KEKU CAFE - Sannohe District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Shimoshuku-7 Tomabechi, Nambu, Sannohe District, Aomori 039-0802, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878879
Postal code : 039-0802
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–9:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–9:30PM

Shimoshuku-7 Tomabechi, Nambu, Sannohe District, Aomori 039-0802, Japan
サイドー口ひとみ on Google

初めて雪菜?のpastaを食べました。聞き慣れないので調べたら? ほうれん草?とかと 同じに食べるといいみたいです。バスの待ち時間に1人で行ったのですが、オーダーのタイミングが絶妙で、サラダに胡椒をかけようとした時もなかなか出なくて困っていたら、何も言わずに来て下さってかけてくれました? 1人で行っても、とても嬉しい気分にさせてもらいました! もちろん、pastaも食後の珈琲☕️も美味しかったです。
Yukina for the first time? I ate pasta. I'm not used to hearing it, so I looked it up ? Spinach ? I think you should eat it in the same way. I went alone while waiting for the bus, but the timing of the order was exquisite, and when I tried to sprinkle pepper on the salad, if I was in trouble, please come without saying anything. Gave me ? Even if I went alone, I was very happy! Of course, both pasta and coffee ☕️ after meals were delicious.
工藤慶子 on Google

おいしかった?また いきたいねっ
ATSUKO. T on Google

日曜の昼ごろ伺いました。案の定混んでいましたが前から気になっていたカフェだったので外で待ちました。車の方は車内で番号札を見えるところに置いて待ち。私たちは?️だったので外で立って待ち。椅子があると良いなぁと思いながら20分程待って入店。ランチのパスタは二種類のメニューから選ぶものでしたがどちらも平打ちのパスタでちょっと苦手でしたが食べてみたら味もパスタも最高に美味しかったです?まぁ好みかと思いますが私は好きです?お値段は安くはないかな? 店の外も中もとてもおしゃれで店員さんの対応もとても良かったです?。
I visited around noon on Sunday. It was crowded as expected, but it was a cafe that I had been interested in for a long time, so I waited outside. If you are in a car, put the number tag in a visible place and wait. We were ?️ so stand outside and wait. I waited for about 20 minutes and entered the store, thinking that it would be nice to have a chair. I had to choose from two types of pasta for lunch, but both were flat pasta and I was not good at it, but when I tried it, the taste and pasta were the best ? I think I like it, but I like it ? Isn't the price cheap ? The outside and inside of the store are very fashionable and the clerk's response was very good ?.
ooa aui on Google

ケクーランチの2名用セットを頼みました☆ 前菜からデザートまで1つずつ選びましたが、 予想以上に量が多くて、最後のデザートとドリンクは、正直美味しいけど、食べ終えるのに精一杯でした!笑 どれも美味しいので、オススメです♡ でも、このセットを頼む方は、量がたくさん食べれる方と一緒に行く事をオススメします。笑 私自身、割と量は多めに食べれる方ですが、辛かったです。笑 1つ、写真を撮り忘れましたが、満腹コースです♡ ちなみにメインのパスタは、2人で取り分けるのではなく、1人分ずつで運ばれてきます。 なので、写真は1人分です!
I ordered a set for 2 people of Keku Ranch ☆ I chose one from the appetizer to the dessert, The amount was larger than expected, and the last dessert and drink were delicious to be honest, but I was doing my best to finish it! Lol All of them are delicious, so I recommend them ♡ However, if you order this set, we recommend that you go with someone who can eat a lot. Lol I myself am a person who can eat a large amount, but it was spicy. Lol I forgot to take one photo, but it's a full course ♡ By the way, the main pasta is not shared by two people, but is carried by one person at a time. So the photo is for one person!
BabaShrimpのカリブ音楽 on Google

土曜のランチタイムに三戸で人気のカフェに行ってみました なんと4組入店待ちで、席が空くまでの間は渡された番号札をダッシュボードに置いて車の中で待ちます(待ち時間は約20分) 店内はとてもオシャレなつくりで、ここだけ都会的な雰囲気があります◎ 入り口のショーウィンドウにはケーキだけでなく、コーヒー豆も販売しており、入り口入ってすぐ左に焙煎器が置いてありました。 ランチメニューはAかBの2種類で、どちらもパスタです。 とても雰囲気は良いのですが、食事は可もなく不可もなくというカンジ その割には価格が高いので満足感は低めかなと思いました。 平日の空いてる時間のカフェ利用なら需要があるかなと思うのですが、場所的にそういう使い方は難しいかな・・・ 値段は高くてもいいのですが、もっと美味しいものが食べられると評価が高いのになと思いました。 せっかくオシャレな空間なので勿体無いなという感想です。
I went to a popular cafe in Sannohe at lunch time on Saturday Waiting for 4 groups to enter the store, put the number tag given to you on the dashboard and wait in the car until the seat becomes available (waiting time is about 20 minutes) The inside of the store is very fashionable and has an urban atmosphere only here ◎ Not only cakes but also coffee beans were sold in the show window at the entrance, and there was a roaster on the left immediately after entering the entrance. There are two types of lunch menus, A and B, both of which are pasta. The atmosphere is very good, but the food is neither good nor bad. For that reason, the price is high, so I thought the satisfaction was low. I think there is demand for using the cafe during the free time on weekdays, but it is difficult to use it in that way ... The price can be high, but I thought that it would be highly evaluated if you could eat more delicious food. It's a fashionable space, so it's a waste.
リコピンネット on Google

I made a reservation for lunch before going. It's getting crowded and it's better to make a reservation! ️It's expensive for the amount, but you can find dishes that are particular about the ingredients! ️ Very ⤴️⤴️ I was convinced because it was delicious ? I was a glutton, so I wanted to eat more, but I was grateful for this ?
切れ者アカツキ on Google

I ate a keku set that we shared and ate. It's pricey, but no matter what you eat, it's delicious and you can't eat it at any other restaurant. ? Roast duck salad is recommended! ️I had a latte for drinks. Latte art is perfect ? Dessert was selected from the showcase. I want to repeat again (^-^)
Kundan Sodha on Google

The most delicious taste i have ever tasted.. The cafe is located on top of the city which makes this already special so must try restaurant and staff and owner are friendly too!!!

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