Kimigaerikannon - Minamiuonuma

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kimigaerikannon

住所 :

1094 Kimigaeri, Minamiuonuma, Niigata 949-6601, Japan

Postal code : 949-6601

1094 Kimigaeri, Minamiuonuma, Niigata 949-6601, Japan
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I slipped on the stone steps and fell. It seems better to stop praying for success.
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6世紀に泰澄大師がに阿弥陀如来像を大日堂に安置した事が始まり。1187年に源義経と修験者が逃亡中に大日堂に滞在して、持っていた観世音菩薩像と紺紙金泥の経巻を寺に納めたとされるとのこと。 立派な門もあり、素朴な仁王像が鎮座されておりました。 観世音菩薩像は33年に一度?しか御開帳されないようで、写真が安置されています。 本物かどうかわかりませんが阿弥陀如来像らしき仏像も安置されており有難かったです。
In the 6th century, Taicho Daishi enshrined the Amida Nyorai statue in Dainichido. It is said that in 1187, Minamoto no Yoshitsune and the Shugendo stayed at Dainichido during their flight and put the Kanzeon Bodhisattva statue and the navy blue paper gold paint sutra in the temple. There was also a magnificent gate, and a simple statue of Nio was enshrined. Is the Kanzeon Bodhisattva statue once every 33 years? It seems that only the book is opened, and the photo is enshrined. I don't know if it's genuine, but I'm grateful that the Buddha statue that seems to be the Amida Nyorai statue is also enshrined.

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