
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact うちさわ

住所 :

Kawai, Miyako, 〒028-2302 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Iwate

Kawai, Miyako, 〒028-2302 Iwate,Japan
佐藤英文 on Google

カツ丼が美味しいとの事で、カツ丼ざるセットをチョイス! もちろんカツ丼は美味しかったのですが、そばが美味しく、たれがやや甘めのオレ好み。 加えて、何も言わずに持って来るそば湯のタイミングが素晴らしい。 めったに★5は付けないのですが、文句なしの★5です。 次は、そば好きの妻を連れて行きたいと思います。ご馳走さまでした。
The katsudon is delicious, so I chose the katsudon colander set! Of course, the katsudon was delicious, but the soba was delicious and the sauce was a little sweet. In addition, the timing of the soba bath that you bring without saying anything is wonderful. I rarely add ★ 5, but it is ★ 5 without complaint. Next, I would like to take my wife who likes soba. It was a feast.
佐々木達也 on Google

Anyway, the katsudon is delicious ♪ I can only go there once a week because it's not near my house ♪ The soba is also delicious ♪ After all, the soba or soba is delicious, so anything is delicious Yeah ♪ Ah here's dumplings ... It's water dumplings, but this one is also delicious ~ ♪ Mr. Uchisawa ... I don't feel like opening a branch in Miyako city (laughs)
HIROYUKI on Google

前からかつ丼と蕎麦がうまいと聞いて、是非食したいと思っていたうちさわさんを、盛岡に行く途中遠回りして初めて訪問。 迷わず、かつ丼ざるセットを注文☺️ かつ丼好きな私も一発うまいと思う味と、そばもこしもしっかりした喉ごしのうまい蕎麦、そばつゆも美味しく文句無しでした。 今度は、ランチサービスの蕎麦の噴火盛り(噂によると2.5人前)を挑戦したいと思います? 美味いと聞いてなかったら、たぶん通りすがりでは立ち寄らなかったと思います‼️ 現在は、国道沿いにありますが、3月末に新しい道路が開通するのでいままで訪問したことの無い人は通りすぎてしまうかもしれないので、注意してください? かつ丼、蕎麦好きの方は是非一度訪問してみてください?
I heard that Katsudon and soba are good for a long time, so I visited Mr. Uchisawa, who wanted to eat it, for the first time on the way to Morioka. Don't hesitate and order a bowl of katsudon ☺️ I also like katsudon, and the taste that I think is delicious, the soba noodles that have a firm throat and the soba soup, and the soba soup were delicious and perfect. Next time, I would like to challenge the soba eruption prime (rumored 2.5 servings) of the lunch service ? If I hadn't heard that it was delicious, I would probably not have stopped by by passing by! ️ Currently, it is located along the national highway, but please note that a new road will open at the end of March, so people who have never visited may pass by ? If you like katsudon and soba, please come visit us ?
菅崎良一 on Google

I entered this area for the first time for about 40 years. I think the price is reasonable. The soba was delicious because it was kneaded with sesame seeds.
増井洋介 on Google

Buckwheat is good. Here definitely if eat at Rikuchukawai. Photo, hobby buckwheat two types of buckwheat can enjoy. You can eat it.
Nobuyuki Sasaki on Google

The soba is delicious. Zaru soba is recommended rather than warm soba.
すばる on Google

カツ丼が評判良いようなので、ミニそばとのセットを頂きました。卵とろとろ、カツも美味しかったです!また食べに来たいです。 2021/8/1から営業時間を変更しているようで、ラストオーダーが15時のようなのでご注意下さい(2021年9月現在)
Katsudon seems to have a good reputation, so I got a set with mini soba. The eggs and cutlets were delicious! I want to come to eat again. Please note that the business hours have changed from 2021 / 8/1, and the last order seems to be 15:00 (as of September 2021).
よしのさくら on Google

デイリーヤマザキが近くにあります。 舞茸天ざるとカツ丼とお蕎麦のセットを注文しました。 ボリューミーです。他の人がラーメンを注文していましたが、こちらもどんぶりが大きい。 お蕎麦は勿論、舞茸の天ぷらはサクサクして美味しかったです。つゆの味もしっかりしていて美味しかったです。 食事が終わりそうになった時に蕎麦湯を持って来てくれて嬉しかったです。 感染対策のため、代表者と電話番号を伝票の裏に書くようになっています。 レシートをデイリーヤマザキに持って行くと缶コーヒーなどが値引きになるそうです。 因みに店の前に『県外の人お断り』といったような張り紙は一切ありませんでした。
The Daily Yamazaki is nearby. I ordered a set of Maitake Tenzaru, Katsudon and Soba. It's volumey. Others ordered ramen, but this one is also big. Not only soba but also Maitake mushroom tempura was crispy and delicious. The taste of the soup was solid and delicious. I was happy to bring soba hot water when the meal was about to end. To prevent infection, the representative and telephone number are written on the back of the slip. If you bring the receipt to Daily Yamazaki, you can get a discount on canned coffee. By the way, there was no such thing as "No people outside the prefecture" in front of the store.

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