
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 奥州湖眺望台

住所 :

Isawaku Wakayanagi, Oshu, 〒023-0403 Iwate,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Iwate

Isawaku Wakayanagi, Oshu, 〒023-0403 Iwate,Japan
藤原孝幸 on Google

紅葉を期待して来て見ましたがチョット早かった でも綺麗な二重の虹が見れたのでコレはこれで良かった ダム湖も美しく駒ヶ岳~焼石岳も白くなり流石に雨と風の今日は薄着では寒かった
I came and saw it in anticipation of the autumn leaves, but it was a little early, but I could see a beautiful double rainbow, so this was good. Then it was cold
junya chiba on Google

The Isawa Dam is located in the Isawa River, which is located in the Kitakami River system in Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture, and aims to control floods, secure flow rates for river environment conservation, supply irrigation and tap water, and generate electricity. At the beginning of the 21st century, it was completed as one of the largest rockfill dams in Japan, replacing the Ishibuchi Dam (completed in 1953) located about 2km upstream.
B N on Google

胆沢ダムを望める高台。 景色と空気は最高ですが、道はかなり狭いです。 急カーブもあるので要注意。
A hill overlooking Isawa Dam. The scenery and air are great, but the roads are quite narrow. Be careful as there are sharp curves.
Arle Heinessen on Google

Google Mapではここまで結ぶ道がうまくナビゲートできてないので注意です。国道を胆沢ダム手前から、ひめかゆスキー場を指し示す看板に曲がると行けます。登り坂からは、退避所が散在する狭い道でカーブミラーもあまりないので対向車に警戒しながら登る感じ、平日だと人気の少ない見晴らしのよいところです。
Please note that Google Map does not navigate the way up to this point. From the front of Isawa Dam on the national highway, turn to the sign that points to Himekayu Ski Area. From the uphill, it is a narrow road with scattered shelters and there are not many curved mirrors, so it feels like climbing while being wary of oncoming vehicles, and it is a place with a good view that is not popular on weekdays.
米内光政 on Google

たまたま見つけた場所です。 案内看板があまりありませんがダムが一望でき素晴らしいです。
This is the place I happened to find. There aren't many signboards, but it's wonderful because you can see the dam.
タモスタモス(男鹿本) on Google

景色は最高でした。 ただし時期が悪かったのか、アカウシアブが何匹も飛んでおり、のんびりと眺めてはいられませんでした。 また今度、時期を見て訪れようと思います。
The view was amazing. However, probably because it was a bad time, many Akaushiabs were flying and I couldn't take a leisurely look at them. Next time, I will visit at the right time.
坂上隼広 on Google

4/10に訪ねました。望み大橋と同じく4月後半まで通行止めの模様。GWの頃には開通しているだろうか? 8/22追記→5/29にやっと行けました。目下の建物がとても小さく見えてしまう絶景で、価値のある訪問でした。 道が狭いかなと思いましたが、適度にスペースが設けられておりそれらを把握していれば楽に行けるかと思います。一番は安全運転で! 駐車場は思ってたより広かったです。
I visited on 4/10. It seems that the road will be closed until the latter half of April as well as Hope Ohashi. Is it open by the time of Golden Week? 8/22 postscript → I was finally able to go on 5/29. It was a valuable visit with a spectacular view that makes the current building look very small. I thought the road was narrow, but I think it would be easier if there were appropriate spaces and I knew them. The best is safe driving! The parking lot was larger than I expected.
M K on Google

10月の終わりに訪問、紅葉の時期か結構人が居たけど紅葉はそこまで鮮やかじゃないかな…? どちらかと言うと雄大な焼石連峰の方に目を奪われた 胆沢ダムを見下ろせる形となっており歩いてる人に手を降ったら気付いてもらえるだろうか?て位の微妙な距離感
I visited at the end of October, and there were quite a few people during the autumn leaves, but the autumn leaves are so vivid ...? If anything, I was fascinated by the magnificent Yakiishi mountain range. It is shaped to look down on Isawa Dam, and will people who are walking notice it if they drop their hands? A delicate sense of distance

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