タコヤキ引越センター 関東

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タコヤキ引越センター 関東

住所 :

Kitaotsuka, Toshima City, 〒170-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.4smoving.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kitaotsuka, Toshima City, 〒170-0004 Tokyo,Japan
A. MATSUMARU on Google

Extremely satisfied! At first, I liked the name "Octopus Yaki Moving Center" and made an estimate, but the telephone response was very good. Moreover, the estimate was OK just by phone, and the price was the cheapest. I was relieved that the staff who worked hard on the day did the work. He quickly responded to even a small mistake. I will definitely ask you again next time. I also recommend it to everyone!
百瀬恵 on Google

見積もりの段階からすぐにレスポンスをいただき、スムーズに話が進みました。 当日も朝早い時間だったにもかかわらず 時間通り来てくださり、予想していた以上にテキパキ荷物を運んでくださり新居への搬入もとても早く終わり、大満足でした。もしまた機会があれば、是非タコヤキ引っ越しセンターさんに依頼したいです。ありがとうございました!
We received a response immediately from the estimation stage, and the discussion proceeded smoothly. Even though it was early in the morning on that day They came on time, carried more responsive luggage than I expected, and the delivery to the new house was completed very quickly, which was very satisfying. If I have another chance, I would definitely like to ask the Takoyaki Moving Center. thank you!
納豆 on Google

親切丁寧、迅速な引っ越し会社さんです。 とても丁寧に作業いただき、対応もすごく親切でした。 元々、大手の引っ越し会社さん出身の方が多いようで安心できます。 この価格でこの品質はびっくりです。 また引っ越すことがあればお願いしたいと思いました。 この度は本当にありがとうございました。
Kind, polite and quick moving company. The work was very polite and the response was very kind. Originally, there are many people from major moving companies, so you can rest assured. This quality is amazing at this price. I would like to ask if I move again. This time, thank you very much.
Toshikazu Hiwaki on Google

この度もどうもありがとうございました! 2回目の利用でしたが、気持ちの良いスタッフのご対応に大満足です。 予約から当日の引っ越しまで、安心してお願いすることができました。 スピーディーかつお手頃な価格も満足できるポイントです! また引っ越しの機会があれば、タコヤキ引越センターさんにお願いしたいです。 引っ越しで困った際、皆さんにオススメしたい会社です^^
Thank you again! It was the second time I used it, but I am very satisfied with the support of the pleasant staff. From the reservation to the move on the day, I was able to ask with confidence. Speedy and affordable price is also a satisfying point! If I have a chance to move, I would like to ask the Takoyaki Moving Center. It is a company that I would like to recommend to everyone when you have trouble moving ^ ^
伊藤茜 on Google

様々な引っ越し業者に見積もりを出していただき、どの業者も相場〜相場以上の見積価格となりましたが、こちらは繁忙期にも関わらず格安のお値段でご対応いただきました。 また、担当の方々も丁寧かつスピーディーな作業で安心してお任せすることが出来ました。 予定と違った作業をする場面がありましたが、快くご対応いただき大変助かりました。 この場を借りてお礼を申し上げます。 また、やりとりがLINEで出来るのも気軽かつ便利に感じました。 引っ越しをする際はまたお願いしたいです。
We asked various moving companies to give us quotations, and all of them were quoted from the market price to the market price or higher, but we were able to respond at a cheap price despite the busy season. In addition, the people in charge were able to leave it to us with peace of mind due to the polite and speedy work. There was a scene where I was working differently than planned, but I was very grateful for your kindness. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you. Also, I felt that it was easy and convenient to be able to communicate with LINE. I would like to ask you again when you move.
o a on Google

先日利用させていただきました。 こちらに決めた決め手は、事前見積もりをすべてメールでしてくれる事でした。 コロナ禍で、あんまり他人を家の中に入れたくないのもありますし、忙しくて中々時間が取れなかったので、メールですべて済んだのはとても助かりました。 忙しい方にはいいと思います。レスポンスもとても速かったです。 当日は時間通りに到着し、テキパキと荷物を運んでくれました。 スタッフの当たりはずれはあると思いますが、幸い、スタッフのTさん(実名は伏せておきます)が、とても丁寧に仕事をしてくださいましたので、私的には大満足でした。 また事前のメールでのお見積りと、実際のお支払いは全く同じ価格でした。
I used it the other day. The deciding factor for this was to email me all the pre-quotes. I didn't want to let other people in my house because of the corona, and I was too busy to take time, so it was very helpful to have all done by email. I think it's good for busy people. The response was also very fast. Arrived on time on the day and carried me a lot of luggage. I think the staff may be wrong, but fortunately, Mr. T (whose real name is hidden) worked very carefully, so I was very satisfied. Also, the price quoted in advance and the actual payment were exactly the same.
rice rabbit K on Google

繁忙期の中、急ぎ業者さんを探してググッてたらとても評判がよく、実際も不要な勧誘などは一切なしでレスポンスもとても早かったです。 急な見積もり内容の変更などを含め、作業の速さ、来てくださった方の対応など全て満点でした。 荷物を全部運んで頂いた後に他の家電などの設置も手伝ってくださってとても助かりました。 引越しで疲れましたが、気分よく終わることができました。 ありがとうございました! また機会があれば利用したいです!
During the busy season, when I was rushing to find a trader, it was very well received, and in fact, there was no unnecessary solicitation and the response was very quick. The speed of the work and the response of the people who came, including the sudden change in the contents of the estimate, were all perfect. It was very helpful to help me install other home appliances after carrying all my luggage. I was tired from moving, but I felt good. thank you! I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity!
romin on Google

友人の紹介で、見積もりをお願いしたところ繁忙期にも関わらず格安で引き受けてくださりました。見積りの際も、写真をLINEで送るのでとても簡単なのに適正な見積もりをして頂きました。 引っ越し作業自体も、丁寧な作業で安心してお任せできました。業者さんも親切でとても気持ちがよかったです。 また機会がありましたら、是非お願い致します。
When I was introduced by a friend and asked for a quote, he accepted it at a bargain price despite the busy season. When making an estimate, I sent the photo via LINE, so it was very easy, but I got an appropriate estimate. I was able to leave the moving work itself with peace of mind with careful work. The trader was also kind and very pleasant. If you have another chance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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