Koguro Falls - Kogurotaki 鳥海字 大東町 Ichinoseki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koguro Falls

住所 :

Kogurotaki 鳥海字 大東町 Ichinoseki, Iwate 029-0602, Japan

Postal code : 029-0602

Kogurotaki 鳥海字 大東町 Ichinoseki, Iwate 029-0602, Japan
菊幸 on Google

道路のすぐ脇にあります。 綺麗ですよ。
It's right at the side of the road. Beautiful.
Fu Mu Ta on Google

The autumn leaves and waterfalls are beautiful. The slope up to the bottom is covered with fallen leaves and is very slippery.
hiro ono on Google

It's a very beautiful place. Local children were playing around.
Junya Murakami on Google

四季折々の景色が楽しめます。 下に降りる際は足を滑らせないように注意してください。
You can enjoy the seasonal views. Be careful not to slide your foot when descending.
藤原孝幸 on Google

道路の直ぐ脇にあり遊歩道も整備されている 涼しげで気持ちが良い 小さい滝がいくつかある
It is right next to the road and has a well-maintained promenade. There are some small waterfalls that are cool and comfortable.
fumi sai on Google

紅葉?も終わりかけの時期に行きました。 道路脇に路駐になりましたが、降りてすぐの場所から眺めることのできる滝でした 落差はないものの、水量も多く迫力がありました。 春夏秋冬どの時期でも見がいのある滝です
Autumn leaves ? also went to the end of the season. It was parked on the side of the road, but it was a waterfall that you can see from the place right after you got off. Although there was no head, the amount of water was large and powerful. It is a waterfall that is worth seeing at any time of the year.
Maestro Kongoh on Google

今度の週末がちょうど見ごろだと思います。 廻りの山も綺麗でした。
I think this weekend is just in full bloom. The surrounding mountains were also beautiful.
Nakamura Kimikazu on Google

ここに滝が 上流も下流も普通に川(沢)、でもここだけは景色が一変!幾重モノ段差を流れ落ちる滝 一見の価値はあるかと思います。 遊歩道とか足場はあまり整備されてません、水辺近くの岩が非常に滑り易いです、気をつけて下さい。
There is a waterfall here The river (sawa) is normal both upstream and downstream, but the scenery changes completely only here! A waterfall that runs down a multi-layered mono step I think it's worth a look. The promenade and scaffolding are not well maintained, the rocks near the water are very slippery, please be careful.

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