Kiku no Taki Falls - 衣川区天田 Oshu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kiku no Taki Falls

住所 :

衣川区天田 Oshu, Iwate 029-4315, Japan

Postal code : 029-4315

衣川区天田 Oshu, Iwate 029-4315, Japan
Big MOMO on Google

There was a space at the side of the road where a few carts could be parked. It can be seen immediately from the road. There is not much difference in height, but it is a waterfall that can be easily seen.
taka k on Google

It was a garden-like and enviable landscape of a private house.
daisuke kuroki on Google

滝じゃなくて淵 道沿いに大きい看板が立ってるので偶然通りかかった時以外、訪瀑する必要は無いかなと思う。道路上から見れる超お手軽滝。
Fuchi, not a waterfall There is a big signboard along the road, so I don't think it's necessary to visit unless you happen to pass by. A super easy waterfall that can be seen from the road.
Laboマロン on Google

道路のすぐ脇にある。それほど落差はないがゴーゴー音がする。文治4年(1188)前後の頃、源義経と北の方が度々遊覧したと伝えられ、両者の歌も残されている。 右側の家がキレイなので気になった。 アリエッティがいそうだ。
Right next to the road. There is not much difference, but there is a go-go sound. Around 1188, it was said that Minamoto Yoshitsune and the north had frequently visited, and the songs of both parties were also left behind. The house on the right was beautiful, so I was curious. There seems to be Arrietty.
タビガラス on Google

昔は11メートルの落差があったとか。 義経さんの歌が残っています。
There used to be a head of 11 meters. Yoshitsune's song remains.
きんちゃん on Google

If you look at it from the car to the road, you may not feel a big deal, but if you get off the driveway you can see the stunning waterfall. Even if it is a waterfall, the difference in elevation is small, and the solid bedrock, the cool stream water flowing there and the surrounding trees give a very good atmosphere.
岩城一人 on Google

道路沿いにあります。 気をつけないと通り過ぎてしまいます。 草が刈られており、しっかり手入れがされていました。 地元の方々からも慕われている場所なのだなという印象を受けました。
Located along the road. If you are not careful, you will pass by. The grass was mowed and well maintained. I got the impression that it is a place that is loved by the locals.
j koma on Google

滝というか川というか分からないですが、とても良い景色でした。 衣川10景だそうで他も見てみたくなりました。
I don't know if it's a waterfall or a river, but it was a very nice view. It seems that there are 10 views of Kinugawa, so I wanted to see others.

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