
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact えど家

住所 :

Kitanagaike, 〒381-0025 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–8PM
Thursday 11:30AM–8PM
Friday 11:30AM–8PM
街 : Nagano

Kitanagaike, 〒381-0025 Nagano,Japan
あらら?arara? on Google

お互いに知ってはいるが会った事がない。なかなか会う機会がなく、何年もそのままに。という関係だった友人・知人が幾人かいる。共通の友人が何人もいて、話題に上るのでなんとなく知った関係でいるような気になってくる。出身校が同じだったとか、地元が一緒だったとかいうものたちとグループごと仲良くなった場合によくある事だ。  そんなに面白そうなヤツなら会ってみたい、今度つれてきてよ or 連れていってよ。と、お互いに言っているのだが、その度毎に都合が悪くなった、こちらが体調を崩したと、変な理由でなかなか行き会えない。ようやく会えたのが10年後だったり、じつはまだ…というのもいたりする。 人と同じで、よく知っているに関わらず行った事がない場所というのもある。  人間の行動の8割は反射で決定づけらる、というから誰しもなんとなく行き来している事になる。仕事でも私用でも、その方向に向かう時にほぼ同じ道路を通ってしまうのも、そんな背景があるからだろう。"なんとなく運転"はいけない事だが、これは人間の習性だから仕方がない。とはいえ、行程のすべてでぼーっとしているわけないし、むしろ慣れた道の方が安心安全な状況にあるともいえる。  「えど家」 木工団地という地名は、けっこうあちらこちらにある。かつてはそれだけ製材や木材加工が盛んだったという事だ。長野市にも木工団地はあり、現在も数社ではあるが残っている。そこのど真ん中の通り端にこちらはある。以前からしょっちゅう通りかかり、存在感が気になっていたのだ。評判もよし、では行ってみようと腰をあげると駐車場がいっぱいだったり、臨時休業だったり。店の前に立った瞬間に緊急の用事が入ったりと、ずるずるお邪魔しないまま10年が経過してしまった。今回ようやく、駐車場が空いていてなおかつ営業中である。今を逃したら次はない、いざ行かん。 カウンターのみの店は、ご夫妻であろう初老のおじちゃんおばちゃんが元気に切り盛りされている。メニューを検討したが総じて安くないか?これは嬉しい。とはいえ初訪問はこれだ。  「塩焼きそば」500円 あんかけ焼きそばに分類されるであろう。塩味の白いあんは大量のキャベツともやしに豚こま肉、にんじんで構成されている。揚げ焼きされた細麺は、表面パリッとなかはふわふわ、野菜たっぷりの塩あんとの相性抜群である。そもそも、あんかけ焼きそばに酢、そしてカラシという組み合わせを考案したのは誰なのだろうか。出会いものとはよく言うが、これほど絶妙な出会いはなかろう。  「餃子」250円 あんかけ焼きそばときたらご飯だろう。と、本来なら考えるのだが何しろ初訪問なのだ。ここはやはり中華の顔、餃子を注文する事が正答だ。小ぶりの餃子は6個、茶に焼かれた表面に食欲はそそられるばかりだ。パリッとひと噛みじゅわっと溢れる肉汁、というのは餃子のあるべき姿である。  こちらは基本的にラーメン屋さんのようだが、カツ丼親子丼などの丼もの、定食類も充実している。じつは隣席の方が食べていたカツカレーが気になってならない。ようやく出会えたのだから、食べ尽くさねば気がすまない。
I know each other but never met. There is not a chance to meet easily, so many years as it is. There are some friends and acquaintances who were related. There are many friends in common, and they talk about things, so I feel like I have a relationship that I know somehow. This is often the case when the whole group gets along well with the ones where the school of origin is the same or the locals are together. I would like to meet you if that guy looks so interesting, I'll come next time or take me along. And, as we say each other, it has become inconvenient each time, and when this gets sick, we can not meet easily for strange reasons. It's been ten years since I finally met, and it's still .... There is also a place that is the same as a person, and I have never been there despite knowing it well. Eighty percent of human behavior is determined by reflection, so everyone is coming and going somehow. Whether it's work or private, it's probably because you're going through the same road when heading in that direction. "Driving somehow" is something that should not be done, but this is a human habit and it can not be helped. However, not all of the trips are blurred, but rather the more familiar roads are safe and secure. "Edo House" The place name of the woodworking area is here and there. It used to be that lumbering and lumber processing were popular. There is a woodworking area in Nagano City, and although it is still several companies, it still remains. Here is at the end of the middle street. It's always been a while, and I've been worried about my presence. Good reputation, but if you sit up trying to go, the parking lot is full, or it is temporarily closed. When I stood in front of the store, emergency business came in, and ten years had passed without getting in the way. This time finally, the parking lot is open and still in operation. There is no next time you miss it now. At the counter-only store, the elder uncle aunt, who will be the husband and wife, is doing well. We examined menu, but is not cheap generally? This is nice. However, the first visit is this. Salt fried noodles 500 yen It will be classified as Ankake Yakisoba. A salty white bean paste is composed of a large amount of cabbage and bean sprouts, pork chop and meat. Fried and grilled thin noodles are excellent in compatibility with salty peppers with plenty of vegetables and plenty of vegetables. In the first place, who is it that devised the combination of ankake chow mein with vinegar and then mustard? It is often said that it is an encounter, but it would not be such an exquisite encounter. "Yuzu" 250 yen Ankake fried noodles will be rice. And, I think if it is, but it is my first visit after all. Again, the correct answer is to order Chinese faces and dumplings. Six small-sized dumplings, the tea-baked surface is a tempting appetite. A crispy, full-boiled meat soup is the ideal form of dumplings. Basically, it looks like a ramen restaurant, but there are also good food and set meals such as katsudon and omelet bowls. Actually, I don't care about the cutlet curry that the next seat was eating. Since I finally met, I have no choice but to eat it.
koomey on Google

