Kikuchi Hospital - Toyota

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kikuchi Hospital

住所 :

5 Chome-1 Wakamiyacho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 471-0026
Webサイト :

5 Chome-1 Wakamiyacho, Toyota, Aichi 471-0026, Japan
米田務 on Google

皮膚科の先生は優しい先生です。 問診も丁寧にしてくださいました。 昔から季節性やストレス等が関係してアトピーがひどく出る時があり、皮膚科通院が欠かせません。引っ越してきたばかりで、知り合いにこちらを紹介してもらいました。院内も清潔で良い病院だと思います。
The dermatologist is a kind teacher. The interview was also polite. Since a long time ago, there are times when atopy is severely related to seasonality and stress, etc., and a dermatology visit is indispensable. I've just moved in and I was introduced to this by an acquaintance. I think the hospital is clean and good.
Y N on Google

I wanted to go to the urology department, but at the reception I was asked what department I should go to, so I said, "If there is a questionnaire, write it down." But I was asked what the department was. I would like you to say that you will be in trouble if you do not tell what department you are going to receive, and at the time when you are trying to make it difficult to say. This hospital is really too delicate. It's impossible to say that it's a urology department with a grandfather or grandmother behind us at the reception with a waiting chair in the back. If I couldn't say a few things, another receptionist woman came out from behind and was embarrassed and returned. Hospital staff, put your hands on your chest and think. If I have to go to the hospital for a delicate problem, can I call it a urologist with a few people waiting at the reception? Even those who are engaged in medical treatment are embarrassed. I'm sure I would be ashamed to have gathered behind the reception and laughed at me after I returned.
z wxy on Google

まず受付で何科にかかりたいか聞かれます。受付の真後ろに待合室があるので、この状況で言うの?と戸惑いました。小さい声で答えると、受付の方には案の定大声で「分かりました!泌尿器科ですね!」と言われました。待合室に要る10数名の方に丸聞こえです。凄く嫌な思いをしました。クチコミを見てると同じ様な思いをした方が多数いらっしゃるみたいです。 泌尿器科にかかりたい方は、別な病院で受診される事をお勧めします。
First of all, the reception will ask you how many departments you want to take. There is a waiting room right behind the reception, so do you say this in this situation? I was confused. When I answered in a soft voice, the receptionist said in a loud voice, "OK! Urology!" It can be heard by more than 10 people in the waiting room. I was very disgusted. Looking at the word-of-mouth, it seems that there are many people who have similar feelings. If you want to go to the urology department, we recommend that you visit another hospital.
20 zel on Google

内科医の男に経緯と状態を伝えるも何ら説明無しで終。 説明しない理由は症状が軽微であるので安い薬の処方で済む事、 軽微で薬の値段が安いなら、男は「時間を掛ける必要が無い」と判断したと推察。 患者は体調悪化の原因を知りたかっただろう 話を聴いた私が悪化の原因を説明し解決した 医者も弁護士も警察官も何れはこう成りゆく者の一例 悲しいようだが、自己解決出来ず苦しむ者は職を果たす者を求めて世の中を探し続けるしかない 211020現在 24投稿で評価2.7を確認後投稿
I told the internist man about the circumstances and condition, but it ended without any explanation. The reason for not explaining is that the symptoms are minor, so you can prescribe cheap medicine. If it is minor and the price of the medicine is low, it is speculated that the man decided that "it is not necessary to spend time". The patient would have wanted to know the cause of his illness I heard the story and explained the cause of the deterioration and solved it An example of a doctor, a lawyer, a police officer, etc. It seems sad, but those who suffer because they cannot solve themselves have no choice but to continue searching the world for those who can fulfill their jobs. 211020 Currently 24 posts, posted after confirming rating 2.7
kanta n on Google

他の人が言うとおり、電話受付の人は無愛想で不親切。マイナス要因。 実際の看護師や医師は、普通。電話受付の件があるから、ギャップで親切に感じた。 近くなら行けばいいし、わざわざ遠くから行く病院ではないと思う。 診察に不満もないので星3。
As others say, the person at the telephone reception is unfriendly and unfriendly. Negative factor. Actual nurses and doctors are normal. I felt kind in the gap because there was a telephone reception. If it's near, you can go, and I don't think it's a hospital that you bother to go from far away. I'm not dissatisfied with the examination, so I got 3 stars.
ましゅきゃっと on Google

内科と皮膚科に通院しています。 内科の先生はちょっと危なっかしい感じ 他のところで1度掛かった時に処方されている薬をいったら非常にレガシーな薬とのこと、専門ではないので底に関しては評価できないですが 皮膚科は医院長先生の時と別の先生の時があります。(曜日) 初診の時はカレンダーの初診と書かれた日付の方が良いでしょう。
I go to the internal medicine and dermatology departments. Internal medicine teacher feels a little dangerous The medicine that is prescribed when it is taken once elsewhere is a very legacy medicine, and since it is not a specialty, I can not evaluate the bottom. There are times when the dermatologist is the director of the clinic and when he is another teacher. (day of week) At the time of the first visit, it is better to have the date written as the first visit on the calendar.
Sinapon on Google

子供の頃に捻挫を診て頂いたお爺さん先生がかなりヤブだったので避けてきましたが、皮膚科を検索したら出てきたので家から近いので行ってみました。 ホームページ情報で皮膚科の初診は月水金の午前中です。今日は素敵な女性の先生でした。よく話を聞いてくださり自分のスキンケアの間違いがよく分かりました。看護師さんも受付けの方も親切でした。ダメ元でいったので意外にも良い経験になりました。 (入院病棟に寝たきりだった叔母がお世話になってます。世話をしていた叔父の方が先に逝ってしまったものですから。)
My grandfather, who had a sprain when I was a kid, was pretty crazy, so I avoided it, but when I searched for a dermatologist, it came up, so I went there because it was close to my house. According to the website information, the first visit to the dermatologist is on the morning of Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I was a lovely female teacher today. He listened to me and understood my skin care mistakes. Both the nurse and the receptionist were kind. It was a surprisingly good experience because I went with no good. (My aunt who was bedridden in the hospital ward is indebted to me, because the uncle who was taking care of me died first.)
さささの on Google

子供がお世話になりました。小児専門ではないと思いますが皮膚科の先生や院長先生に丁寧に診察していただけました。経過もしっかり診て頂けました。看護師さんも優しい。 今はわかりませんが何回か通いましたがいつも空いていました。予約も要りません。待合室は広く他患者さんと隣り合うこともないです。 歩いて行ける所に薬局が無いためそこが不便に感じました。 事務の男の人たちは無愛想。まぁ、サービス業じゃないですからね。どこもこんなもんですよ。
The child was taken care of. I don't think it's a pediatric specialty, but I was able to see the dermatologist and the director carefully. I was able to check the progress well. The nurses are also kind. I don't know now, but I went there several times, but it was always free. No reservation required. The waiting room is large and does not sit next to other patients. I found it inconvenient because there is no pharmacy within walking distance. The clerical men are unfriendly. Well, it's not a service industry. Everywhere is like this.

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