Hidaka Shokudo - Shiwa District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hidaka Shokudo

住所 :

Omine-40-3 Omaki, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3314, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Postal code : 028-3314
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–4PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–4PM
Tuesday 11AM–4PM
Wednesday 11AM–4PM
Thursday 11AM–4PM
Friday 11AM–4PM

Omine-40-3 Omaki, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3314, Japan
nori on Google

The menu is abundant but really very ordinary taste. It's homey if you say it well, but it's hard to stay in the impression because it's not so cheap and it doesn't have any features. The pickled buffet has a good taste, but it is not something that can be eaten in large quantities, and the coffee after eating is instant. Well it's a public cafeteria, so it's terrible to ask for high quality too much, but I think I want some impact.
山崎裕司 on Google

The menu is abundant ❗ A calm dining room where two aunts are working together ? All-you-can-eat homemade pickles (^ o ^) v
gen papa on Google

今日は2回目。鍋焼きうどんと玉子丼を( ´∀`)美味しかったです。前回とは違い空いてました。最後に☕️まで出ました( ゚∀゚)次はいつ行けるかな?
Today is the second time. Nabeyaki udon and tamagodon (´∀`) were delicious. It was vacant unlike the last time. Finally I got to ☕️ (゜ ∀ ゜) When can I go next ?
cozy kumatama on Google

It is a dining room with a homely feel. There is a set meal of noodle bowls. You can enjoy pickles before meals and coffee after meals. I had spicy ramen. It wasn't too hot.
藤原孝幸 on Google

初入店 注文して待ってると色んな漬物が無料で食べれました 美味しかったです で注文した海鮮ラーメンはチョット塩辛かったですが メニュー迷ったので次行った時楽しみ で今回は冷やしラーメン(大盛り)食べました んー!これは旨かったです❗
When I first entered the store and waited, I was able to eat various pickles for free. The seafood ramen I ordered was a bit salty, but I was confused about the menu, so I'm looking forward to the next time I went to eat chilled ramen (large serving). Tan! This was delicious ❗
Neko Ma on Google

紫波の野村胡堂記念館近くにあります。 ナビで探しながら行かないと中々見つからない穴場食堂です。 豚カララーメン醤油をいただきましたが、衣は薄く程よくスープを吸います。 甘めのスープに、ニラが良いアクセントです。 ここで食事をするとお漬物が食べ放題です。 すごく嬉しいサービスです。 接客も温かみがあり非常に好感が持てます。 町内のワンコイン食堂とは大違いです。 店内や敷地内に猫がいます。駐車場では十分に注意しましょう。
It is located near the Nomura Kodo Memorial Hall in Shiwa. It's a little-known dining room that you can't find unless you go while searching with the navigation system. I had pork ramen soy sauce, but the clothes are thin and I smoke the soup moderately. Garlic chives are a good accent to the sweet soup. If you eat here, you can eat all-you-can-eat pickles. It's a very nice service. The customer service is also warm and I like it very much. It is very different from the one-coin dining room in the town. There are cats in the store and on the premises. Be careful in the parking lot.
Papa gen on Google

前から気になってるお店の1つで都合良く昼の時間に寄れることができ入ってみますと…満杯(^-^;座るところはお座敷がありかなりの方が座れますのではいることと注文することはできましたが約35分程待ちました(^-^; ラーメンと小牛丼セット。お漬け物はセルフで食べ放題( ´∀`)お茶はほうじ茶。その他メニューが多く定食が良くでてました。肉鍋定食多かったかな。じゃじゃ麺もありました。オーナーは女将さん。厨房でところ狭しと注文をさばいてられました。次は鍋焼きうどんを狙い目でお邪魔したいと思います。
At one of the shops I've been interested in for a long time, I can conveniently stop by at noon time and try to enter ... Full (^-^; There is a tatami room where you can sit, so a lot of people can sit down. I was able to order, but I waited for about 35 minutes (^-^; Ramen and small beef bowl set. All-you-can-eat pickles ('∀`) Tea is roasted tea. There are many other menus and set meals It was good. I wonder if there were many meat pot set meals. There was also jaja noodles. The owner was the landlady. think.
ココPaPa on Google

久しぶりの来店。今日は少し寒かったので鍋焼きうどんをお願いしました。 少し醤油がキツいですが美味しかったです。豚肉はカシワ(ニワトリ)の方が旨いかもです。お漬物は食べ放題ですが少し塩辛い…。次は何をお願いしようなぁ。楽しみです。
It's been a long time since I visited the store. It was a little cold today, so I asked for Nabeyaki udon. The soy sauce was a little tough, but it was delicious. Kashiwa (chicken) may be better for pork. All-you-can-eat pickles, but a little salty ... What would you like next? I'm looking forward to it.

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