Al Ceppo(アルチェッポ) - Sumoto

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Al Ceppo(アルチェッポ)

住所 :

Honmachi, Sumoto, 〒656-0025 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87998
Postal code : 656-0025
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Honmachi, Sumoto, 〒656-0025 Hyogo,Japan
海岩花凡 on Google

前回ランチを頂いてメニューも豊富で美味しくお店の方の対応も凄く良かったのでリピートでディナーへ。 ピザもパスタも最高で偏食気味の息子がむしゃぶりつくように平らげました。 何よりお店の方の対応が素晴らしい。 淡路島に行くときは必ずリピートします。
I had lunch last time and the menu was abundant and delicious, and the response from the shop staff was very good, so I went to dinner repeatedly. The pizza and pasta were the best, and my son, who had an unbalanced diet, flattened it so that he would suck. Above all, the correspondence of the shop staff is wonderful. I always repeat when I go to Awaji Island.
チキン on Google

ランチとディナーで伺いました。 奥さんの接客が丁寧で、凄く居心地が良かったです。 料理もとても美味しく、普段使いしたくなるお店でした。 また、是非伺って色々なお料理をたべてみたいです!
I visited for lunch and dinner. The customer service of his wife was polite and it was very comfortable. The food was very delicious and I wanted to use it everyday. Also, I would love to visit and eat various dishes!
松本光平 on Google

ランチを食べにAl Ceppo行きました!! お店の前に駐車場も完備されてて複数台止められるので立地的に止めれないと思っていたので本当に良かったですお車での来店もおすすめです。 スタッフの方も入った瞬間に最高の笑顔でお出迎えしていただき最高でした。話し方も優しく丁寧に接客もしてくださりありがとうございました! ランチメニューのパスタも味も濃厚で量もぴったりびっくりするぐらい美味しいです。最後のデザートのチーズケーキも美味しく頂きました。 是非行ってみて下さい
I went to Al Ceppo for lunch! !! There is also a parking lot in front of the store, and multiple cars can be parked, so I thought it couldn't be stopped because of the location, so it was really good. We also recommend visiting by car. It was great to welcome the staff with the best smile the moment they entered. Thank you for speaking kindly and politely! The pasta on the lunch menu is rich in taste and the amount is so delicious that you will be surprised. The last dessert cheesecake was also delicious. Please go
伊奘冉伊弉諾 on Google

洲本市にあるレストラン 料理の味良くて量が多いのに価格は安いというコスパ最強のお店。 パスタもピザもハズレがありません。 定員さんも応対も素晴らしく、 淡路に来たら是非一度は足を運ぶべきレストランです。
Restaurant in Sumoto Price even though there is a large amount in good taste of the cuisine is COSPA strongest of shops that cheap. Pasta pizza does not have a loss. The capacity is also great, Restaurant once by all means should carry the foot you come to Awaji.
柳田崇志 on Google

外観からとてもお洒落なカフェのようなお店なのでインスタ映え間違いなし!! 駐車場があるのも+ポイントです!! 店内もとても綺麗で落ち着いた雰囲気で食事できるのでとてもおすすめです? 今回はパスタとスープがセットになったAセットを注文させていただきました! パスタが美味しいのはもちろん、激うまスープがおかわりし放題!! 美味しすぎて2回もおかわりもらっちゃいました、、笑 #少しは遠慮しろよ? またすぐリピートさせていただきます?
It's a very fashionable cafe-like shop from the outside, so it definitely looks great on Instagram! !! It is also a + point that there is a parking lot! !! The inside of the restaurant is also very beautiful and you can eat in a calm atmosphere, so it is highly recommended ? This time I ordered the A set, which is a set of pasta and soup! Not only is the pasta delicious, but you can also refill the intense horse soup as much as you want! !! It was so delicious that I got another refill twice, lol #Please refrain from a little ? I will repeat it soon ?
Anton Guljajev on Google

Very nice Italian place. The lunch menu has several options for pasta and salad/toast with a drink. Delicious with an option for a bigger portion! The pizzas are also nice and thin. Everything is clean and the owners are really friendly.
Monique C.H. on Google

Such a lovely chic atmosphere! The staff are very friendly and the space is clean and modern. The garlic toast was crisp and yummy and the pastas warm and creamy. The penne was wheat-based (hard to find in Japan) and the Spaghetti had a nice, thick meat sauce. The cheesecake was a little crumbly but tasty and the churro was crunchy and delicious. Would reccomend this place!
Salih Can Demir on Google

This restaurant competently brings together an exquisite and modern interior design with delicious hearty Italian food. Very good taste and food portion for the price. Polite and friendly service is the topping on the cake.

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