enjoy the afterglow even more! (Laughs) ? There are 3-4 pots on the counter next to the kitchen. So, take this pot to your seat, add the amount you like to the sauce, finish it to the strength you like, and return the pot before you enjoy tightening. In the case of the type of operation that asks the shop staff to put in the split soup, which is often found in other stores that offer tsukemen, "Don't be stingy, add more split soup!" This system is very useful because the phenomenon of "It's still salty, but ~ ?" can be avoided. It's an idea ~. With this, you can thoroughly enjoy the exquisite soup of "sweetness", "sourness" and "umami" created by the late Mr. Yamagishi (laughs). It was past 15:00 today, but except for the tatami room, it was a great success, almost full. I see, if there are so many visitors at this time, I have to open all day until the end of the night business hours ? (laugh) Satisfied with fullness today! Thank you for the meal!
エックスエル on Google

大勝軒自体はあまり好きじゃないのですが、こちらのつけ麺は甘さが控えめで好きです。 つけ汁の量が少なくあっという間に温くなる店もあるが、ここはつけ汁の量も多く温くなりにくい。温かい割りスープもポットでのセルフ提供なため、麺の器に割りスープを入れて途中からあつもりで食べることも可能 (写真はラーメンですが)
I don't really like Daishoken itself, but I like this tsukemen because of its modest sweetness. There are stores where the amount of soup is small and it gets warm quickly, but here the amount of soup is large and it is difficult to get warm. Warm split soup is also self-serve in the pot, so you can put the split soup in a noodle bowl and eat it from the middle. (The photo is ramen)
清水惇史 on Google

The parking lot is quite large, and it is located across the road from the front of the store, so a relatively large number of cars can be parked. The inside of the shop was not like a ramen shop, and it felt calm. The photo is a special Morisoba.
meet good on Google

2022/01/30再訪 前回見かけた背脂中華そばが気になって再訪です。 日曜日の1時前、駐車場は満車のラスイチに滑り込みセーフ。混んでるなと思いきや、すんなり食券買えたし席にも余裕がありました。 やっぱりぼちぼちの時間がかかったので、ゆで時間が長いんですかね? ロットのせいではなさそうです。 その証拠に、汁そばでもつけ麺同様にムニムニ太麺でした。 さてさて楽しみにしてたスープですが、ずっ!と啜ると煮干しがくる!うまい? そこに背脂の甘味があって美味しい! かなりいけてると思いましたが、この麺は好みが分かれるとこじゃないですかね。私は次頼むなら固めで願いしたいとこです。 や、おいしかったご馳走さまでした?? --- 数年前に初めてもりそばをこちらで食べたんですが、その時の印象はすっぱいつけ汁だなでした。 なもんで足が遠のいていたんところ、たまたま行く機会ができたので今回再びもりそばをお願いしました。写真はもりそば並750円です。 平日の18:30と言う中途半端な時間だったせいか店内には3人ほど。好きな席にどうぞと案内されて座ってからぼちぼち時間がかかって提供です? 最初にひと言ですが、つけ麺はあまり好んで食べませんので悪しからず? ラーメンと違うのでスープからではなく、麺をいただきます。 すると、前回感じた酸っぱみは余りなく、逆に甘さを感じるおいしいつけ汁? え?なんで?? スープの味付けが変わるはずないので、自分の舌の変化ですよね? 麺は柔らかめ、と言うかつけ麺てこのゆで加減だったような? 大きめで歯ごたえのあるチャーシューの入った椀に麺をつけて食べるのはおいしい? でも途中で味変したくなり、前で食べてるひとのマネして麺にラー油かけたおいしい? おなかパンパンでごちそうさま? また気が向いたら食べにきますが、背脂中華そばが気になってしかたありません?
2022/01/30 Revisited I'm revisiting because I was worried about the backfat Chinese noodles I saw last time. Before 1 o'clock on Sunday, the parking lot slips into a full Rasichi and is safe. I thought it wasn't crowded, but I could buy a meal ticket smoothly and had plenty of seats. After all it took a long time to boil, isn't it? It doesn't seem to be due to the lot. As a proof of that, the soup soba was Munimuni thick noodles as well as the tsukemen. Well, I was looking forward to the soup, but it's all! When you slurp, the dried sardines will come! Good ? There is sweetness of lard and it is delicious! I thought it was pretty good, but I think this noodle has different tastes. I'm a cousin who wants to make a firm wish next time. It was a delicious treat ?? --- I ate Morisoba here for the first time a few years ago, and the impression I had at that time was sour soup. When I was away from my feet, I happened to have a chance to go, so I asked for Morisoba again this time. The photo is 750 yen, which is the same as Morisoba. There were about 3 people in the store probably because it was a halfway time of 18:30 on weekdays. It will take some time after you are guided to your favorite seat and sit down ? First of all, I don't like tsukemen so much, so don't be afraid ? It's different from ramen, so I'll have noodles, not soup. Then, the soup I felt last time was not so much, and on the contrary, the delicious soup that felt sweetness ? picture? Why ?? The seasoning of the soup shouldn't change, so it's a change in your tongue ? The noodles are soft, or is it like boiled tsukemen? It is delicious to eat with noodles in a bowl containing large and chewy char siu ? But I wanted to change the taste on the way, so it was delicious to imitate the person eating in front and sprinkle chili oil on the noodles ? Feast with tummy bread ? I will come to eat again when I feel like it, but I can't help but be worried about the backfat Chinese noodles ?
fctokyo2011 on Google

Tsukemen is famous, but the wonton noodles you eat on cold days are delicious! Very satisfied with the meaty wonton. Even if it is normal, the amount of noodles is large, so the amount of large servings is considerable.
成人 on Google

仕事の通りすがりに見つけたので超久しぶりに池袋大勝軒の暖簾分け店に入ることに。 池袋大勝軒系列に入るのはもう10年くらい前かなぁ。 同じ煮干し系でも永福町大勝軒(池袋大勝軒とは別)の方が遥かに美味しいと思うので池袋大勝軒は行きたいと思わなかった。 久しぶり過ぎて何を頼んで良いのか分からず、中華そば(780円?)大盛(+160円)を券売機で購入。 14時過ぎてたこともあり店内客はまばら。 とにかく具の量が全く追いつかないくらい麺が多い。 ほとんど麺しか食べてない気がする。 こりゃ大盛りはダメだ。 具が少なく感じるのでとにかく大盛りは飽きが早い。 永福町大勝軒と比べると味に主張がないんだよなあ。 やっぱり池袋大勝軒系列は好きになれません。
I found it on the way to work, so I decided to enter the Ikebukuro Daikatsuken warm-up store for the first time in a long time. I think it was about 10 years ago that I joined the Ikebukuro Daishoken series. I didn't want to go to Ikebukuro Daikatsuken because I think Eifukucho Daikatsuken (separate from Ikebukuro Daikatsuken) is far more delicious than the same dried sardines. It's been so long since I didn't know what to order, so I bought Chinese noodles (780 yen?) And a large serving (+160 yen) at the ticket vending machine. The number of customers in the store is sparse because it was past 14:00. Anyway, there are so many noodles that the amount of ingredients cannot keep up. I feel like I only eat noodles. This is no good for a large serving. I feel that there are few ingredients, so I get tired of large servings quickly. Compared to Taishoken in Eifukucho, there is no claim to the taste. After all, I don't like the Ikebukuro Daishoken series.
Yoshito N on Google

Nothing special, but good for family.

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