〒381-0025 長野県長野市北長池1951-28 『えど家』 カツカレー ¥600- ☆☆☆★ とても気になっていたお店です。 駐車場はいつもいっぱいなので機会を伺ってましたが11時過ぎに一台空いてたのでIN❗️ ついに初訪問です。 評判のいいカツカレーと五目ラーメンと非常に悩みましたが再訪もあり得るので今回はカツカレーを注文しました。カレーは苦手な方ですけどね。 注文してから揚げるカツはアツアツで少しスパイシーなカレーは半分食べた頃にはヤッパリ汗が噴き出して来ました。 でもDelicious‼️ 早い美味い安いの王道で本当に美味しいですよ。 隣のお客さんが五目ラーメンを食べてましたが次回は迷う事なくこれを注文しようと心に決めたのでした。 #blues #長野市 #えど家 #カツカレー #麺活 #老犬の恋 #君と見たい空 #お前とは遊ばない #腰抜けチャリンコ野郎 #悪男 #金玉会 #小梅
〒381-0025 1951-28 Kitanagaike, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture "Edo House" Cutlet curry ¥ 600- ☆☆☆ ★ It is a shop that I was very interested in. The parking lot is always full, so I asked for an opportunity, but one car was vacant after 11 o'clock, so IN ❗️ It's finally my first visit. I was very worried about the popular cutlet curry and Gomoku ramen, but I ordered the cutlet curry this time because I could come back again. I'm not good at curry, though. The cutlet that was fried after ordering was hot and the curry that was a little spicy was half-eaten, and when I ate half of it, sweat started to spurt out. But Delicious! ️ It's fast, delicious and cheap, and it's really delicious. The customer next door was eating Gomoku ramen, but next time I decided to order it without hesitation. #blues #Nagano City #Edo House #Katsu Curry #Noodle Activity #Old Dog Love #Sky I Want to See With You #I Don't Play With You #Bicycle Clinker #Evil Man #Kintamakai #Koume
Kuro Ko on Google

The store I've always wanted to visit. It's a small shop with only a counter, but it was full when I visited. There were various menus, but first of all, I wanted to experience this cheapness and simplicity, so I had a cup of ramen! 350 Yenya! It's not a matter of taste. I think it's wonderful that they do it at this price and are on the side of the common people. Please do your best forever. I will go again.
Tanoyatsu on Google

Ramen was 350 yen, and the highest price was 650 yen for a yakiniku set meal during this Reiwa era. Moreover, all of them are generous and really delicious. My mom is busy cooking, accounting, and responding to phone calls, but she never shows me the murderous place and cares about me, "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting" or "Be careful because it's hot." At first, I was afraid to exchange information with the owner, who is mainly in charge of delivery, but as I get used to it, this is also a specialty here. I like cutlet curry the most.
山田家の人々“山田家の人々” on Google

本日は五目ラーメンをいただいた 490円 大盛り 80円 腹パンパンです 五目の下に何か?隠れている 確かめてみてください 食べる楽しみがひとつ増えるかも? あとおっちゃんとおばちゃんの やりとりが笑える(^。^)
I got Gomoku Ramen today 490 yen Large serving 80 yen I'm hungry What is under the fifth? Hiding Please check Maybe one more pleasure to eat? And uncle and aunt The exchange is funny (^. ^)
S Y on Google

It's a small shop with about 7 seats at the counter, but customers come frequently. Noodles (ramen, udon, soba) are available for around 500 yen, and set meals are available for around 600 yen.
on Google

元気ハツラツ気っ風の宜しいお父さんと…チャキチャキ手際良いお母さん…名コンビの御夫婦?で切り盛りの…旨くて…?安くて…?ボリューム満点?…近くの常連さんや勤め人…通りすがりリーマン御用達の…お店です…? お父さん…お母さん…ガンバ~?? 御馳走様…?又来るねぇ~????
Cheerful and cheerful dad and ... cheerful mom ... a couple of great combinations? It's so delicious ... It's delicious ... ? It's cheap ... Dad ... Mom ... Gamba ~ ?? Treat ... ? I'll come again ~ ????
Ki kori on Google

Good tast, good price, good owners!

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